NZ Postcodes

1Ron Ladd Place, Morrinsville, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
2Ron Keat Drive, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
3Ron Guthrey Road, Christchurch Airport, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
4Ron Driver Place, East Tamaki, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
5Romulus Place, Totaravale, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
6Romola Street, Glendowie, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
7Romney Square, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
8Romney Place, Manurewa, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
9Romney Place, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
10Rommaney Street, Opua, Far NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
11Romilly Street, Westport, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
12Romilly Court, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
13Romford Road, Papatoetoe, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
14Romesdale Road, Papakowhai, PoriruaSep 18, 6:20 am
15Romeo Street, Stratford, StratfordSep 18, 6:20 am
16Romano Way, The Wood, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
17Romanes Drive, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
18Romana Place, Poroporo, WhakataneSep 18, 6:20 am
19Romana Crescent, Papamoa Beach, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
20Roman Close, Pinehaven, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
21Roma Road, Mt Roskill, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
22Rollin Street, Heathcote Valley, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
23Rolleston Street, Watlington, TimaruSep 18, 6:20 am
24Rolleston Street, Thames, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
25Rolleston Street, Te Aroha, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
26Rolleston Street, Rakaia, AshburtonSep 18, 6:20 am
27Rolleston Street, Mt Cook, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
28Rolleston Street, Kihikihi, WaipaSep 18, 6:20 am
29Rolleston Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
30Rolleston Street, Hokitika, WestlandSep 18, 6:20 am
31Rolleston Street, Cheviot, HurunuiSep 18, 6:20 am
32Rolleston Drive, Rolleston, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
33Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch Central, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
34Rollesby Street, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
35Rollerson Street, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
36Rolla Street, Normanby, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
37Rolfe Place, Taihape, RangitikeiSep 18, 6:20 am
38Rolfe Place, Bishopdale, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
39Roland Road, Greenhithe, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
40Roland Place, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 6:20 am
41Roland Lane, Mt Pleasant, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
42Roland Hill, Glen Eden, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
43Rokino Road, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
44Rokewa Way, Paparangi, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
45Roker Street, Somerfield, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
46Roiri Way, Titahi Bay, PoriruaSep 18, 6:20 am
47Roimata Place, Woolston, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
48Roimata Place, Tawhero, WanganuiSep 18, 6:20 am
49Roick Parade, Glen Eden, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
50Rohe Drive, Waikawa, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:20 am
51Rohais Place, Sawyers Bay, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
52Rogerson Track, Hanmer Springs, HurunuiSep 18, 6:20 am
53Rogerson Road, Hanmer Forest Park, HurunuiSep 18, 6:20 am
54Rogers Way, Hillsborough, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
55Rogers Street, Sydenham, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
56Rogers Street, Port Nelson, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
57Rogers Street, Cromwell, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:20 am
58Rogers Street, Castlecliff, WanganuiSep 18, 6:20 am
59Rogers Street, Blenheim Central, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:20 am
60Rogers Road, Manurewa, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
61Rogers Road, Bay View, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
62Rogers Place, Te Awamutu, WaipaSep 18, 6:20 am
63Rogers Place, Fairview Downs, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
64Rogers Lane, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 6:20 am
65Rogers Avenue, Eastern Beach, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
66Roger Street, Riverdale, GisborneSep 18, 6:20 am
67Roger Street, Pukehangi, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
68Roger Street, MacAndrew Bay, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
69Rogan Street, New Plymouth Central, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:20 am
70Rogan Street, Mt Roskill, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
71Roeske Street, Richmond, TasmanSep 18, 6:20 am
72Roell Place, Mangere East, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
73Roecombe Road, Sheffield, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
74Roebuck Street, Westport, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
75Roebuck Road, Gisborne, GisborneSep 18, 6:20 am
76Roebuck Rise, Broad Bay, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
77Rodrigo Road, Melrose, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
78Rodrigo Road, Kilbirnie, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
79Rodney Street, Wellsford, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
80Rodney Street, Waiwhetu, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
81Rodney Street, St Leonards, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
82Rodney Street, Otahuhu, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
83Rodney Street, Northland, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
