NZ Postcodes

1Corunna Bay, Hospital Hill, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
2Corunna Avenue, Parnell, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
3Corunna Avenue, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
4Cortina Place, Pakuranga, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
5Cortina Avenue, Johnsonville, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
6Cortes Crescent, Flaxmere, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
7Corta Bella Place, Golflands, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
8Corstorphine Road, Corstorphine, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
9Corstorphine Road, Calton Hill, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
10Corson Avenue, Beckenham, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
11Corsican Grove, Parklands, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
12Corsham Grove, Churton Park, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
13Corserland Street, Burwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
14Corsair Place, Melville, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
15Corsair Drive, Hornby, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
16Corsair Crescent, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
17Corry Crescent, Witherlea, MarlboroughSep 18, 5:27 am
18Corry Avenue, Bluff Hill, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
19Corrondella Grove, Belmont, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
20Corrofin Drive, Dannemora, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
21Corrin Street, Melville, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
22Corrielea Crescent, Cambridge, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
23Corriedale Place, Somerville, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
24Corrie Street, Roslyn, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
25Corrie Street, Dunedin, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
26Corric Hill, Torbay, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
27Corrella Road, Belmont, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
28Corregidor Place, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
29Correa Court, Goodwood Heights, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
30Corran Place, Ranui, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
31Coronet Place, Otematata, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
32Coronet Place, Awapuni, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
33Coronet Place, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
34Coronation Street, Waimate, WaimateSep 18, 5:27 am
35Coronation Street, Strathern, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
36Coronation Street, Spreydon, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
37Coronation Street, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
38Coronation Street, Paeroa, HaurakiSep 18, 5:27 am
39Coronation Street, Feilding, ManawatuSep 18, 5:27 am
40Coronation Street, Cambridge, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
41Coronation Street, Belmont, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
42Coronation Street, Ahuriri, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
43Coronation Road, Papatoetoe, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
44Coronation Road, Morrinsville, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 5:27 am
45Coronation Road, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
46Coronation Road, Hillcrest, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
47Coronation Road, Epsom, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
48Coronation Drive, Queenstown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 5:27 am
49Coronation Court, Milton, CluthaSep 18, 5:27 am
50Coronation Avenue, Welbourn, New PlymouthSep 18, 5:27 am
51Coronation Avenue, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
52Coronado Place, Broomfield, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
53Coromandel Street, Thames, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 5:27 am
54Coromandel Street, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
55Coromandel Road, Oneroa, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
56Coromandel Crescent, Mairangi Bay, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
57Coromandel Court, Roslyn, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
58Corolu Place, Conifer Grove, PapakuraSep 18, 5:27 am
59Corokia Street, Bell Block, New PlymouthSep 18, 5:27 am
60Corokia Place, The Gardens, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
61Corokia Close, Brooklands, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
62Coroglen Rise, Pukerua Bay, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
63Coroglen Avenue, Birkenhead, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
64Cornwell Street, Pipitea, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
65Cornwallis Street, Sandringham, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
66Cornwallis Road, Cornwallis, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
67Cornwall Street, Watlington, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
68Cornwall Street, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 5:27 am
69Cornwall Street, Vauxhall, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
70Cornwall Street, Te Atatu South, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
71Cornwall Street, St Albans, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
72Cornwall Street, Picton, MarlboroughSep 18, 5:27 am
73Cornwall Street, Patea, South TaranakiSep 18, 5:27 am
74Cornwall Street, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
75Cornwall Street, Lower Hutt Central, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
76Cornwall Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 5:27 am
77Cornwall Street, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
78Cornwall Street, Eltham, South TaranakiSep 18, 5:27 am
79Cornwall Street, Brooklands, New PlymouthSep 18, 5:27 am
80Cornwall Street, Arrowtown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 5:27 am
81Cornwall Road, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
82Cornwall Road, Taradale, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
