
1Testing Playwrite on for NodeJan 28, 4:00 am
2add an outline to everything!Jan 18, 12:27 pm
3content editable p tag with spell check enabledJan 18, 12:01 pm
4card.html templateJan 18, 4:52 am
5making the search page nicerJan 18, 4:42 am
6function to delete older sqlite records when the limit is reachedJan 18, 4:20 am
7fixing error Call to undefined function simplexml_load_stringJan 18, 4:00 am
8loop to arr.length or array lengthJan 18, 1:33 am
9bootstrap form basicJan 17, 11:49 pm
10get directions from google maps form embedJan 17, 12:19 pm
11center image preview with lightbox and captionJan 12, 2:54 am
12get tomorrows date with javascriptJan 10, 11:03 pm
13get yesterdays date with javascriptJan 10, 10:39 pm
14hide the first h3 tag on the page with cssJan 10, 2:29 am
15make a nice readable date using a timestamp string function make_nice_dateJan 10, 12:12 am
16add new random image with buttonDec 30, 10:56 pm
17Create Strings using Template LiteralsDec 29, 5:55 am
18get the content of a url get the content of a link with php and test if the result is emptyDec 20, 2:24 am
19extract meta attributes with simple html domDec 20, 1:11 am
20php check if url is valid with filter_varDec 20, 12:55 am
21simple html dom check if an attribute is set and has a valueDec 19, 11:42 pm
22Common and Uncommon Meta Tag's and Social Meta TagsDec 19, 3:46 am
23Darkmode JS - Add darkmode to your site with one scriptDec 17, 12:47 am
24Use destructuring assignment within the argument to the function half to send only max and min inside the function.Dec 17, 12:34 am
25center align vertical 2 items in a container flexDec 14, 11:26 pm
26simple javascript no library accordionDec 14, 4:07 am
27Using Destructuring and the Rest Parameter to Reassign Array ElementsDec 13, 11:26 am
28Use destructuring assignment to swap the values of a and bDec 13, 5:58 am
29Hello world in C and seeing what it is actually doingDec 12, 12:25 pm
30How to download music to mp3 format from youtube using youtube-dlDec 12, 2:17 am
31Sweet Alert 2 Methods and ExamplesDec 8, 5:39 am
32Using CSS Grid instead of Float's for a 3 column simple listDec 7, 12:37 am
33How to Assign the Value of One Variable to Another in JavascriptDec 6, 12:22 pm
34Slick Slider Carousel with Custom Next and Prev ButtonsDec 6, 4:52 am
35Input Suggestions using a datalistDec 6, 12:58 am
36get php to validate its self with php check syntaxDec 1, 5:45 am
37Console Tips and TricksNov 29, 11:47 am
38how to copy the folder path in finderNov 23, 4:42 am
39Spam IP Database and delete buttonNov 22, 12:24 pm
40pi400 how to take a screen shotNov 20, 6:40 am
41Add custom symbol to ul li list and align text itemsNov 19, 5:01 am
42install cmatrix on mac m1Nov 19, 2:31 am
43php save csv from array to fileNov 17, 2:40 am
44php export csv from string to browser downloadNov 17, 2:37 am
45how to embed google fonts iconsNov 17, 12:21 am
46convert json string to a php arrayNov 16, 11:44 pm
47how to json encode an array in phpNov 16, 12:05 pm
48how to decode xml in phpNov 16, 11:36 am
49button zoom effect with expanding backgroundNov 11, 8:21 am
50count total results from distinct sqliteNov 11, 2:02 am
51allow internal networking connection from virtual box vmNov 8, 2:26 am
52php get file and save itNov 4, 10:57 pm
53youtube search api request functionNov 4, 2:04 am
54list all array json function list_all_array_jsonNov 3, 5:51 am
55javascript random string to put on url for cacheNov 1, 11:22 pm
56php function to remove the query string from a urlNov 1, 8:51 am
57using php parse_url function to remove the query string from a urlNov 1, 5:54 am
58add every value in the load_array array into the out for testingOct 31, 3:40 am
59javascript try catch example functionOct 29, 2:01 am
60scroll left animationOct 29, 1:03 am
61Fix for PHP Warning Trying to get property '*name*' of non-objectOct 28, 8:53 am
62write the contents of a url into a file with phpOct 27, 8:43 am