84Rodney Street, North East Valley, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
85Rodney Street, Nawton, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
86Rodney Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:20 am
87Rodney Street, Howick, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
88Rodney Street, Georgetown, InvercargillSep 18, 6:20 am
89Rodney Street, Durie Hill, WanganuiSep 18, 6:20 am
90Rodney Road, Northcote, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
91Rodney Grove, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
92Roderick Street, Otumoetai, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
93Roderick Place, Rototuna, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
94Roderick Alleyn Lane, Northcote, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
95Rod Syme Place, Hawera, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:20 am
96Rod Place, Mangere East, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
97Rockyside Terrace, Caversham, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
98Rocky Nook Avenue, Mt Albert, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
99Rockwood Place, Haumoana, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
100Rockwood Place, Epsom, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
101Rockwall Place, Horahora, WhangareiSep 18, 6:20 am
102Rockview Road, Brighton, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
103Rockview Place, Mt Pleasant, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
104Rockside Road, Glenleith, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
105Rocks Road, Moana, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
106Rocks Road, Britannia Heights, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
107Rocks Highway, Riverton Rocks, SouthlandSep 18, 6:20 am
108Rockridge Avenue, Penrose, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
109Rockport Place, Marshland, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
110Rocklands Avenue, Mt Eden, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
111Rocking Horse Road, Southshore, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
112Rockford Place, Matamata, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
113Rockfield Road, Penrose, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
114Rockdale Road, Rockdale, InvercargillSep 18, 6:20 am
115Rockdale Avenue, Caversham, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
116Rockcrest Lane, Cashmere, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
117Rock Street, East Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
118Rock Isle Road, Torbay, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
119Rock Daisy Crescent, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
120Rochfort Street, Otane, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 6:20 am
121Rochfort Street, Greymouth, GreySep 18, 6:20 am
122Rochfort Road, Maraenui, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
123Rochfort Road, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
124Rochfort Place, Westport, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
125Rochfort Drive, Richmond, TasmanSep 18, 6:20 am
126Rochford Place, Bryndwr, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
127Rochford Court, Hamilton, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
128Rochester Terrace, Musselburgh, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
129Rochester Street, Wilton, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
130Rochester Street, Tamatea, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
131Rochester Street, Linwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
132Rochester Street, Awapuni, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
133Rochester Place, Nawton, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
134Rochester Place, Bethlehem, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
135Rochester Crescent, Somerville, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
136Roche Street, Wanaka, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:20 am
137Roche Street, Te Awamutu, WaipaSep 18, 6:20 am
138Rochdale Street, Otautau, SouthlandSep 18, 6:20 am
139Rochdale Street, Fendalton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
140Rochdale Close, Bethlehem, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
141Rochdale Avenue, Glendowie, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
142Rochas Place, Clover Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
143Robyn Place, Mangere East, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
144Robyn Place, Dinsdale, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
145Robyn Hyde Place, Leamington, WaipaSep 18, 6:20 am
146Roby Street, Te Atatu Peninsula, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
147Robson Street, Stokes Valley, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
148Robson Street, Normanby, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:20 am
149Robson Street, Mt Roskill, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
150Robson Avenue, Avonside, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
151Roblyn Place, Lincoln, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
152Robley Crescent, Glendowie, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
153Robinson Terrace, Nukuhau, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
154Robinson Street, Southbridge, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
155Robinson Street, Rakaia, AshburtonSep 18, 6:20 am
156Robinson Street, Lookout Point, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
157Robinson Street, Kurow, WaitakiSep 18, 6:20 am
158Robinson Street, Kawerau, KawerauSep 18, 6:20 am
159Robinson Street, Katikati, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:20 am
160Robinson Street, Grovetown, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:20 am
161Robinson Street, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
162Robinson Street, Foxton, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:20 am
163Robinson Street, Cheviot, HurunuiSep 18, 6:20 am
164Robinson Street, Cambridge, WaipaSep 18, 6:20 am
165Robinson Street, Blaketown, GreySep 18, 6:20 am
