NZ Postcodes

1Lewisville Terrace, Thorndon, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
2Lewisham Street, Highland Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
3Lewisham Park, St Albans, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
4Lewis Street, Redwoodtown, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
5Lewis Street, Paeroa, HaurakiSep 18, 6:14 am
6Lewis Street, Kamo, WhangareiSep 18, 6:14 am
7Lewis Street, Inner Kati, GisborneSep 18, 6:14 am
8Lewis Street, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
9Lewis Street, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:14 am
10Lewis Street, Glenview, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
11Lewis Street, Gladstone, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
12Lewis Street, Geraldine, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
13Lewis Street, Blockhouse Bay, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
14Lewis Road, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
15Lewis Road, Lynmore, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
16Lewis Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:14 am
17Lewis Place, Highbury, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
18Lewis Lane, Kamo, WhangareiSep 18, 6:14 am
19Lewis Avenue, Aramoho, WanganuiSep 18, 6:14 am
20Lewin Street, Balclutha, CluthaSep 18, 6:14 am
21Lewin Road, Epsom, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
22Lewer Street, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
23Levy Street, Mt Victoria, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
24Levy Road, Glen Eden, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
25Levonia Street, Western Springs, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
26Levley Lane, Katikati, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:14 am
27Levina Avenue, Aro Valley, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
28Levin Street, Shannon, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:14 am
29Levin Street, Cheviot, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
30Levin Road, Foxton, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:14 am
31Levin Road, Cheviot, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
32Levin Grove, Kelson, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
33Levien Lane, The Wood, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
34Levesque Street, Birkdale, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
35Leveson Street, Strathmore Park, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
36Levers Road, Matua, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
37Leverett Place, North Beach, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
38Lever Street, Ahuriri, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
39Levens Lane, Temuka, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
40Levene Place, Mt Wellington, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
41Leven Street, South Hill, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
42Leven Street, Roslyn, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
43Leven Street, Oamaru North, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
44Leven Street, Marchwiel, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
45Leven Street, Invercargill Central, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
46Leven Street, Avenal, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
47Leven Lane, The Gardens, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
48Leven Close, Bethlehem, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
49Leveloff Road, Paremoremo, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
50Level Street, Lumsden, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
51Levaut Place, Half Moon Bay, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
52Levant Street, Cannons Creek, PoriruaSep 18, 6:14 am
53Letterkenny Place, Blockhouse Bay, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
54Lett Street, Lansdowne, MastertonSep 18, 6:14 am
55Lett Road, Snells Beach, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
56Lethenty Way, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
57Lethbridge Street, Feilding, ManawatuSep 18, 6:14 am
58Lethborg Street, Dinsdale, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
59Lethaby Street, Abbotsford, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
60Lester Place, Witherlea, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
61Lester Lane, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
62Lester Lane, Addington, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
63Lester Heights Drive, Woodhill, WhangareiSep 18, 6:14 am
64Lesney Street, Maryhill, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
65Leslie Street, Waitara, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
66Leslie Street, Waiau, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
67Leslie Street, Wadestown, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
68Leslie Street, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 6:14 am
69Leslie Street, Mangawhai, KaiparaSep 18, 6:14 am
70Leslie Street, Kihikihi, WaipaSep 18, 6:14 am
71Leslie Road, Cable Bay, Far NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
72Leslie Place, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
73Leslie Place, Deanwell, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
74Leslie Pass Road, Hanmer Springs, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
75Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
76Leslie Avenue, Western Heights, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
77Leslie Avenue, Sandringham, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
78Leslie Avenue, Cloverlea, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
79Lesley Grove, Waikanae, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
80Lesa Annis Place, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
81Les Martin Drive, Kawerau, KawerauSep 18, 6:14 am
82Les Marston Place, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
83Les Fisher Place, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
84Lerwick Terrace, Melrose, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