83Cornwall Road, Springvale, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
84Cornwall Road, Papatoetoe, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
85Cornwall Road, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
86Cornwall Road, Mahora, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
87Cornwall Road, Lyttelton, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
88Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
89Cornwall Place, Stoke, NelsonSep 18, 5:27 am
90Cornwall Park Avenue, Epsom, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
91Cornwall Crescent, Cannons Creek, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
92Corns Street, Kensington, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
93Cornish Street, Korokoro, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
94Cornish Place, Feilding, ManawatuSep 18, 5:27 am
95Cornish Place, Cromwell, Central OtagoSep 18, 5:27 am
96Cornish Lane, Mosgiel, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
97Cornhill Street, Te Aro, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
98Cornhill Street, North East Valley, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
99Cornford Street, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
100Cornford Place, Onekawa, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
101Cornfoot Street, Castlecliff, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
102Cornet Lane, Bexley, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
103Cornell Court, Albany, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
104Cornelian Crescent, Half Moon Bay, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
105Cornel Circle, Snells Beach, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
106Cormack Street, Mt Roskill, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
107Cormack Place, Greenmeadows, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
108Corlett Street, Taumarunui, RuapehuSep 18, 5:27 am
109Corlett Street, Johnsonville, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
110Corlett Street, Hillcrest, RotoruaSep 18, 5:27 am
111Corlett Road, Plimmerton, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
112Corks Road, Tikipunga, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
113Corks Road, Kamo, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
114Corkill Place, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 5:27 am
115Corkill Avenue, Wairoa, WairoaSep 18, 5:27 am
116Cork Street, Martinborough, South WairarapaSep 18, 5:27 am
117Corinthian Drive, Albany, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
118Corinth Street, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
119Corinth Place, West Brook, RotoruaSep 18, 5:27 am
120Corinth Grove, Papamoa Beach, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
121Corinth Avenue, Te Kuiti, WaitomoSep 18, 5:27 am
122Corinna Street, Welcome Bay, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
123Corinna Street, Waitangirua, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
124Corin Avenue, Manurewa, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
125Corilin Place, Mangakakahi, RotoruaSep 18, 5:27 am
126Corhampton Street, Aranui, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
127Corgwyn Avenue, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
128Corfield Way, Burswood, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
129Corfe Street, Ilam, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
130Corfe Castle Lane, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 5:27 am
131Cordyline Place, Waimairi Beach, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
132Cordoba Court, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
133Cordelia Street, Stratford, StratfordSep 18, 5:27 am
134Cordelia Place, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
135Corbett-Scott Avenue, Epsom, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
136Corbett Street, Paeroa, HaurakiSep 18, 5:27 am
137Corbett Street, Hector, BullerSep 18, 5:27 am
138Corbett Street, Green Island, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
139Corbett Road, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
140Corbett Place, Onekawa, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
141Corbett Crescent, Halswell, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
142Corbett Avenue, Hillcrest, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
143Corban Avenue, Henderson, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
144Coralsea Way, Arkles Bay, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
145Coral Drive, Papamoa Beach, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
146Coral Crescent, Panmure, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
147Coral Court, Gulf Harbour, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
148Coradine Street, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
149Cora Place, Thames, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 5:27 am
150Coquille Place, Half Moon Bay, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
151Coquette Street, Warkworth, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
152Coquet Street, Oamaru Central, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
153Coptic Place, Mangere East, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
154Copsey Place, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
155Coprosma Crescent, Taupo, TaupoSep 18, 5:27 am
156Copplestone Place, New Lynn, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
157Coppins Road, Otahuhu, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
158Coppins Place, Motueka, TasmanSep 18, 5:27 am
159Coppinger Terrace, Halswell, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
160Copperfield Terrace, Howick, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
161Copperfield Close, Parklands, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
162Copperbeech Walk, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
163Copper Beech Avenue, Frankton, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 5:27 am
164Coppell Place, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
165Coppelia Avenue, Omokoroa, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 5:27 am