63load json data url or api with javascriptOct 26, 4:43 am
64load json data url with jqueryOct 26, 4:36 am
65sqlite fetchArray into another arrayOct 25, 2:55 am
66php return json header and contentOct 24, 8:43 am
67php get file extension from a file nameOct 24, 3:18 am
68php post data back to a url with a functionOct 24, 3:11 am
69add a divider to your dropdown nav togglesOct 24, 2:38 am
70generate random username function in phpOct 23, 5:04 am
71validate email address from string with jquery working functionOct 22, 12:31 am
72Using props with Stateless Functional Components in ReactOct 19, 5:30 am
73How to Access Props Using this.props in ReactOct 19, 5:15 am
74How to Use PropTypes to Define Props in ReactOct 19, 4:40 am
75How to Override Default Props in ReactOct 19, 4:17 am
76log the console log output to a divOct 19, 4:03 am
77javascript basic test array and loopOct 19, 3:05 am
78add hero title to category listing page [not done]Oct 19, 2:46 am
79How to use default props in ReactOct 19, 2:24 am
80how to join an array in javascript using the join methodOct 19, 2:01 am
81How to Pass an Array as Props in ReactOct 19, 1:56 am
82list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variablesOct 18, 12:15 am
83replace singular variable assignment with an array loop and variable variablesOct 17, 11:58 pm
84using the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to check referring pagesOct 17, 3:28 am
85category listing not working on categories with spaces [not fixed]Oct 16, 2:52 am
86show the current date in javascriptOct 16, 2:17 am
87How to Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component in ReactOct 16, 12:24 am
88How to Write a React Component from ScratchOct 16, 12:09 am
89How to Render a React Class Component to the DOMOct 15, 9:28 pm
90get element by id and hide itOct 15, 5:24 am
91get element by id with javascriptOct 15, 5:21 am
92set a cookie on click and then check if the cookie is set and dont show that message againOct 15, 5:13 am
93foundation three boxes with text align links to the bottom of elementOct 14, 11:51 pm
94How to Compose React Components in ReactOct 14, 11:29 pm
95Changing the default hero image based on the category name [not yet done]Oct 14, 3:36 am
96How to Use React to Render Nested ComponentsOct 14, 3:10 am
97How to Create a Component with Composition in ReactOct 14, 2:56 am
98using css counter-increment to add numbering to elementsOct 14, 12:17 am
99using the kbd html tagOct 13, 12:58 am
100How to Create a React Component using the ES6 class methodOct 12, 11:39 pm
101foundation base html template - foundation templateOct 12, 4:17 am
102What is a Stateless Functional Component in ReactOct 12, 12:24 am
103How do Self-Closing JSX Tags Work?Oct 12, 12:10 am
104How to Define a HTML Class in JSX in ReactOct 11, 11:55 pm
105How to Render HTML Elements to the DOM with ReactOct 11, 11:43 pm
106How to Add Comments in JSXOct 11, 11:33 pm
107Create a Complex JSX ElementOct 11, 11:28 pm
108Create a Simple JSX ElementOct 11, 11:19 pm
109adding react with JSX using babelOct 11, 9:18 am
110adding react to a website in 3 stepsOct 11, 8:49 am
111using babel for react compiling in browserOct 11, 8:41 am
112react hello world with time and date updatingOct 11, 4:12 am
113react hello world with variable nameOct 11, 4:00 am
114react basic hello worldOct 10, 11:29 pm
115console table rather than console log for javascript objects and arraysOct 8, 8:36 am
116timeline class and functionOct 8, 5:02 am
117bootstrap alert templateOct 8, 12:53 am
118bootstrap list group card with footerOct 8, 12:13 am
119list group bootstrap templateOct 7, 11:43 pm
120list group card item templateOct 7, 11:40 pm
121php html template class systemOct 7, 11:31 pm
122list group card templateOct 7, 11:29 pm
123views list function for checking what views have been made on the current weekOct 7, 8:54 am
124load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loopOct 7, 8:36 am
