
1Get the documentURI with JSJan 28, 10:06 pm
2get the stylesheet directory in wordpress themeDec 16, 9:55 pm
3jquery document ready with foundation init as wellDec 16, 1:20 am
4center something with css not using flexDec 13, 12:56 am
5how to unzip in linuxDec 5, 11:51 pm
6php mysql table exists functionDec 2, 4:25 am
7how to display a php file as html with phpDec 2, 3:50 am
8jquery add a click function if the window size is greater than target_widthDec 2, 2:03 am
9jquery enable and disable attributeDec 2, 12:12 am
10js using recursion to create a range of numbersNov 25, 4:25 am
11php convert date now into a sql timestampNov 25, 12:43 am
12add google captcha to enable and disable a form buttonNov 12, 12:14 am
13Generate a Random User NameNov 11, 11:33 pm
14Using Node to get a Web Dev Environment with livereload up and runningNov 11, 12:38 am
15Using the Spread Operator to Evaluate Arrays In-Place TestsOct 14, 1:02 am
16Using the rest operator to pass in a variable amount of argumentsOct 1, 5:49 am
17Default Parameters for FunctionsOct 1, 5:23 am
18Complex Arrow Function ExampleOct 1, 5:14 am
19Writing Arrow Functions with ParametersOct 1, 12:36 am
20using arrow functions to convert small functions into one line statement functionsOct 1, 12:09 am
21Prevent Object MutationSep 30, 11:16 pm
22Changing an array declared with constSep 30, 6:17 am
23return a state name from an australian postcodeSep 29, 11:25 pm
24using let and const exampleSep 27, 4:55 am
25using let rather than varSep 27, 4:18 am
26Use Multiple Conditional (Ternary) OperatorsSep 27, 3:18 am
27js - Use the Conditional (Ternary) OperatorSep 24, 6:23 am
28Use the parseInt Function with a RadixSep 24, 6:14 am
29Using parseInt in a function to return an integer or notSep 24, 5:57 am
30Generate Random Whole Numbers within a RangeSep 24, 5:15 am
31split a string into an array using split javascriptSep 16, 4:47 am
32get the current url in javascriptSep 13, 3:47 am
33Custom 12 Grid using CSS GridSep 6, 2:19 am
34template for testing and live reloading html filesSep 4, 3:27 am
35Radial Click EffectSep 4, 1:13 am
36Generate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript FunctionAug 26, 6:20 am
37Generate Random Fractions with JavaScriptAug 26, 6:09 am
38FCC - Basic: Profile LookupAug 26, 5:38 am
39copy a file when the date of the source is newer than the destinationAug 26, 3:27 am
40Do While LoopAug 25, 11:26 pm
41for loop through an array with javascriptAug 23, 12:18 am
42get the average of a number list using an array in phpAug 21, 12:48 am
43sublime text find and replace style tagAug 19, 12:43 am
44tinymce remove auto p tags settingAug 13, 6:15 am
45get the dimensions of an image with javascriptAug 13, 5:55 am
46target data attribute with cssAug 12, 11:52 pm
47toggle div function with chevron up down toggleAug 9, 1:19 am
48form checkbox replacement with large tick using labelAug 7, 2:15 am
49keyframe animations cssAug 6, 12:27 am
50basic for loop odd numbersJul 31, 6:20 am
51check if something is an arrayJul 31, 5:26 am
52apache redirect to https ssl from normalJul 31, 1:20 am
53getType function for jsJul 29, 11:50 pm
54Objects in javascriptJul 29, 11:25 pm
55card counting example from fccJul 29, 2:00 am
56using switch with multiple identical casesJul 29, 1:32 am
57using switch in a functionJul 28, 11:19 pm
58IP AddressJul 26, 1:30 am
59js function to calculate golf scoresJul 24, 1:48 am
60compare non equality functionJul 23, 11:15 pm
61compare equality functionJul 23, 10:57 pm
62JS Using typeof to check on string typesJul 23, 2:38 am
63testing equalityJul 22, 5:57 am
64defining a variable inside a function without using var will create a global variableJul 22, 5:15 am
65add something to the start of an array with unshiftJul 19, 2:40 am
66remove the first element in an array with shiftJul 19, 2:37 am
67document ready javascript standalone version no jqueryJul 17, 1:14 am
68add a class to a div with an id javascriptJul 17, 1:11 am
69using local storage rather than cookies to store data (localStorage)Jul 16, 11:31 pm
70remove something from the end of an array with popJul 16, 5:58 am