166Robinson Street, Allenton, AshburtonSep 18, 6:20 am
167Robinson Road, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
168Robinson Road, The Brook, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
169Robinson Crescent, Tamatea, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
170Robinson Crescent, Highbury, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
171Robinson Avenue, Owhata, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
172Robins Road, Queenstown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:20 am
173Robins Road, Judea, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
174Robinia Place, Snells Beach, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
175Robinia Place, Hornby, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
176Robinia Place, Hairini, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
177Robina Place, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
178Robina Court, Burswood, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
179Robin Tait Drive, North Beach, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
180Robin Street, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 6:20 am
181Robin Street, Taihape, RangitikeiSep 18, 6:20 am
182Robin Street, Selwyn Heights, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
183Robin Street, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
184Robin Street, Burwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
185Robin Road, Burnham, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
186Robin Place, Waikanae Park, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
187Robin Mann Place, Christchurch Airport, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
188Robin Lane, Saint Leonards, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
189Robin Lane, Browns Bay, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
190Robin Hood Place, Onerahi, WhangareiSep 18, 6:20 am
191Robin Brooke Drive, Ormiston, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
192Robieson Street, Roseneath, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
193Robieson Lane, Roseneath, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
194Robertson Street, Westport, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
195Robertson Street, Russell, Far NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
196Robertson Street, Richmond, InvercargillSep 18, 6:20 am
197Robertson Street, Raglan, WaikatoSep 18, 6:20 am
198Robertson Street, Owhiro Bay, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
199Robertson Street, Oamaru, WaitakiSep 18, 6:20 am
200Robertson Street, Island Bay, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
201Robertson Street, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
202Robertson Street, Glenholme, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
203Robertson Street, Frankton, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:20 am
204Robertson Street, Elderslea, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
205Robertson Road, Ranui, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
206Robertson Road, Paekakariki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
207Robertson Road, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
208Robertson Road, Favona, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
209Robertson Road, Brightwater, TasmanSep 18, 6:20 am
210Robertson Place, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
211Robertson Court, Cromwell, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:20 am
212Robertshawe Crescent, Dannevirke, TararuaSep 18, 6:20 am
213Roberts Way, Flagstaff, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
214Roberts Terrace, Onekawa, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
215Roberts Street, Wainuiomata, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
216Roberts Street, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 6:20 am
217Roberts Street, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
218Roberts Street, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
219Roberts Street, Reefton, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
220Roberts Street, Martinborough, South WairarapaSep 18, 6:20 am
221Roberts Street, Hastings Central, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
222Roberts Street, Epuni, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
223Roberts Street, Dunedin Central, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
224Roberts Road, Tindalls Beach, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
225Roberts Road, Te Atatu, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
226Roberts Road, Lansdowne, MastertonSep 18, 6:20 am
227Roberts Road, Islington, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
228Roberts Road, Glenfield, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
229Roberts Road, Gisborne, GisborneSep 18, 6:20 am
230Roberts Line, Kelvin Grove, Manawatu;Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
231Roberts Drive, Cromwell, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:20 am
232Roberts Avenue, Bayswater, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
233Roberts Avenue, Aramoho, WanganuiSep 18, 6:20 am
234Roberton Road, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
235Roberta Drive, Barrington, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
236Roberta Crescent, Orewa, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
237Roberta Avenue, Glendowie, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
238Robert Street, Whangarei Central, WhangareiSep 18, 6:20 am
239Robert Street, Thames, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
240Robert Street, Raglan, WaikatoSep 18, 6:20 am
241Robert Street, Newlands, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
242Robert Street, Marton, RangitikeiSep 18, 6:20 am
243Robert Street, Mangawhai Heads, KaiparaSep 18, 6:20 am
244Robert Street, Lincoln, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
245Robert Street, Fairfield, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
246Robert Street, Ellerslie, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