125Idea: Google Font Dropdown Selector CodeOct 6, 8:55 am
126create a 200 character summary from a longer html stringOct 5, 11:16 pm
127twitter social sharing meta tagsOct 5, 11:51 am
128responsive three box section with tabular data or table dataOct 1, 5:50 am
129stackable bio or biography list with portrait image title and textOct 1, 1:13 am
130open sans @import embed font quickOct 1, 1:05 am
131using strlen to check the length of a string and do something about itSep 30, 4:18 am
132using wp_nav_menu to show a custom menu in wordpressSep 29, 4:28 am
133get and show the featured image on a wordpress page templateSep 29, 4:07 am
134document placeholder for a4 in portraitSep 29, 2:19 am
135landscape image document placeholderSep 29, 2:10 am
136easy section wrap in foundation - 3 boxes responsiveSep 29, 12:23 am
137link to a custom style sheet in your theme directory wordpressSep 28, 2:35 am
138wordpress show page content on template fileSep 28, 1:29 am
139show post content on template wordpressSep 28, 1:28 am
140wordpress add a template file to your themeSep 28, 1:13 am
141hidden scroll anchor for custom scroll positionSep 27, 5:26 am
142down chevron and stylesSep 24, 2:43 am
143How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly chartsSep 23, 2:01 am
144load from fields array php class functionSep 22, 12:28 pm
145ken burns slow image zoomSep 22, 4:04 am
146using a radial gradient for background overlaySep 22, 3:51 am
147change selected color on input elements cssSep 22, 2:47 am
148easy section wrap in foundationSep 20, 4:33 am
149test image url that always changes unsplash placeholderSep 20, 3:05 am
150video not auto playing issue in chrome and braveSep 20, 2:34 am
151change the box-shadow of an element with javascript boxShadowSep 18, 4:39 am
152change the background color of an element with javascriptSep 18, 4:03 am
153adding a new line in javascriptSep 17, 6:53 am
154javascript update item in objectSep 16, 3:58 am
155change the border radius of an element with javascript onlySep 15, 1:42 pm
156change padding of element with javascriptSep 15, 1:27 pm
157get the value from a range input field with javascriptSep 15, 12:39 pm
158get the current week as a number with phpSep 14, 9:57 am
159animated duck on footerSep 13, 5:56 am
160twitter json feed testingSep 10, 9:33 am
161atom on mac and synchronise settingsSep 6, 12:42 am
162fancybox load iframe inlineSep 4, 2:44 am
163using filter grayscale to make an image darkSep 2, 11:39 pm
164function to load one latest item with a start val load_latest_single_numSep 2, 4:06 am
165make the view number zoom when mouse over or activeSep 2, 1:24 am
166moving the hits widget into the post header and footerSep 2, 12:52 am
167creating embedded php code from a database fieldAug 26, 4:23 am
168test php bundle writeAug 26, 1:49 am
169check if a file exists with phpAug 23, 9:33 am
170check if the file is a directory or check if the directory exists in phpAug 23, 7:00 am
171get the current working directory in phpAug 23, 6:55 am
172create directory with php create folder with phpAug 23, 6:48 am
173mouse enter mouse leave jquery hover hoveroutAug 23, 3:47 am
174simulate a click on an element with jqueryAug 23, 3:41 am
175bootstrap dark modeAug 19, 1:24 am
176twitter icon font awesomeAug 18, 6:05 am
177how to bundle css files together using windows or macAug 16, 9:52 am
178check if a product already exists by its md5Aug 12, 9:36 am
179center mode slick zoom testingAug 10, 5:17 am
180gallery carousel center modeAug 10, 12:44 am
181button with separated chevronAug 9, 5:48 am
182load random videos module using templateAug 8, 4:32 am
183PHP/SQLite - Load Random ItemAug 8, 3:53 am
184still more comment spamAug 6, 6:16 am
185split a string into links using the commaAug 6, 5:48 am
186add some foundation tabs working exampleAug 3, 5:01 am
187extract youtube image from video urlJul 31, 3:52 am
188simple php ip blockerJul 29, 11:26 pm