166Copley Street, New Lynn, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
167Copinsha Street, Palmerston, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
168Copenhagen Place, Hoon Hay, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
169Copeland Street, Wanganui Central, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
170Copeland Street, Lower Hutt, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
171Copeland Street, Epuni, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
172Copeland Street, Eden Terrace, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
173Copeland Street, Brighton, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
174Copeland Road, Akina, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
175Coote Road, Bluff Hill, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
176Coopers Road, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
177Coopers Road, Dallington, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
178Coopers Lane, Redruth, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
179Coopers Drive, Coopers Beach, Far NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
180Cooper Street, Wainui, GisborneSep 18, 5:27 am
181Cooper Street, Taita, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
182Cooper Street, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
183Cooper Street, Mornington, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
184Cooper Street, Lansdowne, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
185Cooper Street, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
186Cooper Street, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
187Cooper Street, Grey Lynn, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
188Cooper Road, Stanmore Bay, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
189Cooper Road, Rutherglen, GreySep 18, 5:27 am
190Cooper Place, Richmond, TasmanSep 18, 5:27 am
191Cooper Place, Papakura, PapakuraSep 18, 5:27 am
192Cooper Place, Chedworth, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
193Cooper Crescent, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
194Cooper Crescent, Morrinsville, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 5:27 am
195Cooper Avenue, Owhata, RotoruaSep 18, 5:27 am
196Coonoor Road, Watlington, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
197Cooneys Drive, Matua, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
198Cooney Place, Te Puke, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 5:27 am
199Coombe Street, Mt Cook, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
200Coombe Hay Terrace, Careys Bay, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
201Coombe Avenue, Otara, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
202Coolspring Way, Redwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
203Coolock Crescent, Waverley, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
204Coolidge Street, Brooklyn, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
205Coolen Place, Tuakau, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
206Cookson Lane, Kaiapoi, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
207Cooksey Place, Pirimai, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
208Cooks Street, Wanganui Central, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
209Cooks Lookout, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 5:27 am
210Cooks Lane, Ferrymead, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
211Cooke Street, Somerfield, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
212Cooke Street, Avenues, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
213Cooke Place, Taradale, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
214Cook Terrace, Greymouth, GreySep 18, 5:27 am
215Cook Street, West End, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
216Cook Street, Waipukurau, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 5:27 am
217Cook Street, Thames, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 5:27 am
218Cook Street, Te Hapara, GisborneSep 18, 5:27 am
219Cook Street, Palmerston North, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
220Cook Street, Oceanview, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
221Cook Street, Mornington, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
222Cook Street, Marfell, New PlymouthSep 18, 5:27 am
223Cook Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 5:27 am
224Cook Street, Leamington, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
225Cook Street, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
226Cook Street, Howick, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
227Cook Street, Havelock, MarlboroughSep 18, 5:27 am
228Cook Street, Hamilton, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
229Cook Street, Gate Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
230Cook Street, Foxton, HorowhenuaSep 18, 5:27 am
231Cook Street, Cockle Bay, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
232Cook Street, Carters Beach, BullerSep 18, 5:27 am
233Cook Street, Auckland Central, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
234Cook Place, Raureka, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
235Cook Drive, Whitianga, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 5:27 am
236Conyers Street, Strathern, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
237Conyers Street, Heidelberg, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
238Conyers Street, Georgetown, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
239Conway Street, Ohakune, RuapehuSep 18, 5:27 am
240Conway Street, Oamaru North, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
241Conway Street, Mayfair, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
242Conway Street, MacAndrew Bay, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
243Conway Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 5:27 am
244Conway Street, Barrington, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
245Conway Road, Mt Eden, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
246Conway Road, Linton Military Camp, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
247Conway Road, Eltham, South TaranakiSep 18, 5:27 am
248Conway Place, Terrace End, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