247Robert Skelton Place, Clendon Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
248Robert Shortt Street, Wairoa, WairoaSep 18, 6:20 am
249Robert Ross Place, Clendon Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
250Robert Road, South Beach, GreySep 18, 6:20 am
251Robert McKeen Street, Otaki Beach, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
252Robert Hall Avenue, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
253Robert Grove, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
254Robert Grigg Place, Hamilton East, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
255Robert Coup Road, Kaiapoi, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:20 am
256Robert Burke Place, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
257Robert Allan Way, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
258Robe Street, New Plymouth Central, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:20 am
259Robbins Crescent, Hawera, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:20 am
260Robbies Road, Shelly Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
261Robbies Lane, New Plymouth Central, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:20 am
262Robbie Street, Foxton Beach, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:20 am
263Robb Street, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
264Roband Crescent, Brown Owl, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
265Roband Avenue, Marlborough, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
266Robalan Place, Redwoodtown, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:20 am
267Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:20 am
268Roanoke Way, Albany, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
269Otaki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
270Roadley Avenue, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
271Roache Road, Opotiki, OpotikiSep 18, 6:20 am
272Roach Street, Marewa, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
273Roach Street, Maeroa, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
274Roach Street, Holmes Hill, WaitakiSep 18, 6:20 am
275Roach Avenue, Shannon, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:20 am
276Roa Road, Fendalton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
277Roa Road, Blackball, GreySep 18, 6:20 am
278Rixon Place, Te Atatu Peninsula, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
279Rixon Grove, Mt Victoria, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
280Riwai Street, Templeton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
281Riwai Street, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
282Riviera Place, Hauraki, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
283Riviera Court, Papamoa Beach, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
284Riverwood Boulevard, Redwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
285Riverview Terrace, Fairfield, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
286Riverview Street, Putaruru, South WaikatoSep 18, 6:20 am
287Riverview Street, Beckenham, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
288Riverview Road, Whangamata, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
289Riverview Road, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:20 am
290Riverview Road, Panmure, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
291Riverview Road, New Lynn, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
292Riverview Road, Murchison, TasmanSep 18, 6:20 am
293Riverview Road, Kerikeri, Far NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
294Riverview Road, Huntly, WaikatoSep 18, 6:20 am
295Riverview Place, Maungaturoto, KaiparaSep 18, 6:20 am
296Riverview Lane, Te Aroha, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
297Riverview Lane, Balclutha, CluthaSep 18, 6:20 am
298Rivervale Grove, Stanmore Bay, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
299Riverton Terrace, Halswell, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
300Riverton Road, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
301Riverton Place, Fairview Downs, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
302Riverton Drive, Randwick Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
303Hokowhitu, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
304Riverstone Road, Te Atatu Peninsula, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
305Riverstone Drive, Welcome Bay, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
306Riverstone Drive, Riverstone Terraces, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
307Riverslea Road South, Akina, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
308Riverslea Road North, Parkvale, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
309Riverside Road, Whataupoko, GisborneSep 18, 6:20 am
310Riverside Road, Orewa, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
311Riverside Road, Frankton, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:20 am
312Riverside Lane, Brooklands, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
313Riverside Grove, Wainuiomata, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
314Riverside Drive South, Waiwhetu, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
315Riverside Drive North, Waterloo, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
316Riverside Drive North, Fairfield, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
317Riverside Drive Central, Waterloo, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
318Riverside Drive Central, Waiwhetu, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
319Riverside Drive, Whakatane, WhakataneSep 18, 6:20 am
320Riverside Drive, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 6:20 am
321Riverside Drive, Riverside, WhangareiSep 18, 6:20 am
322Riverside Drive, Abbey Caves, WhangareiSep 18, 6:20 am
323Riverside Avenue, Point England, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
324Riverside Avenue, Panmure, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
325Riverside, Nelson Central, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
326Riversdale Road, Clouston Park, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
327Riversdale Road, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