189vertically align text within a fixed height div using flexJul 29, 9:55 am
190how to view a web page in its printer formatJul 28, 6:26 am
191white space break word cssJul 27, 5:36 am
192old browser check with javascriptJul 26, 2:56 am
193check browser version and show a messageJul 23, 6:47 am
194roboto and poppins fonts include quick codeJul 23, 12:10 am
195search bug AboveJul 22, 3:57 am
196CSS Drawing - Beach SceneJul 20, 1:24 am
197404 Error Page CodepenJul 16, 1:16 am
198set the amount of lines to show in a textarea fieldJul 16, 1:01 am
199right align something in its elementJul 14, 3:15 am
200preg replace clean a string only allow a-zA-Z0-9 charactersJul 10, 4:25 am
201weird search results being recordedJul 10, 4:04 am
202foundation grid for 6.6x - also known as the foundation xy gridJul 9, 5:00 am
203append a #link to the end of all href urls on a targetJul 9, 1:07 am
204get last month as a number with phpJul 5, 12:58 pm
205hide the third row in a table with cssJun 30, 5:15 am
206globe svg testing (broken)Jun 29, 6:32 am
207how to make a transparent logo white with cssJun 29, 3:07 am
208fix for wordpress requesting ftp login details installing pluginsJun 27, 4:27 am
209simple backup to google drive fron linuxJun 27, 1:04 am
210verify the google recapture server phpJun 25, 12:45 am
211scroll down the page using a button clickJun 23, 12:25 am
212using clamp js to clamp lines of textJun 22, 11:17 pm
213Scroll down indicator css javascript and htmlJun 22, 5:35 am
214this is a weird one table underline appearing and dissapearing on mouse overJun 21, 12:52 pm
215check if a ul contains a ul liJun 21, 4:25 am
216target last item css with :last-of-typeJun 21, 4:22 am
217target first item css with :first-of-typeJun 21, 3:48 am
218add a gtag.js pdf click eventJun 20, 11:36 pm
219for auto filled fields, need to change the text and background coloursJun 17, 12:11 am
220use a list group for listing by category page [todo]Jun 17, 12:02 am
221jquery check if a sub element existsJun 15, 4:22 am
222jquery toggle menu testingJun 15, 3:52 am
223responsive menu research full screen multi levelJun 15, 3:07 am
224Comments Listing should be a custom list rather than using searchJun 14, 3:57 am
225ajax callback to delete with sweet alert confirmation to make it cool! 😎Jun 11, 4:29 am
226load the latest single item onlyJun 11, 1:24 am
227load oldest item based on insdate then update the insdate to now - load_latest_single_updateJun 11, 1:19 am
228change this to a list group - other itemsJun 11, 1:15 am
229hero widget header - creates a nice looking hero item from a target uid and classJun 11, 12:10 am
230dropdown sectionJun 9, 6:53 am
231Latest from Code WidgetJun 9, 6:18 am
232rtrim strip white space or strings from the end of a stringJun 8, 12:50 pm
233prevent default click event on linkJun 8, 1:59 am
234get the current month as a numberJun 7, 5:48 am
235make your images look non squished when not using image backgrounds v2Jun 4, 6:22 am
236show the browsers name in javascriptJun 4, 3:49 am
237show the difference between two dates in years, months, days, hours and secondsJun 4, 1:03 am
238counting the occurrence of words in a multidimensional arrayJun 3, 4:19 am
239target 1st td in a table with cssJun 2, 4:06 am
240write string contents to a file with phpMay 26, 12:48 pm
241backup script to google drive that can be used for multiple directoriesMay 26, 5:26 am
242backdrop-filter: blur(10px);May 25, 11:34 pm
243json test objects (or arrays)May 25, 12:22 pm
244loop through a complex object json javascriptMay 25, 12:19 pm
245load json with vanilla javascript no jqueryMay 25, 9:57 am
246json load from jquery and loop through the resultsMay 25, 6:48 am
247add chevrons to a ul listMay 21, 2:15 am
248unable to access the $_FILES when submitting a form phpMay 18, 4:52 am
249check column exists in table sqliteMay 17, 12:21 pm
250set active class based on url valueMay 14, 3:13 am