249Conway Place, Chartwell, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
250Conway Crescent, Glengarry, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
251Convoy Street, New Brighton, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
252Convoy Lane, Otahuhu, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
253Convent Road, Otaki, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 5:27 am
254Convent Road, Bluff Hill, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
255Convent Lane, Greymouth, GreySep 18, 5:27 am
256Convamore Lane, Mt Wellington, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
257Convair Crescent, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
258Contour Avenue, Pyes Pa, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
259Contessa Drive, Glenfield, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
260Consul Place, Hornby, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
261Constitution Street, Port Chalmers, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
262Constitution Street, Dunedin Central, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
263Constitution Hill, Auckland Central, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
264Constitution Avenue, Milton, CluthaSep 18, 5:27 am
265Constellation Drive, Rosedale, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
266Constant Street, Sawyers Bay, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
267Constance Street, Waiwhakaiho, New PlymouthSep 18, 5:27 am
268Constance Street, Queenwood, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
269Constance Place, Clover Park, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
270Constance Place, Cambridge, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
271Constable Street, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
272Constable Street, Hataitai, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
273Constable Road, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
274Constable Place, Halswell, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
275Constable Lane, West Harbour, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
276Constable Crescent, Onekawa, NapierSep 18, 5:27 am
277Consort Close, Paraparaumu Beach, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 5:27 am
278Consols Street, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 5:27 am
279Consitt Street, Takapau, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 5:27 am
280Conservators Road, Mcleans Island, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
281Conrad Place, Leamington, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
282Conrad Drive, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
283Conon Street, Invercargill, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
284Conon Street, Appleby, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
285Milson, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
286Connor Street, Wanaka, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 5:27 am
287Connor Place, Netherby, AshburtonSep 18, 5:27 am
288Connollys Line, Carterton, CartertonSep 18, 5:27 am
289Connolly Street, Lower Hutt, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
290Connolly Street, Geraldine, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
291Connolly Street, Boulcott, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
292Connolly Place, Huntly, WaikatoSep 18, 5:27 am
293Connolly Avenue, Mt Roskill, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
294Connemara Drive, Northwood, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
295Connemara Court, West Harbour, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
296Connell Street, Waverley, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
297Connell Street, Waihi, HaurakiSep 18, 5:27 am
298Connell Street, Blockhouse Bay, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
299Connaught Terrace, Brooklyn, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
300Connaught Street, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland;WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
301Connaught Drive, Islington, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
302Connal Street, Woolston, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
303Conlon Street, Reefton, BullerSep 18, 5:27 am
304Coniston Street, Wainuiomata, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
305Coniston Drive, Allenton, AshburtonSep 18, 5:27 am
306Coniston Avenue, Te Atatu South, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
307Coniston Avenue, Ilam, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
308Conifer Place, Te Puke, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 5:27 am
309Conifer Place, St Martins, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
310Conifer Lane, Queenstown, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 5:27 am
311Conifer Lane, Mangere Bridge, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
312Conifer Grove, Waikanae, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 5:27 am
313Conifer Grove, Kamo, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
314Conifer Court, Richmond, TasmanSep 18, 5:27 am
315Conifer Court, Raumati, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 5:27 am
316Conifer Court, Hokowhitu, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
317Conical Hill Road, Hanmer, HurunuiSep 18, 5:27 am
318Congreve Place, Blockhouse Bay, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
319Cong Avenue, Milson, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
320Conference Street, Christchurch Central, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
321Coney Street, Oxford, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
322Coney Lane, Maraetai, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
323Coney Hill Road, Saint Clair, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
324Cone Street, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
325Cone Place, Northcote, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
326Condor Place, Albany, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
327Condon Road, Huntly, WaikatoSep 18, 5:27 am
328Condliffe Place, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
