OSRS Slayer Monsters

monster nameslayer levelcombat levelshp / slayer expslayer equipmentunique dropslocation
Hellhound1122,127,136bones onlyNieve's Slayer Cave
Crawling Hand58/1216/19NoneCrawling hand, coloured glovesCanifis Slayer Tower
Cave bug76, 965/5, 95/93NoneNoneLumbridge Swamp Caves, Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon
Cave crawler102322NoneBronze bootsFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Banshee152322EarmuffsBlack Mystic gloves,Red Mystic glovesCanifis Slayer Tower
Twisted Banshee1589100EarmuffsBlack/red Mystic glovesCatacombs of Kourend
Cave slime172325/25NoneIron bootsLumbridge Swamp Caves
Rockslug202927Bag of saltWhite Mystic gloves, Gold Mystic gloves, Mystic gloves (light), Mystic gloves (dark), Mystic glovesFremennik Slayer Dungeonand Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Desert lizard2212/24/4215/25/40Ice coolerWhite/gold Mystic bootsSouth of the Uzer and east across the river from Pollnivneach
Cockatrice253737Mirror shieldWhite/gold Mystic boots, Cockatrice head, Iron bootsFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Pyrefiend304345NoneSteel bootsFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Mogre326048Fishing explosiveFlippers/Mudskipper hatMudskipper Point
Harpie Bug Swarm334625Lit bug lanternSteel bootsNorthern most beach of Karamja
Wall beast3549105Spiny helmetWhite/gold Mystic hatLumbridge Swamp Caves
Killerwatt375551Insulated bootsNoneKillerwatt Plane
Molanisk395152Slayer bellMole clawsDorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon
Basilisk406175Mirror shieldWhite/gold Mystic hat, Basilisk headFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Terror dog40100/11085/89NoneGranite helmTarn's Lair
Sea snake4062, 9050, 85NoneNoneMiscellania and Etceteria Dungeon
Fever spider424940Slayer glovesNone (they only drop kwuarm)Braindeath Island, in the basement of the Pirates' Brewery
Infernal Mage456860NoneBlack/red Mystic boots, Black/red Mystic hatCanifis Slayer Tower
Brine rat477050NoneBrine sabreBrine Rat Cavern
Bloodveld5076120NoneBlack bootsCanifis Slayer Tower
Mutated Bloodveld50123170NoneBlack bootsCatacombs of Kourend
Jelly527875NoneMithril bootsFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Warped Jelly52112140NoneMithril bootsCatacombs of Kourend
Turoth5583/85/87/8976/77/79/81Leaf-bladed spear/Broad arrows/Magic Dart (hence Slayer staff)White/gold Mystic robe bottomFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Mutated Zygomite5774,8665,75Fungicide sprayNoneZanaris
Ancient Zygomite57109150Fungicide sprayNoneFossil Island
Cave horror588055Witchwood iconBlack maskMos Le'Harmless Caves
Aberrant spectre609690NosepegBlack/red Mystic robe bottom, Lava battlestaffCanifis Slayer Tower
Deviant spectre60169190NosepegBlack/red Mystic robe bottom, Lava battlestaffCatacombs of Kourend
Spiritual ranger63115, 118, 122, 12790NoneNoneGod Wars Dungeon
Dust devil6593105FacemaskDragon chainbodySmoke Dungeonwest of Pollnivneach
Spitting Wyvern66146200Mind/Elemental/Dragonfire/Ancient wyvern shieldNoneWyvern Cave
Taloned Wyvern66154200Mind/Elemental/Dragonfire/Ancient wyvern shieldNoneWyvern Cave
Long-tailed Wyvern66159200Mind/Elemental/Dragonfire/Ancient wyvern shieldNoneWyvern Cave
Spiritual Warrior68115, 123, 125, 13498-134NoneRune halberdGod Wars Dungeon
Kurask7010697Leaf-bladed spear/Broad arrows/Magic Dart (hence Slayer staff)White/gold Mystic robe top, Kurask head, Leaf-bladed battleaxeFremennik Slayer Dungeon
Skeletal Wyvern72140210Mind/Elemental/Dragonfire/Ancient wyvern shieldGranite legs, Draconic visage, Dragon platelegs, Dragon plateskirtAsgarnian Ice Caves
Gargoyle75111105Rock hammerBlack/red Mystic robe top, Adamant boots, Granite maulCanifis Slayer Tower
Brutal black dragon77318315/346.5Anti-dragon shield/Dragonfire shield or Antifire potion and Protect from MagicDragon spear, Dragon plateskirt, Dragon platelegs, Draconic visageCatacombs of Kourend
Nechryael80115105NoneRune bootsCanifis Slayer Tower
Greater Nechryael80200205NoneRune bootsCatacombs of Kourend
Ancient Wyvern82227300/315Mind/Elemental/Dragonfire/Ancient wyvern shieldWyvern visage, Granite longswordWyvern Cave
Spiritual mage83120-12375-106NoneDragon bootsGod Wars Dungeon
Abyssal demon85124150NoneAbyssal whip, Abyssal demon headCanifis Slayer Tower, Abyssal Area
Cave kraken87127125NoneTrident of the seas, Kraken tentacleStronghold Slayer Cave
Dark beast90180220/225.5NoneDark bow, Death talismanMourner Tunnels
Smoke devil93160185FacemaskOccult necklace, Dragon chainbodyStronghold Slayer Cave
Hob Goblins28, 42, 4729NoneNothing too ExcitingVarrock Sewers
Moss Giants42,48NoneNothing ExcitingVarrock Sewers

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