251show all methods or functions in a class (class function version)May 13, 4:32 am
252show all methods (functions) in a classMay 13, 4:07 am
253adding an item to an array with phpMay 13, 3:10 am
254check if a variable is undefined or NULLMay 12, 5:58 am
255foundation accordion for version 6.xMay 12, 1:31 am
256foundation responsive tablesMay 11, 4:13 am
257allow a title to be in the foreground while still having a before overlay for the backgroundMay 11, 2:03 am
258passing in arrays to your functions rather than using variablesMay 11, 1:11 am
259check server https or http value in php using $_SERVERMay 11, 12:29 am
260fancybox image popout easyMay 10, 4:12 am
261css responsive max and min targets @mediaMay 7, 1:39 am
262check box highlight text area cssMay 5, 5:12 am
263Remove background image php with image magicMay 3, 12:12 am
264validate an email address from a form field - version 2Apr 30, 6:46 am
265check if a checkbox is checked with javascriptApr 30, 6:06 am
266form submit override with javascriptApr 30, 5:48 am
267submit a form with javascript onclickApr 26, 1:05 am
268dropdown change input box on selectApr 23, 6:20 am
269get current url with phpApr 21, 11:54 am
270Slick Slider Carousel with Fade TransitionApr 21, 5:01 am
271list a functions variables or argumentsApr 21, 12:12 am
272pre-line white space settingsApr 20, 3:41 am
273pre-wrap preserve line spacing but also wrap where neededApr 20, 3:38 am
274php list all the functions in a classApr 20, 3:27 am
275php print an array nicelyApr 20, 3:14 am
276add a toast alert when logging in with half moonApr 7, 6:19 am
277dont use md5 for password hashing using password_hash and password_verifyApr 7, 5:09 am
278change photoshop to show px rather than ptApr 7, 2:11 am
279clear a input field when it looses focus using onblurApr 6, 10:56 pm
280a page with two imagesApr 4, 7:03 am
281python extract images into an array from a urlApr 4, 6:56 am
282python url to text with beautiful soupApr 4, 2:08 am
283python Install Beautiful SoupApr 4, 1:38 am
284python extract title tag from url and html using regexApr 4, 1:30 am
285python import and print urlApr 4, 1:11 am
286php basic page routerApr 4, 12:29 am
287git pull changes from a repositoryApr 3, 1:27 am
288commit and push changes to git repoApr 3, 1:26 am
289start ssh and add key gitApr 3, 1:24 am
290play youtube videos on firefox in ubuntu 18Apr 2, 5:06 am
291css double page document preview with shadowMar 30, 11:55 pm
292wordpress category list sorting customMar 30, 4:44 am
293adding a background image to the titles of the dark mode card on this pageMar 26, 6:00 am
294blur the background image while keeping the foreground normalMar 26, 5:28 am
295background image greyscale filter while foreground is still in colourMar 26, 4:58 am
296javascript page redirectMar 26, 3:18 am
297page scroll indicator researchMar 24, 11:18 pm
298zoom background of element when activeMar 19, 4:53 am
299rounded click me button with iconMar 19, 3:28 am
300Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command lineMar 18, 8:33 am
301replacement slider for ken wheeler's slick carousel tiny slider 2 [testing]Mar 17, 5:23 am
302change a select box back to its initial select valueMar 17, 1:00 am
303select onchangeMar 16, 11:54 pm
304add years as options to select dropdownMar 16, 11:35 pm
305using moment.js to make your time format nicerMar 16, 11:15 pm
306loop through object json javascriptMar 16, 12:09 am
307json jquery ajax requestMar 15, 3:34 am
308logo tickers marquee slow scrollingMar 14, 12:07 am
309linux mount a drive manuallyMar 12, 4:24 am
310add a moving chevron to your href linkMar 11, 10:10 pm
311add click event to multiple link items and load the link content into a target div ajaxMar 9, 3:51 am
312add click event to multiple link itemsMar 9, 3:24 am
313set the html of an element javascriptMar 8, 11:34 pm
314inline form field paddingMar 8, 12:21 am