71add something to the end of an array with pushJul 16, 5:49 am
72Multidimensional ArrayJul 16, 4:50 am
73get the last letter of a stringJul 16, 4:40 am
74accessing part of a variable using its indexJul 16, 4:34 am
75using transform scale in css to zoom on hover overJul 16, 2:57 am
76js check the length of a stringJul 16, 2:04 am
77Bootstrap Card Formatting HTML and CSS - Header and FooterJul 10, 2:38 am
78Move any element with css offsetsJul 9, 2:31 am
79CSS Improve Compatibility with Browser FallbacksJul 9, 2:04 am
80PHP Finding the position of a string in another string using strposJul 9, 12:00 am
81PHP str_replace - find and replace part of a stringJul 8, 11:52 pm
82using scroll-behavior: smooth cssJul 8, 2:33 am
83jquery click functionJul 3, 5:33 am
84using a css grid area templateJul 3, 2:26 am
85grid column and row spacingJul 3, 2:14 am
86Random string generator function in php suniqidJul 3, 1:13 am
87CSS Grid - Basic ColumnsJul 2, 5:59 am
88flex shorthand cssJul 2, 2:24 am
89using flexbox to align elements in a rowJul 2, 1:37 am
90Viewport width and height calculationsJul 2, 12:30 am
91Making Images Retina Display FriendlyJul 2, 12:14 am
92Making an image responsive using cssJul 2, 12:03 am
93Applied Accessibility - Tab IndexJul 1, 11:52 pm
94Applied Accessibility - Access KeysJul 1, 11:40 pm
95Applied Accessibility - Screen reader only cssJul 1, 11:24 pm
96Dropdown Box with Searchable TextJun 30, 11:57 pm
97Change link target with JQueryJun 28, 12:17 am
98Drop Down Menu Swapping Left align to RightJun 26, 5:36 am
99Whois LookupJun 24, 1:00 am
100using the disk free space function in phpJun 7, 1:33 am
101create a mysql or sqlite current timestamp with phpMay 27, 5:45 am
102Cut a string when it finds a certain character with PHPApr 17, 5:30 am
103validate a url using php with FILTER_VALIDATE_URLMar 28, 11:04 pm
104function to create a uid from htmlMar 22, 12:44 am
105calculate a percentage (dec) difference based on two numbersMar 22, 12:13 am
106check if a user is logged in using sessionsMar 20, 4:34 am
107asp classic get a url and display itMar 20, 12:08 am
108Using nth-child css to hide list items or repeated elementsMar 13, 5:10 am
109PHP MySQL vs SQLite Count Items FunctionFeb 25, 3:40 am
110How Many Days Since a Date and other CalculationsFeb 11, 12:27 am
111image Checkbox Replacement for FormsJan 18, 12:28 am
112Using Flexbox rather than FloatsJan 16, 4:27 am
113Date Conversion PHPJan 14, 10:40 pm
114white space pre-wrap formattingJan 1, 10:23 pm
115Generate a random title from an arrayDec 19, 1:34 am
116echo todays date and time in a nice formatDec 18, 11:48 pm
117Core - File StructureDec 13, 11:38 pm
118Core Class - Basic Core StructureDec 13, 11:33 pm
119Generate Sub menu using CoreDec 13, 11:09 pm
120page load timer classOct 30, 12:17 am
121human_filesize phpOct 29, 5:40 am
122xcopy backup full directory windows batOct 24, 10:33 pm
123for loop set variables $p1,$p2.. etc as blank - variable variablesOct 24, 3:53 am
124sqlite check table name existsOct 24, 12:44 am
125get current class name with get_classOct 22, 3:37 am
126meta keywords tagOct 17, 5:50 am
127meta description tagOct 17, 5:48 am
128assign array to variables in a loopOct 17, 5:36 am
129favicon code meta tagOct 17, 4:01 am
130hide and show elements with js using getElementById and style.displayOct 17, 1:15 am
131generate a random color rgb code with phpOct 17, 12:07 am
132css :active pseudo-class usageOct 5, 1:22 am
133Regular expression breakdown regex preg_replace phpSep 21, 1:39 am
134replace anything in brackets in a string using preg_replace regex phpSep 21, 1:17 am
135for loop with a 5 incrementSep 17, 2:45 am
136Get Current Page URL PHPSep 4, 2:19 am
137Get the document root path in php $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']Sep 4, 12:23 am
138remove all of an element in a string <h1>Aug 31, 6:25 am
139get text between tagsAug 31, 6:20 am
140sqlite basic sql and loop resultsAug 31, 6:20 am
141convert all images into base64 encodedAug 31, 6:20 am
142wordpress change domain in config, wordpress domain configAug 31, 6:20 am
143read and sort directory contents in phpAug 31, 6:20 am
