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CSS Screen hidden Display case getElementsByClassName First first display element ever solid every Element things what play where Screen Chevron Chevron Chevron Chevron Where school what Where hidden hidden hidden Screen color hidden inter color color hidden Screen css location hidden Screen Screen hidden Screen hidden hidden hidden hidden hidden pointer based long fac random image Correct what forgot Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter Inter what border box kruxorcom toggle inter inter inter inter inter inter inter inter inter inter inter inter inter library hidden header dont after content content Block block shows Getting getting normal result else open Center Function Scroll click even even font name java other CSS CSS Display Play Probably Using adding adding Other transition code code display flow have here just stu margin middle overflow probably sim sim simple still that that the the using this this button function JavaScript Javascript text text text text text text text text text text pre list git css accordion javascript head css grid css grid order order when Order Order border border solid scroll mouse height height center element element Element Element document play Document Height Height text item available hidden hidden accordion css archive back text hidden style text text friend css grid text text text text text text text text css grid back asp text percent codes css grid css grid text when css grid css grid text text text scale looks text text text text text text text text exactly archive text text text text text text text text Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation Animation text effects create create create Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet Sheet appear kinda Appear icon Zealand zealand when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when when text playing Codes import text window window window window window Rounded Rounded Rounded Rounded Rounded abs bunch bunch bunch bunch bunch custom custom custom paper times times times times times times times normally normally normally only only only only only only only only only only only only only Opener Opener Opener Opener back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back mode mode mode mode mode mode mode hybrid marquee marquee counter counter text when text when Image text Images Block when image exactly text text create above when text create text text text text text above create above Alternative the the web sim scroll animation abs Web Scroll display overflow Change Using using search just Play

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
When i was a little kid, I was really scared of the dark. But then I came to understand, dark just means the absence of photons in the visible wavelength -- 400 to 700 nanometers. Then i thought, well, its really silly to be afraid of a lack of photons. Then i wasn't afraid of the dark anymore after that.
Elon Musk