Items Listed in the Category Takaro posted in NZ Postcodes
Woburn Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Westhaven Grove, Takaro, Palmerston North Westmere Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Vernon Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Tiki Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Tabak Crescent, Takaro, Palmerston North Shamrock Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Seddon Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Rewa Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Renfrew Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Radnor Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Pirani Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Pioneer Highway, Takaro, Palmerston North Persson Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Pascal Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Moray Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Montrose Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Masonic Close, Takaro, Palmerston North Masonic Court, Takaro, Palmerston North Manchester Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Main Street, Takaro, Palmerston North MacEwen Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Lynwood Close, Takaro, Palmerston North Lyndhurst Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Liverpool Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Lancaster Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Kingswood Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Hull Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Hollows Crescent, Takaro, Palmerston North Hobson Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Highbury Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Haversham Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Gloucester Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Glasgow Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Gillespies Line, Takaro, Palmerston North;Manawatu Forbury Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Featherston Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Farnham Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Exeter Crescent, Takaro, Palmerston North Duna Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Downing Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Cuba Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Croydon Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Cowley Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Coventry Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Clausen Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Chelwood Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Burns Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Bryant Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Brighton Crescent, Takaro, Palmerston North Brentwood Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North Brett Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Botanical Road, Takaro, Palmerston North Birmingham Street, Takaro, Palmerston North Belvedere Crescent, Takaro, Palmerston North Admiral Place, Takaro, Palmerston North Aberdeen Avenue, Takaro, Palmerston North

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


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I believe that in order to better your knowledge base, it takes a lot of failing in order to succeed. I don't consider anything a failure as long as you get back up and you learn from your own mistakes.