85Lerwick Terrace, Lyall Bay, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
86Lerwick Street, Tamatea, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
87Leonie Place, Bexley, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
88Leong Avenue, Dinsdale, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
89Leone Terrace, Mt Albert, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
90Leonard Street, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
91Leonard Street, Waimate, WaimateSep 18, 6:14 am
92Leonard Street, Waiau, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
93Leonard Street, Stewart Island, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
94Leonard Street, Ngatea, HaurakiSep 18, 6:14 am
95Leonard Street, Kawakawa, Far NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
96Leonard Street, Greymouth, GreySep 18, 6:14 am
97Leonard Road, Ngongotaha, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
98Leonard Road, Mt Wellington, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
99Leonard Place, St Martins, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
100Leonard Place, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
101Leonard Place, Onerahi, WhangareiSep 18, 6:14 am
102Leonard Place, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
103Leonard Place, Dinsdale, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
104Leonard Isitt Drive, Auckland Airport, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
105Leona Way, Paparangi, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
106Leon Street, Riverdale, GisborneSep 18, 6:14 am
107Leon Place, Waitara, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
108Leo Street, Waihi Beach, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:14 am
109Leo Street, Harewood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
110Leo Street, Glen Eden, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
111Leo Street, Akina, HastingsSep 18, 6:14 am
112Leo Place, Kawaha Point, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
113Lenton Street, Bexley, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
114Lenox Grove, Johnsonville, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
115Lenore Road, Favona, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
116Lennox Street, North East Valley, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
117Lennox Street, Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:14 am
118Lennox Place, Feilding, ManawatuSep 18, 6:14 am
119Lennon Grove, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 6:14 am
120Lennel Road, Wadestown, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
121Lenihan Street, Wanganui East, WanganuiSep 18, 6:14 am
122Lenihan Street, Northcote, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
123Lenihan Drive, Te Puke, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:14 am
124Leneford Drive, Dannemora, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
125Lendic Avenue, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
126Lendenfeld Drive, Papatoetoe, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
127Lena Place, Foxton, HorowhenuaSep 18, 6:14 am
128Len Hale Place, Marshland, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
129Len Garlick Place, Pahurehure, PapakuraSep 18, 6:14 am
130Len Davis Terrace, Pirimai, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
131Len Brown Place, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
132Lemonwood Place, The Gardens, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
133Lemonwood Grove, Maungaraki, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
134Lemont Place, Westown, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
135Lemon Tree Lane, Takaka, TasmanSep 18, 6:14 am
136Lemon Street, Otaki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
137Lemon Street, New Plymouth, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
138Lemon Street, Frankton, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
139Lemon Grove Avenue, Otumoetai, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
140Lemnos Place, Titirangi, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
141Lemnos Avenue, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
142Lemington Road, Westmere, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
143Lemari Avenue, Stoke, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
144Leman Street, Milton, CluthaSep 18, 6:14 am
145Lema Place, Clover Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
146Leixlep Lane, Dannemora, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
147Leitrum Street, Cromwell, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:14 am
148Leitrim Street, Redwoodtown, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
149Leithton Close, Glenleith, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
150Leitholm Place, Roxburgh, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:14 am
151Leithen Street, Waterloo, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
152Leithen Street, Nightcaps, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
153Leithbank, Dunedin North, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
154Leith Way, Rothesay Bay, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
155Leith Walk, Dunedin North, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
156Leith Valley Road, Leith Valley, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
157Leith Terrace, Blenheim Central, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
158Leith Street North, Dunedin North, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
159Leith Street Central, Dunedin North, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
160Leith Street, Windsor, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
161Leith Street, Waikouaiti, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
162Leith Street, Te Awamutu, WaipaSep 18, 6:14 am
163Leith Street, Oamaru, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
164Leith Street, Morningside, WhangareiSep 18, 6:14 am
165Leith Street, Kinmont Park, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
166Leith Street, Gisborne, GisborneSep 18, 6:14 am
167Leith Street, Dunedin North, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