144uniqid random stringAug 31, 6:20 am
145show response headers from file get contentsAug 31, 6:20 am
146wordpress show the page content for use in a templateAug 31, 6:20 am
147file get contents reads entire file into a stringAug 31, 6:20 am
148using parse_url to extract parts of a urlAug 31, 6:20 am
149basic for loopAug 31, 6:20 am
150try catch testAug 31, 6:20 am
151tell wordpress to use the direct file method if its asking for ftp detailsAug 31, 6:20 am
152wordpress enqueue slicknav and slick sliderAug 31, 6:20 am
153wordpress include jquery in theme functionsAug 31, 6:20 am
154copy fileAug 31, 6:20 am
155some date formatting just day just month just yearAug 31, 6:20 am
156header type jsonAug 31, 6:20 am
157wordpress use a shortcode in php gravity formsAug 31, 6:20 am
158extract meta tags from url and return as json arrayAug 31, 6:20 am
159csv read exampleAug 31, 6:20 am
160php get the file modified time with filemtimeAug 31, 6:20 am
161preg_replace ereg_replace replace all charsAug 31, 6:20 am
162wordpress check home and not home for banners and thingsAug 31, 6:20 am
163wordpress advanced custom fields replace shortcode for site url with blog urlAug 31, 6:20 am
164using custom request headers array with curlAug 31, 6:20 am
165sqlite delete data older than timestamp daysAug 31, 6:20 am
166wordpress get site urlAug 31, 6:20 am
167simple html dom extract attributes simplehtmldomAug 31, 6:20 am
168find the 1st occurence of a string in another stringAug 31, 6:20 am
169pretty printing json with phpAug 31, 6:20 am
170extract meta tags from file or url as arrayAug 31, 6:20 am
171wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnailAug 31, 6:20 am
172random number using randAug 31, 6:20 am
173search within files in a directoryAug 31, 6:20 am
174wordpress show the post content for use in a templateAug 31, 6:20 am
175show errors in php with toggleAug 31, 6:20 am
176wordpress register enqueue javascript require jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
177count the elements in an arrayAug 31, 6:20 am
178google map with overlay dataAug 31, 6:20 am
179round number with jsAug 31, 6:20 am
180truncate string using jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
181detect window scroll position jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
182flems embed in urlAug 31, 6:20 am
183change the window titleAug 31, 6:20 am
184Slick Slider CarouselAug 31, 6:20 am
185add thisAug 31, 6:20 am
186change favicon with jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
187load google sheet data into json string with jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
188scrollbar replacement simplebarAug 31, 6:20 am
189change the water colour in google maps for an already initialised mapAug 31, 6:20 am
190parallax js scroll testingAug 31, 6:20 am
191mithril testingAug 31, 6:20 am
192validate form data using javascript to check required html elementsAug 31, 6:20 am
193do something later with settimeout or loop with setintervalAug 31, 6:20 am
194tiny mce editor tinymceAug 31, 6:20 am
195clipboard copy jsAug 31, 6:20 am
196json loop load elementsAug 31, 6:20 am
197document ready wordpress jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
198testing chartjsAug 31, 6:20 am
199access hacker news json firebase api via jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
200check length of element jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
201validate email address from stringAug 31, 6:20 am
202set and check a cookie using js cookieAug 31, 6:20 am
203random string generator guidAug 31, 6:20 am
204using regex with replace to replace all instances of something in a stringAug 31, 6:20 am
205digital clock with jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
206find all elements add class jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
207load content with jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
208stacktable jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screensAug 31, 6:20 am
209jquery clone and append elementsAug 31, 6:20 am
210show the year with jsAug 31, 6:20 am