315get the value of an input form element (input value)Mar 7, 11:56 pm
316minutes to decimal calculator javascript versionMar 7, 11:38 pm
317check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the pageMar 1, 8:22 am
318check if a query string item is set in the current urlMar 1, 5:49 am
319append a query string to all url's on a pageMar 1, 5:45 am
320using text-stroke to add a border to your textFeb 22, 12:23 am
321installing exfat and ntfs drivers to enable reading of these filesystemsFeb 20, 4:56 am
322linux list all drives and partitionsFeb 20, 4:50 am
323adding background blur to an image using css fill screenFeb 19, 5:23 am
324using the nth-of-type selector to target a class with the same nameFeb 19, 2:44 am
325how to check the temperature of the pi using command lineFeb 17, 11:39 pm
326how to check linux kernel version on rasberry pi rasberianFeb 17, 2:33 am
327how to find what version pi you are usingFeb 17, 2:19 am
328Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slideToggle is not a functionFeb 17, 12:11 am
329slick carousel jump to a slide on element hoverFeb 15, 4:00 am
330checking for spam comments functionFeb 10, 5:27 am
331github logo background png cssFeb 10, 5:10 am
332animated rings expanding with delay ripple water effectsFeb 10, 5:00 am
333css slow zoom in animationFeb 10, 2:57 am
334using the last-of-type css selector to remove a border from the last item in a listFeb 10, 1:55 am
335Aligning Images in TinyMCE or Floating them left and right (code)Feb 8, 5:32 am
336change file permissions to -rw-rw-r--Feb 6, 8:39 am
337calculate a percentage (dec) difference based on two numbersFeb 6, 8:35 am
338Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE EditorFeb 5, 12:14 am
339jquery page search [testing]Feb 3, 8:27 am
340TestingFeb 2, 11:42 pm
341How to set a cookie and expire it in 30 daysFeb 2, 9:51 am
342how can i make my code look nice, or highlighted in evernoteFeb 2, 9:36 am
343TortoiseSVN for updating wordpress pluginsJan 28, 11:10 pm
344box hover over effects using pulsate animationJan 27, 12:05 am
345install atom editor on ubuntuJan 24, 11:42 pm
346Enabling SSH on UbuntuJan 24, 5:16 am
347change images to upload file also to imgur [reported]Jan 23, 8:48 am
348enable dark mode in tinymceJan 23, 2:53 am
349codemirror htmlmixed textareaJan 23, 2:09 am
350install codemirror for textareas [added]Jan 22, 8:24 am
351using multiple text shadowJan 22, 3:37 am
352box shadow example(s) - drop shadowJan 22, 2:27 am
353darkmode toggle switch with local storage to remember the last selectionJan 21, 8:49 am
354add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]Jan 21, 2:58 am
355@import and html link to Montserrat font family google fontJan 19, 11:58 pm
356my default text shadow cssJan 19, 12:41 am
357spin rotate an element on mouse over [css]Jan 17, 12:51 am
358animate and zoom six elements on a timer [addClass, removeClass, setTimeout]Jan 15, 3:42 am
359mouse outline svgJan 15, 12:57 am
360add a comment recording system for posts [idea]Jan 14, 3:02 am
361fix view page for search links [reported]Jan 14, 3:00 am
362should have a different menu colour [reported]Jan 14, 2:37 am
363style page numbers [fixed]Jan 14, 2:26 am
364explode a string into an arrayJan 13, 5:19 am
365checking the current url and then marking a link active based on that urlJan 13, 1:32 am
366using gzdeflate on a string phpJan 12, 11:32 am
367linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣Jan 12, 2:44 am
368change the cursor to a pointer for an elementJan 12, 12:19 am
369chevron upJan 10, 11:19 pm
370chevron downJan 10, 11:05 pm
371set maxHeight of element by id with javascriptJan 1, 3:59 am
372badge border colour is too dark or light on number badges [fixed]Jan 1, 3:04 am
373badge placement is offset in list pages [fixed]Jan 1, 2:43 am
374top bar overflow issues [fixed]Jan 1, 2:36 am
375make labels or badges look betterDec 31, 6:09 am