168Leith Street, Dunedin Central, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
169Leith Road, Owhata, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
170Leith Place, Tokoroa, South WaikatoSep 18, 6:14 am
171Leith Place, Barrington, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
172Leith Crescent, Greymouth, GreySep 18, 6:14 am
173Leith Court, Papatoetoe, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
174Leith Avenue, Island Bay, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
175Leitch Street, Somerfield, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
176Leistrella Road, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
177Leinster Terrace, Lincoln, SelwynSep 18, 6:14 am
178Leinster Street, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
179Leinster Road, Strowan, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
180Leinster Avenue, Raumati, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
181Leinster Avenue, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
182Leilani Place, Red Hill, PapakuraSep 18, 6:14 am
183Leila Place, Clover Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
184Leighton Street, Grey Lynn, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
185Leighton Road, Whangamata, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:14 am
186Leighton Place, Redwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
187Leighton Avenue, Waiwhetu, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
188Leigh Terrace, Glenfield, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
189Leigh Place, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
190Leigh Place, Awapuni, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
191Leiden Place, Glenfield, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
192Leicester Street, Terrace End, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
193Leicester Street, Stoke, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
194Leicester Street, Picton, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
195Leicester Street, Patea, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:14 am
196Leicester Street, North East Valley, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
197Leicester Street, Hampden, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
198Leicester Street, Cannons Creek, PoriruaSep 18, 6:14 am
199Leicester Parade, Somerville, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
200Leicester Crescent, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
201Leicester Avenue, Tamatea, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
202Legorne Lane, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 6:14 am
203Legacy Drive, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
204Left Bank, Te Aro, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
205Leewood Place, Pakuranga Heights, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
206Leeward Drive, Whitby, PoriruaSep 18, 6:14 am
207Leeton Drive, Waipukurau, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 6:14 am
208Leet Street, Invercargill Central, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
209Leeston Street, Hampstead, AshburtonSep 18, 6:14 am
210Leeston Dunsandel Road, Leeston, SelwynSep 18, 6:14 am
211Leeston And Lake Road, Leeston, SelwynSep 18, 6:14 am
212Leeson Place, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
213Leese Street, Taumarunui, RuapehuSep 18, 6:14 am
214Lees Way, Otumoetai, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
215Lees Street, Gladstone, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
216Lees Street, Dunedin Central, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
217Lees Road, Strowan, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
218Lees Grove, Wainuiomata, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
219Leeman Place, Casebrook, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
220Leek Street, Newmarket, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
221Leefield Street, Blenheim Central, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
222Leeds Street, Te Aro, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
223Leeds Street, Silverdale, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
224Leeds Street, Phillipstown, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
225Leeds Street, Milson, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
226Leeds Quay, Mayfield, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
227Leeds Place, Tamatea, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
228Leeds Place, Solway, MastertonSep 18, 6:14 am
229Leeds Lane, Queenstown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:14 am
230Leech Place, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:14 am
231Lee Street, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:14 am
232Lee Street, Te Puke, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:14 am
233Lee Street, Southbridge, SelwynSep 18, 6:14 am
234Lee Street, Parnell, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
235Lee Street, Ohakune, RuapehuSep 18, 6:14 am
236Lee Street, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
237Lee Street, Castlecliff, WanganuiSep 18, 6:14 am
238Lee Street, Bluff, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
239Lee Street, Blenheim Central, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
240Lee Stream-Outram Road, Outram, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
241Lee Road, Taradale, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
242Lee Road, Owhata, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
243Lee Place, Bader, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
244Lee Bay Road, Stewart Island, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
245Lee Avenue, Paeroa, HaurakiSep 18, 6:14 am
246Ledger Road, Atawhai, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
247Ledger Lane, Mt Pleasant, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
248Ledger Close, Richmond, TasmanSep 18, 6:14 am
249Ledger Avenue, Motueka, TasmanSep 18, 6:14 am
250Ledbury Road, Atawhai, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
251Leda Place, North Beach, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