328Riversdale Drive, Merrilands, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:20 am
329Rivers Street, Alexandra, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:20 am
330Riverpark Crescent, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
331Riverlea Way, Totara Park, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
332Riverlea Road, Whenuapai, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
333Riverlea Road, Riverlea, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
334Riverlea Road, Hillcrest, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
335Riverlea Estate Drive, Kainga, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
336Riverlea Drive, Katikati, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:20 am
337Riverlea Avenue, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
338Riverlaw Terrace, St Martins, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
339Riverina Avenue, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
340Mangakakahi, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
341Riverhills Avenue, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
342Riverhead Road, Kumeu, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
343Riverhead Lane, Mataura, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
344Riverdale Road, Dannevirke, TararuaSep 18, 6:20 am
345Riverbend Road, Maraenui, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
346Riverbank Terrace, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 6:20 am
347Riverbank Street, Tangimoana, ManawatuSep 18, 6:20 am
348Riverbank Street, Ebdentown, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
349Riverbank Road Extension, Otaki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
350Stirling, CluthaSep 18, 6:20 am
351Riverbank Road, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
352Riverbank Road, Paeroa, HaurakiSep 18, 6:20 am
353Riverbank Road, Otaki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
354Riverbank Road, Okoia, WanganuiSep 18, 6:20 am
355Riverbank Road, Northwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
356Riverbank Road, New Lynn, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
357Riverbank Road, Inch Clutha, CluthaSep 18, 6:20 am
358River View Road, Morrinsville, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
359River Terrace Road, Brightwater, TasmanSep 18, 6:20 am
360River Terrace, Waipukurau, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 6:20 am
361River Terrace, Otematata, WaitakiSep 18, 6:20 am
362River Terrace, Herne Bay, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
363River Terrace, Fairlie, MackenzieSep 18, 6:20 am
364River Terrace, East Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
365River Terrace, Allenton, AshburtonSep 18, 6:20 am
366River Street, Prestonville, InvercargillSep 18, 6:20 am
367River Street, Opotiki, OpotikiSep 18, 6:20 am
368River Street, Mataura, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
369River Street, Kingsdown, TimaruSep 18, 6:20 am
370River Street, Katikati, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:20 am
371River Street, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
372Totara Park, Whakatane, WhakataneSep 18, 6:20 am
373River Road, Waiau, HurunuiSep 18, 6:20 am
374River Road, Tuakau, FranklinSep 18, 6:20 am
375River Road, Trentham, Upper Hutt;Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
376River Road, Te Atatu Peninsula, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
377River Road, Taumarunui, RuapehuSep 18, 6:20 am
378River Road, Richmond, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
379River Road, Red Beach, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
380River Road, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:20 am
381River Road, Ohakune, RuapehuSep 18, 6:20 am
382River Road, Ngatea, HaurakiSep 18, 6:20 am
383River Road, Ngaruawahia, Waikato;HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
384River Road, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 6:20 am
385River Road, Kawerau, KawerauSep 18, 6:20 am
386River Road, Hector, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
387River Road, Hamilton, Waikato;HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
388River Road, Fernside, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:20 am
389River Road, Elderslea, Upper Hutt;Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
390River Road, Dargaville, KaiparaSep 18, 6:20 am
391River Road, Claudelands, Waikato;HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
392River Road, Chartwell, Waikato;HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
393River Road, Ashhurst, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
394Heretaunga, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
395Haywards, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
396River Parade, Wairoa, WairoaSep 18, 6:20 am
397River Oaks Place, Pukete, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
398River Oaks Drive, Tauriko, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
399River Lane, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 6:20 am
400River Glade, Waikanae, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
401River Elm, Flagstaff, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
402River Crescent, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
403Rivendell Place, Warkworth, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
404Ritso Street, Darfield, SelwynSep 18, 6:20 am
405Rito Place, Manukau, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
406Ritchie Street, Timaru Port, TimaruSep 18, 6:20 am
407Ritchie Street, Te Aroha, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
408Ritchie Street, Richmond, InvercargillSep 18, 6:20 am
409Ritchie Street, Arrowtown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:20 am
410Ritchie Place, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
411Ritchie Crescent, Takanini, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
412Ritchie Court, Te Anau, SouthlandSep 18, 6:20 am
413Rita Street, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