376include tinymce only if a user is logged into the siteDec 23, 5:44 am
377test page for the custom css 12 grid used on this siteDec 23, 5:38 am
378easy twitter embed codeDec 23, 3:26 am
379How to add jquery to squarespace siteDec 22, 11:39 pm
380make an image white with css using filter brightness and invertDec 22, 5:16 am
381add a jquery date picker to your text boxDec 22, 12:56 am
382foundation old grid formatDec 17, 11:58 pm
383replicating the bootstrap dropdown toggle in jqueryDec 17, 2:36 am
384nice webkit scrollbars (scroll bar, web kit, nice)Dec 14, 1:02 am
385chevron leftDec 11, 5:13 am
386chevron rightDec 11, 5:12 am
387use an emoji on your list items ul liDec 11, 4:53 am
388bootstrap basic grid layoutDec 11, 1:45 am
389background image on 3 boxes not scaling correctly fixDec 11, 1:43 am
390Windows Emoji ShortcutDec 10, 1:58 am
391CSS Grid Frame WorkDec 7, 10:56 pm
392Modern HTML5 Techniques for changing classesDec 7, 12:56 pm
393css prefers-color-scheme exampleDec 7, 12:06 pm
394vimeo thumbnail generatorDec 7, 5:35 am
395play a sound every # of secondsDec 7, 3:38 am
396bootstrap toggle element collapseDec 4, 1:34 am
397adding pagination to custom wp_queryDec 4, 12:29 am
398download icon svgDec 3, 10:28 pm
399add paging to wp list queryDec 1, 11:37 pm
400using jquery appear for checking if an element is visible on screenDec 1, 12:24 am
401Monitoring Visible Objects on ScreenDec 1, 12:07 am
402using attr in css to get content from htmlNov 30, 1:11 am
403check that a number is in the correct range based on a form selectionNov 24, 4:45 am
404how to install js socials for social media share buttons and make them roundedNov 23, 5:42 am
405css perspective and transform css properties testingNov 23, 2:51 am
406Fix Hover Over color on list group dark mode in bootstrapNov 23, 12:31 am
407list items from blog and filter by category nameNov 18, 3:03 am
408Quick tool to convert time into decimalNov 16, 12:55 am
409using javascript to open a link in the same window and in a new window or tab (open link)Nov 13, 4:26 am
410hero box with title sub title logos and call to action buttonsNov 9, 2:43 am
411Leaflet Quick Start ExampleOct 26, 4:45 am
412using linear gradient background on text cssOct 26, 12:02 am
413setting up css variables in your stylesheetOct 14, 5:36 am
414match a category id in wordpress and then add styles just for that idSep 29, 6:20 am
415simple table stripe stripingSep 29, 12:48 am
416bootstrap collapse or toggle a div visibilitySep 28, 1:13 am
417drop shadow text class easy drop shadowSep 28, 12:33 am
418center everything in a div with flex-center (centre)Sep 28, 12:07 am
419generating all css colours with php?Sep 25, 12:13 am
420country select javascript check which option is selected and show a hidden elementSep 22, 2:05 am
421country select javascript check which option is selectedSep 22, 1:54 am
422php countries array to dropdown form elementSep 22, 1:40 am
423get the current post id from content.phpSep 21, 6:07 am
424wordpress get the current category id name and slugSep 21, 6:01 am
425fix for Uncaught (in promise) Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be emptySep 18, 5:43 am
426search a zip file with windows command prompt and 7zipSep 8, 1:09 pm
427css font style italicSep 2, 12:27 am
428create a rainbow background using css linear gradientSep 1, 3:53 am
429extracting the useful bits of bootstrapAug 31, 5:14 am
430Bootstrap 4 Center menu items in a navbarAug 28, 12:05 am
431certbot add a certificate for one domainAug 26, 6:46 am
432renew all SSL certificates with certbotAug 26, 6:45 am
433Fix for Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function file_get_dom() simplehtmldom simple_html_domAug 26, 1:08 am
434Fixing PHP SQLite database is locked warning - Unable to execute statement: database is lockedAug 26, 12:24 am
435simple usage for php password_hashAug 25, 1:06 pm
436enable tinymce on a target textarea by idAug 19, 12:15 am