329Condell Avenue, Papanui, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
330Concord Street, Wainuiomata, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
331Concord Place, Marshland, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
332Concord Place, Glen Innes, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
333Concord Avenue, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
334Conclusion Street, Ascot Park, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
335Conacher Close, Dannemora, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
336Comries Road, Chartwell, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
337Comrie Place, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
338Compton Street, Woolston, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
339Compton Street, Tinwald, AshburtonSep 18, 5:27 am
340Compton Street, Hillcrest, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
341Compton Street, Glenholme, RotoruaSep 18, 5:27 am
342Compton Street, Georgetown, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
343Compton Place, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
344Compton Crescent, Taita, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
345Complin Street, Havelock North, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
346Compass Way, Whitby, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
347Compass Point Way, Half Moon Bay, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
348Compass Place, Te Atatu, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
349Compass Court, Paraparaumu, Kapiti CoastSep 18, 5:27 am
350Company Road, Nightcaps, SouthlandSep 18, 5:27 am
351Como Street, Takapuna, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
352Como Street, Maori Hill, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
353Commons Way, Crofton Downs, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
354Commons Avenue, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
355Commonage Road, Hampden, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
356Commodores Close, Coastlands, WhakataneSep 18, 5:27 am
357Commodore Place, Britannia Heights, NelsonSep 18, 5:27 am
358Commodore Parry Road, Milford, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
359Commodore Drive, Mt Roskill, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
360Commodore Drive, Lynfield, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
361Commodore Court, Gulf Harbour, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
362Commodore Avenue, Flagstaff, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
363Commissariat Road, Mt Wellington, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
364Commins Road, Onerahi, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
365Commercial Street, Takaka, TasmanSep 18, 5:27 am
366Commercial Street, Kawakawa, Far NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
367Commercial Road, Oxford, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
368Commercial Road, Helensville, RodneySep 18, 5:27 am
369Commercial Road, Grey Lynn, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
370Commerce Street, Whangarei, WhangareiSep 18, 5:27 am
371Commerce Street, Whakatane, WhakataneSep 18, 5:27 am
372Commerce Street, Tokoroa, South WaikatoSep 18, 5:27 am
373Commerce Street, Temuka, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
374Commerce Street, Putaruru, South WaikatoSep 18, 5:27 am
375Commerce Street, Mangakino, TaupoSep 18, 5:27 am
376Commerce Street, Kaitaia, Far NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
377Commerce Street, Frankton, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
378Commerce Street, Dargaville, KaiparaSep 18, 5:27 am
379Commerce Street, Cambridge, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
380Commerce Street, Auckland Central, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
381Commerce Lane, Te Puke, Western Bay of PlentySep 18, 5:27 am
382Commerce Lane, Mt Maunganui, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
383Commerce Crescent, Waitangirua, PoriruaSep 18, 5:27 am
384Comins Crescent, Mission Bay, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
385Comet Crescent, Mangere, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
386Comeskey Grove, Elderslea, Upper HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
387Comely Bank, Opoho, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
388Combes Road, Remuera, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
389Comber Street, Matamata, Matamata-PiakoSep 18, 5:27 am
390Colyton Road, Ashhurst, Manawatu;Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
391Colwyn Street, Papanui, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
392Colwill Road, Massey, WaitakereSep 18, 5:27 am
393Colway Street, Ngaio, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
394Colway Place, Wairau Valley, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
395Colvin Street, Westport, BullerSep 18, 5:27 am
396Colville Street, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
397Colville Street, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
398Coromandel, Thames-CoromandelSep 18, 5:27 am
399Colville Road, Dargaville, KaiparaSep 18, 5:27 am
400Columbus Crescent, Flaxmere, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
401Columbia Way, Kingston, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
402Columbia Road, Sandringham, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
403Columbia Place, Albany, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
404Columbia Avenue, Hornby, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
405Columba Place, Matua, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
406Columba Avenue, Calton Hill, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
407Colum Place, Bucklands Beach, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
408Colt Place, Randwick Park, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
409Colstone Street, Glenview, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
410Colston Street, Dunedin South, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
411Colson Street, Avalon, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
412Colson Lane, Maraetai, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