252Leckie Street, Redruth, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
253Leckhampton Court, The Glen, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
254Leckhampton Court, Clyde Hill, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
255Lebanon Street, Judea, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
256Leaver Terrace, North Beach, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
257Leaver Place, Weymouth, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
258Leather Street, Huntly, WaikatoSep 18, 6:14 am
259Leatham Crescent, Opaheke, PapakuraSep 18, 6:14 am
260Leatham Avenue, Strandon, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
261Leask Bay Road, Stewart Island, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
262Leaside Lane, Glen Innes, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
263Leary Street, Kenmure, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
264Learmonth Avenue, Birkenhead, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
265Lear Street, Stratford, StratfordSep 18, 6:14 am
266Lear Street, Morrinsville, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:14 am
267Leanne Way, Waikanae Beach, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
268Leander Street, Northcote, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
269Leander Street, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
270Leander Street, Dunedin Central, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
271Leander Road, Whangamata, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:14 am
272Leander Road, Bayswater, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
273Leander Place, Milson, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
274Leander Place, Flagstaff, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
275Leamington Street, Hanmer Springs, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
276Leamington Street, Addington, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
277Leamington Road, Mt Eden, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
278Leaming Place, Clarks Beach, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
279Leal Place, Manly, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
280Leaity Street, Moerewa, Far NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
281Leadley Lane, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
282Leader Way, Atawhai, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
283Leader Street, Riverton North, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
284Leader Road West, Waiau, HurunuiSep 18, 6:14 am
285Leader Lane, Upper Hutt Central, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
286Leacroft Street, Bishopdale, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
287Leach Street, New Plymouth Central, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
288Leach Place, Enner Glynn, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
289Leabridge Mews, Harewood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
290Lea Street, Oamaru North, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
291Lea Place, Stanmore Bay, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
292Le Ruez Place, Horahora, WhangareiSep 18, 6:14 am
293Le Roy Terrace, Birkenhead, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
294Le Roy Road, Onetangi, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
295Le Roi Way, Harewood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
296Le Quesne Road, Bay View, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
297Le Quesne Place, Fairfield, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
298Le Lievre Lane, Akaroa, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
299Le Havre Place, Takanini, PapakuraSep 18, 6:14 am
300Le Fleming Street, Darfield, SelwynSep 18, 6:14 am
301Le Cren Street, Seaview, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
302Le Cascina Lane, Riccarton, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
303Lazurite Drive, Massey, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
304Lazar Street, North East Valley, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
305Layton Road, Manly, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
306Laycock Road, Tairua, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:14 am
307Layard Street, Windsor, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
308Layard Street, Waverley, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
309Layard Street, Opunake, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:14 am
310Layard Street, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
311Laxon Terrace, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
312Laxon Avenue, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
313Lawyers Head Road, Lawyers Head, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
314Lawson Way, Weymouth, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
315Lawson Street, Sydenham, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
316Lawson Street, Pahiatua, TararuaSep 18, 6:14 am
317Lawson Street, Belleknowes, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
318Lawson Place, Mt Victoria, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
319Lawson Place, Hairini, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
320Lawson Burrows Crescent, Te Anau, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
321Laws Place, Pirimai, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
322Lawry Street, Moturoa, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
323Lawry Street, Ellerslie, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
324Lawry Street, Blagdon, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
325Lawrie Avenue, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
326Lawrence-Waitahuna Highway, Lawrence, CluthaSep 18, 6:14 am
327Lawrence Street, Te Kuiti, WaitomoSep 18, 6:14 am
328Lawrence Street, Outer Kaiti, GisborneSep 18, 6:14 am
329Lawrence Street, Otorohanga, OtorohangaSep 18, 6:14 am
330Lawrence Street, Otane, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 6:14 am
331Lawrence Street, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
332Lawrence Street, Mornington, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