211get select option form value with jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
212jquery jqueryui vue script includesAug 31, 6:20 am
213fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightboxAug 31, 6:20 am
214jquery accordionAug 31, 6:20 am
215jqueryui date selectorAug 31, 6:20 am
216using vue and json dataAug 31, 6:20 am
217jqueryui includes css and jsAug 31, 6:20 am
218preserve tabs in textarea when tab key is pressedAug 31, 6:20 am
219using getElementById and innerHTML to change the html of content no jqueryAug 31, 6:20 am
220make clickable element with clickable classAug 31, 6:20 am
221jquery document readyAug 31, 6:20 am
222make any element editableAug 31, 6:20 am
223simple dropdown multi level navigation ul li cssAug 31, 6:20 am
224form elements australian state listAug 31, 6:20 am
225link to an external stylesheetAug 31, 6:20 am
226random emojis copy and pasteAug 31, 6:20 am
227layout homepageAug 31, 6:20 am
228meta refresh reload pageAug 31, 6:20 am
229using foundation 6.4 xy grid basicsAug 31, 6:20 am
230youtube extract thumbnail from video linkAug 31, 6:20 am
231copy image to data uri using chrome base64 encodeAug 31, 6:20 am
232lorem ipsumAug 31, 6:20 am
233make all links target new windowAug 31, 6:20 am
234youtube embed no controls auto play iframeAug 31, 6:20 am
235responsive viewport meta tag (responsive meta tag)Aug 31, 6:20 am
236simple dropdown navigation ul li cssAug 31, 6:20 am
237flexbox layout templateAug 31, 6:20 am
238take full page screenshot screencapture using chrome dev toolsAug 31, 6:20 am
239emoji dataAug 31, 6:20 am
240youtube embed iframeAug 31, 6:20 am
241delAug 31, 6:20 am
242video embed full screen all screen sizesAug 31, 6:20 am
243video embed tagAug 31, 6:20 am
244video embed no controlsAug 31, 6:20 am
245Form elements New Zealand region listAug 31, 6:20 am
246foundation includes cdnjsAug 31, 6:20 am
247use an image to replace bullet in ul listAug 31, 6:20 am
248using mix blend mode and filter grayscale for heroAug 31, 6:20 am
249border box resetAug 31, 6:20 am
250css grid sidebar main content fluid layout with fallbackAug 31, 6:20 am
251bootstrap styled buttonsAug 31, 6:20 am
252color cycle drop shadowAug 31, 6:20 am
253embed and use a ttf font font faceAug 31, 6:20 am
254filter drop shadowAug 31, 6:20 am
255animate cssAug 31, 6:20 am
256css grid sidebar main content fluid layoutAug 31, 6:20 am
257truncate text long titles with text overflow ellipsisAug 31, 6:20 am
258transitions and the easy way to apply themAug 31, 6:20 am
259cycle color using backgroundAug 31, 6:20 am
260css grid for layouts with no rowsAug 31, 6:20 am
261foundation make row full widthAug 31, 6:20 am
262css grid for layouts and how to use itAug 31, 6:20 am
263recreate marquee element using cssAug 31, 6:20 am
264click through an overlay element pointer eventsAug 31, 6:20 am
265why are people so amazed that a column layout can have a full width elementAug 31, 6:20 am
266margin padding frameworkAug 31, 6:20 am
267more complex responsive tables cssAug 31, 6:20 am
268remove border glow css from textarea on selectAug 31, 6:20 am
269transform rotate an element in cssAug 31, 6:20 am
270transform rotate a hexagon in cssAug 31, 6:20 am
271target internet explorer with css and htmlAug 31, 6:20 am
272darken background image using cssAug 31, 6:20 am
273material design icons google fontAug 31, 6:20 am
274flex align center vertical horizontalAug 31, 6:20 am
275targeting the printed version of a page with media printAug 31, 6:20 am
276simple dropin wordpress dropdown navigation cssAug 31, 6:20 am
277make your images look non squished when not using image backgroundsAug 31, 6:20 am
278css accordion basicsAug 31, 6:20 am
279use font awesome on elements lists ulAug 31, 6:20 am
280set transparent menu over background imageAug 31, 6:20 am
281table border collapseAug 31, 6:20 am
282stack a table using css responsiveAug 31, 6:20 am
283design nice block headerAug 31, 6:20 am
284wordpress get template directoryAug 31, 6:18 am
285check the server method post or get using phpAug 31, 6:17 am

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas A. Edison