437Bootstrap Darkmode SwitchAug 18, 11:54 pm
438stop tinymce replacing urls with relative url'sAug 18, 12:55 am
439What is Core?Aug 17, 6:52 am
440Create a UTF8 General MySQL Database with CommandAug 13, 4:05 am
441Custom JS Tabs - No Jquery or Jquery UIAug 4, 11:28 pm
442fix for Uncaught TypeError: e.indexOf is not a functionAug 3, 12:20 am
443stop overscrolling on responsive iosJul 31, 3:50 am
444switching stack order of floats with flexJul 28, 11:55 pm
445To make Ubuntu do nothing when laptop lid is closedJul 27, 12:50 am
446change string to capital words ucwordsJul 21, 6:08 am
447change upper case case string to lower case (uppercase, lowercase)Jul 21, 6:02 am
448scroll to top html css and jsJul 21, 1:13 am
449bold the numbers in a ol li listJul 14, 1:13 am
450convert a string to uppercase with phpJul 14, 12:31 am
451php substr return part of a stringJul 13, 2:35 am
452php countries arrayJul 12, 11:09 pm
453add a user to a groupJul 12, 3:00 am
454loop through each directory in a target directory and compress themJul 12, 2:55 am
455loop through each directory in a target directoryJul 12, 2:47 am
456get the wordpress category name from a category idJul 6, 6:00 am
457add a class or remove it based on window scroll locationJun 30, 1:45 am
458stretching an image to fit in a banner image with gimpJun 30, 1:16 am
459javascript window.onloadJun 29, 11:32 pm
460adding pulsating dots to your css ul li listJun 26, 3:26 am
461wordpress adding post custom field meta and displaying it on you templateJun 24, 1:33 am
462get element by class name with javascript and change it functionJun 17, 1:59 am
463hide parts of a form until the 1st item is selectedJun 17, 1:26 am
464css using perspective for transformsJun 16, 5:57 am
465getting the site title vs the page nameJun 16, 5:07 am
466wordpress get home urlJun 16, 5:03 am
467add a tag to wordpress header from a pluginJun 16, 4:44 am
468list items matching a category titleJun 12, 4:08 am
469fixing the website footer and making it less uglyJun 6, 3:43 am
470loading content into fancybox modal using ajaxJun 5, 4:30 am
471inline fancybox modal testingJun 3, 6:12 am
472simple linear gradient overlay for an image to make it darker or lighterJun 2, 11:07 pm
473wp register plugin settings adminJun 1, 12:28 am
474fancybox modal popup exampleMay 29, 6:59 am
475wordpress main nav dropdown fixMay 27, 3:47 am
476Create a admin main wordpress custom menu itemMay 27, 1:39 am
477matches the url and does something if it matches a certain stringMay 26, 3:37 am
478tar.gz to compress a directory in linux and then decompress itMay 26, 2:41 am
479javascript isset equivalentMay 19, 6:39 am
480wordpress show the parent page title with fallback to titleMay 18, 1:03 am
481find and replace hrefs in existing page links using jqueryMay 8, 12:03 am
482Use Sweet Alert rather than alert!May 7, 11:35 pm
483get the href value using jqueryMay 7, 11:22 pm
484check if a timestamp is older than one hourMay 4, 1:24 pm
485Add a post date to your custom wordpress post listingMay 4, 5:49 am
486making var_dump look niceMay 4, 4:16 am
487use javascript to open a link in a new tab or windowMay 1, 3:59 am
488force existing link to open in a new window with javascriptMay 1, 3:49 am
489Find Disk Space Usage using DUApr 28, 11:30 pm
490Load and Unload TinyMCE editor from a buttonApr 17, 2:53 am
491Nginx Server Block with RewriteMar 29, 11:16 pm
492pulsating dots - glow glowingMar 13, 5:47 am
493load a youtube video in a fancybox modalMar 2, 10:46 pm
494using css linear gradient for background overlaysFeb 17, 12:34 am
495wordpress get page content to display on template pageFeb 3, 11:11 pm
496ES6 Nested Object ExampleFeb 3, 1:09 am
497ES5 vs ES6 Object ExampleFeb 3, 12:41 am
498Use Recursion to Return a Range ArrayFeb 2, 11:38 pm
499Use Recursion to Count DownFeb 2, 10:29 pm
500Use Recursion to Count UpFeb 2, 10:20 pm

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
Alfred D. Souza