333Lawrence Street, Herne Bay, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
334Lawrence Street, Havelock, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
335Lawrence Street, East Gore, GoreSep 18, 6:14 am
336Lawrence Street, Akina, HastingsSep 18, 6:14 am
337Lawrence Road, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 6:14 am
338Lawrence Road, Hospital Hill, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
339Lawrence Place, Outer Kaiti, GisborneSep 18, 6:14 am
340Lawrence Place, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
341Lawrence Place, Blenheim Central, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
342Lawrence Crescent, Manurewa, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
343Lawrence Avenue, Te Aroha, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 6:14 am
344Lawndale Place, Kohimarama, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
345Lawn Road, Clive, HastingsSep 18, 6:14 am
346Lawlor Street, Te Kuiti, WaitomoSep 18, 6:14 am
347Lawlor Road, South Beach, GreySep 18, 6:14 am
348Lawford Place, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
349Law Street, Torbay, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
350Law Street, Caversham, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
351Law Lane, Mt Pleasant, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
352Lavinia Place, Kawau Island, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
353Lavinia Grove, Waikanae Beach, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
354Lavinia Crescent, Mangere East, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
355Lavery Place, Sunnynook, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
356Lavenham Place, Rototuna North, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
357Lavender Place, Papamoa Beach, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
358Lavender Lane, Hornby, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
359Lavender Lane, Highbury, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
360Lavender Court, St Johns, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
361Lavelle Road, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
362Lavaud Street, Berhampore, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
363Lavas Place, Mt Wellington, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
364Lavandula Crescent, Russley, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
365Laval Heights, Washington Valley, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
366Lauriston Street, Tokoroa, South WaikatoSep 18, 6:14 am
367Lauriston Street, Andersons Bay, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
368Lauriston Avenue, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
369Lauris Place, Birkdale, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
370Laurina Road, Sunnynook, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
371Laurie Street, Te Awamutu, WaipaSep 18, 6:14 am
372Laurie Street, Red Beach, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
373Laurie Street, Mornington, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
374Laurie Southwick Parade, Gulf Harbour, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
375Laurie Lane, Thames, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:14 am
376Laurie Avenue, Parnell, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
377Laurie Avenue, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 6:14 am
378Lauria Way, Maitai, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
379Laureston Avenue, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
380Laurent VC Street, Hawera, South TaranakiSep 18, 6:14 am
381Laurent Road, Hautapu, WaipaSep 18, 6:14 am
382Laurent Place, Solway, MastertonSep 18, 6:14 am
383Laurent Place, Kingston, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
384Laurent Place, Greenmeadows, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
385Laurence Street North, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
386Laurence Street, Waltham, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
387Laurence Street, Queenwood, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
388Laurence Street, Manly, RodneySep 18, 6:14 am
389Laurence Street, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
390Laurence Stevens Drive, Auckland Airport, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
391Laurelwood Avenue, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
392Laurelia Place, Wiri, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
393Laurel Street, Mt Albert, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
394Laurel Place, Awapuni, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
395Laurel Lane, Linwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
396Laurel Lane, Kaiapoi, WaimakaririSep 18, 6:14 am
397Laurel Grove, Maungaraki, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
398Laura Street, Lumsden, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
399Laura Street, Kelston, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
400Laura Place, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 6:14 am
401Laura Lane, Brightwater, TasmanSep 18, 6:14 am
402Laura Kent Place, Woolston, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
403Laura Avenue, Brooklyn, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
404Launceston Place, Ranfurly, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:14 am
405Laughton Street, Washdyke, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
406Laughton Street, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 6:14 am
407Lauderdale Road, Papakowhai, PoriruaSep 18, 6:14 am
408Lauderdale Road, Birkdale, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
409Lauder Street, Company Bay, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
410Lauder Road, Mt Eden, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
411Lauder Place, Heidelberg, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
412Lauder Crescent, Heidelberg, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
413Laud Avenue, Ellerslie, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
414Lauchlan Avenue, Epsom, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
415Latter Street, Timaru, TimaruSep 18, 6:14 am