413Colquhoun Street, Glenross, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
414Colquhoun Place, Dinsdale, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
415Colorado Place, Avondale, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
416Colorado Grove, Brooklyn, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
417Colorado Crescent, Milson, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
418Colonsay Street, Lawrence, CluthaSep 18, 5:27 am
419Colonial Road, Birkenhead, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
420Colonial Place, Kelvin Grove, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
421Colonial Lane, Hamilton East, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
422Colonial Lane, Christchurch, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
423Colonial Grove, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
424Colonel Nixon Street, Onehunga, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
425Colonel Mould Drive, Mangonui, Far NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
426Colonel Barton Glade, St Johns, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
427St Albans, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
428Colombo Street, Newtown, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
429Colombo Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
430Colombo Street, Frankton, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
431Colombo Street, Christchurch, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
432Colombo Street, Beckenham, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
433Cashmere, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
434Colombo Road, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
435Colombo Road, Solway, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
436Colombo Road, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
437Colombo Road, Lansdowne, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
438Colombo Court, Masterton, MastertonSep 18, 5:27 am
439Cologne Street, Martinborough, South WairarapaSep 18, 5:27 am
440Colne Street, Oamaru North, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
441Colmar Road, Howick, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
442Colman Street, Queenwood, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
443Colman Avenue, Sockburn, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
444Collison Terrace, Haumoana, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
445Collinson Street, Pirongia, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
446Collinson Street, Opua, Far NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
447Collins Terrace, Thorndon, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
448Collins Street, Wanaka, Queenstown-LakesSep 18, 5:27 am
449Collins Street, Waipawa, Central Hawke's BaySep 18, 5:27 am
450Collins Street, Waikouaiti, DunedinSep 18, 5:27 am
451Collins Street, Te Hapara, GisborneSep 18, 5:27 am
452Collins Street, Takapuna, North ShoreSep 18, 5:27 am
453Collins Street, Sandringham, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
454Collins Street, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
455Collins Street, Port Nelson, NelsonSep 18, 5:27 am
456Collins Street, Petone, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
457Collins Street, Oamaru North, WaitakiSep 18, 5:27 am
458Collins Street, Netherby, AshburtonSep 18, 5:27 am
459Collins Street, Kensington, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
460Collins Street, Hawera, South TaranakiSep 18, 5:27 am
461Collins Street, Gonville, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
462Collins Street, Blaketown, GreySep 18, 5:27 am
463Collins Street, Addington, ChristchurchSep 18, 5:27 am
464Collins Road, Melville, Waipa;HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
465Collins Road, Hope, TasmanSep 18, 5:27 am
466Collins Place, Picton, MarlboroughSep 18, 5:27 am
467Collins Drive, Waikuku Beach, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
468Collins Crescent, Feilding, ManawatuSep 18, 5:27 am
469Collins Avenue, Te Awamutu, WaipaSep 18, 5:27 am
470Collins Avenue, Tawa, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
471Collingwood Street, Waterloo, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am
472Collingwood Street, Wanganui, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
473Collingwood Street, The Wood, NelsonSep 18, 5:27 am
474Collingwood Street, Strathern, InvercargillSep 18, 5:27 am
475Collingwood Street, Ponsonby, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
476Collingwood Street, Ngaio, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
477Collingwood Street, Nelson South, NelsonSep 18, 5:27 am
478Collingwood Street, Nelson Central, NelsonSep 18, 5:27 am
479Collingwood Street, Levin, HorowhenuaSep 18, 5:27 am
480Collingwood Street, Kaitangata, CluthaSep 18, 5:27 am
481Collingwood Street, Judea, TaurangaSep 18, 5:27 am
482Collingwood Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
483Collingwood Street, Highfield, TimaruSep 18, 5:27 am
484Collingwood Street, Hamilton, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
485Collingwood Street, Hamilton Lake, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
486Collingwood Street, Freemans Bay, AucklandSep 18, 5:27 am
487Collingwood Street, Eltham, South TaranakiSep 18, 5:27 am
488Collingwood Road, Waiuku, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
489Collingwood Place, Rangiora, WaimakaririSep 18, 5:27 am
490Collingwood Lane, Hamilton, HamiltonSep 18, 5:27 am
491Collingwood Court, Hokowhitu, Palmerston NorthSep 18, 5:27 am
492Collinge Road, Mayfair, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
493Collinge Place, Mayfair, HastingsSep 18, 5:27 am
494Collina Terrace, Thorndon, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
495Collier Place, St Johns Hill, WanganuiSep 18, 5:27 am
496Collier Avenue, Karori, WellingtonSep 18, 5:27 am
497Collie Street, Manurewa, ManukauSep 18, 5:27 am
498Collie Road, Pukekohe, FranklinSep 18, 5:27 am
499Collie Drive, Pukehangi, RotoruaSep 18, 5:27 am
500Collett Street, Naenae, Lower HuttSep 18, 5:27 am

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


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Treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one.