414Risk Road, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
415Rising Parade, Albany, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
416Rishworth Street, Waiwhetu, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
417Rishworth Place, Tikipunga, WhangareiSep 18, 6:20 am
418Rishworth Avenue, Stanmore Bay, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
419Rishworth Avenue, Arkles Bay, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
420Riserra Drive, Ranui, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
421Riselaw Street, Mairehau, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
422Riselaw Road, Calton Hill, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
423Risby Place, Russley, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
424Riro Street, Point Chevalier, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
425Riro Street, Hamilton, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
426Ririnui Place, Maungatapu, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
427Ririno Place, Whenuapai, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
428Ririno Place, Manurewa, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
429Riri Street, Mangakakahi, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
430Rira Street, Marton, RangitikeiSep 18, 6:20 am
431Rippleside Place, Pahurehure, PapakuraSep 18, 6:20 am
432Rippingale Road, Hanmer Springs, HurunuiSep 18, 6:20 am
433Ripon Street, Lyttelton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
434Ripon Place, Tamatea, NapierSep 18, 6:20 am
435Ripon Crescent, Meadowbank, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
436Riplington Road, Huntington Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:20 am
437Ripi Street, Kaikohe, Far NorthSep 18, 6:20 am
438Riperata Street, Riverdale, GisborneSep 18, 6:20 am
439Ripa Street, Tangimoana, ManawatuSep 18, 6:20 am
440Rintoul Street, Westport, BullerSep 18, 6:20 am
441Rintoul Street, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
442Rintoul Street, Berhampore, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
443Rintoul Place, Brightwater, TasmanSep 18, 6:20 am
444Rintoul Grove, Stokes Valley, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
445Ringwood Street, Torbay, North ShoreSep 18, 6:20 am
446Ringwood Place, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
447Ringwood Place, Avonhead, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
448Rings Road, Coromandel, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
449Ringaringa Road, Stewart Island, SouthlandSep 18, 6:20 am
450Ringakapo Street, Turangi, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
451Ring Terrace, St Marys Bay, AucklandSep 18, 6:20 am
452Ring Lane, Paparangi, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
453Rinaldi Avenue, Pines Beach, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:20 am
454Rinaha Place, Koutu, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
455Rina Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:20 am
456Rimuvale Street, West Brook, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
457Rimuvale Street, Pukehangi, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
458Rimutaka Street, Trentham, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
459Rimutaka Street, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
460Rimutaka Place, Titirangi, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
461Rimu Terrace, Waikawa, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:20 am
462Rimu Street, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:20 am
463Rimu Street, Wallaceville, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
464Rimu Street, Wainuiomata, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
465Rimu Street, Waikanae, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
466Rimu Street, Toi Toi, NelsonSep 18, 6:20 am
467Rimu Street, Te Kuiti, WaitomoSep 18, 6:20 am
468Rimu Street, Te Kauwhata, WaikatoSep 18, 6:20 am
469Rimu Street, Te Hapara, GisborneSep 18, 6:20 am
470Rimu Street, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 6:20 am
471Rimu Street, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
472Rimu Street, Strandon, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:20 am
473Rimu Street, Riccarton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:20 am
474Rimu Street, Ravensbourne, DunedinSep 18, 6:20 am
475Rimu Street, Pleasant Point, TimaruSep 18, 6:20 am
476Rimu Street, Otaki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:20 am
477Rimu Street, Ohakune, RuapehuSep 18, 6:20 am
478Rimu Street, New Lynn, WaitakereSep 18, 6:20 am
479Rimu Street, Naenae, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
480Rimu Street, Matamata, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:20 am
481Rimu Street, Marton, RangitikeiSep 18, 6:20 am
482Rimu Street, Manunui, RuapehuSep 18, 6:20 am
483Rimu Street, Mangakino, TaupoSep 18, 6:20 am
484Rimu Street, Mahora, HastingsSep 18, 6:20 am
485Rimu Street, Maeroa, HamiltonSep 18, 6:20 am
486Rimu Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:20 am
487Rimu Street, Lansdowne, MastertonSep 18, 6:20 am
488Rimu Street, Inglewood, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:20 am
489Rimu Street, Highfield, TimaruSep 18, 6:20 am
490Rimu Street, Helensville, RodneySep 18, 6:20 am
491Rimu Street, Heidelberg, InvercargillSep 18, 6:20 am
492Rimu Street, Hawera, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:20 am
493Rimu Street, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:20 am
494Rimu Street, Gonville, WanganuiSep 18, 6:20 am
495Rimu Street, Glenwood, TimaruSep 18, 6:20 am
496Rimu Street, Glenholme, RotoruaSep 18, 6:20 am
497Rimu Street, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 6:20 am
498Rimu Street, Edgecumbe, WhakataneSep 18, 6:20 am
499Rimu Street, Eastbourne, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:20 am
500Rimu Street, Dargaville, KaiparaSep 18, 6:20 am

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
There is a qualitative and quantitative difference between a day that begins with a little exercise, a book, meditation, a good meal, a thoughtful walk, and the start of a day that begins with a smartphone in bed.