416Latta Place, Ngaruawahia, WaikatoSep 18, 6:14 am
417Latitude Close, Whitby, PoriruaSep 18, 6:14 am
418Latimer Street, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
419Latimer Square, Christchurch Central, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
420Latham Stubbs Crescent, Waipawa, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 6:14 am
421Latham Street, Napier South, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
422Latham Street, Marewa, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
423Latham Street, Maraenui, NapierSep 18, 6:14 am
424Latham Road, York Bay, Lower HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
425Latham Court, Frankton, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
426Latham Avenue, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
427Lastel Place, Shelly Park, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
428Lassiter Green, Northwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
429Lassen Place, Stoke, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
430Lasque Place, Glen Eden, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
431Lasiandra Place, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
432Laser Place, Glenfield, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
433Lasenby Street, Fordlands, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
434Lascelles Street, St Martins, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
435Lascelles Street, St Leonards, HastingsSep 18, 6:14 am
436Larsens Road, Halswell, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
437Larsen Street, Westport, BullerSep 18, 6:14 am
438Larsen Street, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
439Larsen Road, Panmure, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
440Larsen Place, Merrilands, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
441Larsen Crescent, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 6:14 am
442Larsen Court, Roslyn, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 6:14 am
443Larnoch Road, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
444Larne Avenue, Pakuranga Heights, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
445Larnach Street, Waimairi Beach, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
446Larnach Street, St Andrews, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am
447Larnach Road, Waverley, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
448Larnach Road, Vauxhall, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
449Larnach Road, Shiel Hill, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
450Larkworthy Street, Saint Kilda, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
451Larkspur Court, The Gardens, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
452Larkins Street, Helensburgh, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
453Larkin Place, Somerville, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
454Larkhill Place, Avonhead, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
455Lark Street, Taihape, RangitikeiSep 18, 6:14 am
456Lark Street, Oamaru, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
457Larissa Avenue, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
458Larisa Grove, Papamoa Beach, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
459Largs Street, Wallacetown, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
460Largo Street, Oamaru North, WaitakiSep 18, 6:14 am
461Largo Lane, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
462Largo Avenue, Dunedin South, DunedinSep 18, 6:14 am
463Larges Lane, The Brook, NelsonSep 18, 6:14 am
464Laredo Grove, Totara Park, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
465Lardner Road, Invercargill, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
466Larcy Road, Lynmore, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
467Larchwood Grove, Nukuhau, TaupoSep 18, 6:14 am
468Larchwood Avenue, Westmere, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
469Larchmont Grove, Totara Park, Upper HuttSep 18, 6:14 am
470Larch Street, Victoria, RotoruaSep 18, 6:14 am
471Larch Street, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
472Larch Place, Wanaka, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:14 am
473Larch Place, Casebrook, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
474Larch Hill Place, Queenstown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:14 am
475Larch Grove Road, Mount Cook National Park, MackenzieSep 18, 6:14 am
476Larch Grove, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 6:14 am
477Larch Crescent, Alexandra, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:14 am
478Larch Court, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 6:14 am
479Laramie Place, Broomfield, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
480Lapwood Road, Tuakau, FranklinSep 18, 6:14 am
481Lapwing Lane, Mt Pleasant, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
482Lappington Road, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
483Lanyon Place, Whitby, PoriruaSep 18, 6:14 am
484Lantern Way, Clyde, Central OtagoSep 18, 6:14 am
485Lantern Lane, Halswell, ChristchurchSep 18, 6:14 am
486Lantern Court, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
487Lantana Road, New Lynn, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
488Lantana Road, Green Bay, WaitakereSep 18, 6:14 am
489Lantana Place, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 6:14 am
490Lantana Avenue, Bell Block, New PlymouthSep 18, 6:14 am
491Lansford Crescent, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 6:14 am
492Lansell Drive, Dannemora, ManukauSep 18, 6:14 am
493Lansdowne Street, Strathern, InvercargillSep 18, 6:14 am
494Lansdowne Street, Mayfield, MarlboroughSep 18, 6:14 am
495Lansdowne Street, Bayswater, North ShoreSep 18, 6:14 am
496Lansdowne Road, Katikati, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 6:14 am
497Lansdowne Place, Riverton North, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
498Lansdowne Crescent, Riverton, SouthlandSep 18, 6:14 am
499Lansdowne Crescent, Lansdowne, MastertonSep 18, 6:14 am
500Lansdowne Crescent, Fitzroy, HamiltonSep 18, 6:14 am

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas A. Edison