TV Shows

1Tekkaman BladeOct 3, 12:27 am
2The TransformersOct 3, 12:12 am
3The Magic BoomerangSep 26, 1:15 am
4The RattiesSep 26, 1:15 am
5Into The LabrynthSep 26, 1:15 am
6The Famous FiveSep 26, 1:15 am
7SupergranSep 26, 1:15 am
8Crystal Tipps And AllistairSep 26, 1:15 am
9HeathcliffSep 26, 1:15 am
10Baggy Pants And The NitwitsSep 26, 1:15 am
11Touche TurtleSep 26, 1:15 am
12The Phoenix And The CarpetSep 26, 1:15 am
13Lucky LucSep 26, 1:15 am
14Alfonzo BonzoSep 26, 1:15 am
15The Girl From TomorrowSep 26, 1:15 am
16The Sun Beneath The SeaSep 26, 1:15 am
17BatfinkSep 26, 1:15 am
18Chronicles Of NarniaSep 26, 1:15 am
19Couch PotatoSep 26, 1:15 am
20MulligrubsSep 26, 1:15 am
21Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesSep 26, 1:15 am
22Beavis and Butt-HeadSep 26, 1:15 am
23Scooby Doo Where Are YouSep 26, 1:15 am
24The World Of David The GnomeSep 26, 1:15 am
25HomeSep 26, 1:15 am
26Fatty And GeorgeSep 26, 1:15 am
27The FlinstonesSep 26, 1:15 am
28The JetsonsSep 26, 1:15 am
29SnorksSep 26, 1:15 am
30EwoksSep 26, 1:15 am
31Agros Cartoon ConnectionSep 26, 1:15 am
32Wind In The WillowsSep 26, 1:15 am
33Adventures Of Pete And PeteSep 26, 1:15 am
34AEIOUSep 26, 1:15 am
35The Story TellerSep 26, 1:15 am
36Alias The JesterSep 26, 1:15 am
37Mystery At Castle HouseSep 26, 1:15 am
38Professor PoopsnaggleSep 26, 1:15 am
39Rocky And BullwinkleSep 26, 1:15 am
40WomblesSep 26, 1:15 am
41Wizard Of OzSep 26, 1:15 am
42GForceSep 26, 1:15 am
43Robo StorySep 26, 1:15 am
44CarebearsSep 26, 1:15 am
45Heartbreak HighSep 26, 1:15 am
46Mysterious Cities Of GoldSep 26, 1:15 am
47Shaun The SheepSep 26, 1:15 am
48Transformers: Beast WarsSep 26, 1:15 am
49Pinky And The BrainSep 26, 1:15 am
50AnimaniacsSep 26, 1:15 am
51Tiny Toon AdventuresSep 26, 1:15 am
52Elly And JoolsSep 26, 1:15 am
53Grimm TalesSep 26, 1:15 am
54Atom AntSep 26, 1:15 am
55Speed BuggySep 26, 1:15 am
56The Nutty SquirrelsSep 26, 1:15 am
57Fraggle RockSep 26, 1:15 am
58The Afternoon ShowSep 26, 1:15 am
59Angry BeaversSep 26, 1:15 am
60MorphSep 26, 1:15 am
61Oakie DokeSep 26, 1:15 am
62Captain PugwashSep 26, 1:15 am
63Secret SquirrelSep 26, 1:15 am
64Tom SlickSep 26, 1:15 am
65Take HartSep 26, 1:15 am
66Bill And BenSep 26, 1:15 am
67Tomorrow PeopleSep 26, 1:15 am
68SpidermanSep 26, 1:15 am
69HerculoidsSep 26, 1:15 am
70Marine BoySep 26, 1:15 am
71ThunderbirdsSep 26, 1:15 am
72Speed RacerSep 26, 1:15 am
73Prince PlanetSep 26, 1:15 am
74GigantorSep 26, 1:15 am
75City Of GoldSep 26, 1:15 am
76Ulysses 31Sep 26, 1:15 am
77Dr WhoSep 26, 1:15 am
78ChockySep 26, 1:15 am
79PugwallSep 26, 1:15 am
80VidiotSep 26, 1:15 am
81The BaskervillesSep 26, 1:15 am
82PlasmoSep 26, 1:15 am
83Santo BugitoSep 26, 1:15 am
84Sticken RoundSep 26, 1:15 am
85GOGSSep 26, 1:15 am
86Bump In The NightSep 26, 1:15 am
87Danger IslandSep 26, 1:15 am
88The Arabian KnightsSep 26, 1:15 am
89Your Mother Wouldn't Like ItSep 26, 1:15 am
90Round The BendSep 26, 1:15 am
91T-BagSep 26, 1:15 am
92The New Adventures Of Blinky BillSep 26, 1:15 am
93Little BlueSep 26, 1:15 am
94Vicky The VikingSep 26, 1:15 am
95Portland BillSep 26, 1:15 am
96The Magic RoundaboutSep 26, 1:15 am
97Mr MenSep 26, 1:15 am
98Willo the WispSep 26, 1:15 am
99Roobarb And CustardSep 26, 1:15 am
100Shoebox ZooSep 26, 1:15 am
101Black Hole HighSep 26, 1:15 am
102Kenny The SharkSep 26, 1:15 am
103TupuSep 26, 1:15 am
104Bobby's WorldSep 26, 1:15 am
105Alex MackSep 26, 1:15 am
106Mr BeanSep 26, 1:15 am
107The Sooty ShowSep 26, 1:15 am
108Henry's CatSep 26, 1:15 am
109Rockie And BullwinkleSep 26, 1:15 am
110Star BlazersSep 26, 1:15 am
111Degrassi Junior HighSep 26, 1:15 am
112ALFSep 26, 1:15 am
113The Kenny Everett ShowSep 26, 1:15 am
114Adventure IslandSep 26, 1:15 am
115Belle and SebastianSep 26, 1:15 am
116Vision OnSep 26, 1:15 am
117Professor BalthazarSep 26, 1:15 am
118The Red And The BlueSep 26, 1:15 am
119Grange HillSep 26, 1:15 am
120The DinosaursSep 26, 1:15 am
121RugratsSep 26, 1:15 am
122Aaahh!!! Real MonstersSep 26, 1:15 am
123BananamanSep 26, 1:15 am
124Bangers And MashSep 26, 1:15 am
125Widget The World WatcherSep 26, 1:15 am
126Big Square EyeSep 26, 1:15 am
127Watch This SpaceSep 26, 1:15 am
128Funny BonesSep 26, 1:15 am
129Power RangersSep 26, 1:15 am
130Art AttackSep 26, 1:15 am
131Animals Of Farthing WoodSep 26, 1:15 am
132Are You Afraid Of The Dark?Sep 26, 1:15 am
133The Busy World Of Richard ScarrySep 26, 1:15 am
134The Demon HeadmasterSep 26, 1:15 am
135Charlie ChalkSep 26, 1:15 am
136Press GangSep 26, 1:15 am
137Play SchoolSep 26, 1:15 am
138Thomas The Tank EngineSep 26, 1:15 am
139Twins Of DestinySep 26, 1:15 am
140Ship To ShoreSep 26, 1:15 am
141The SmoggiesSep 26, 1:15 am
142My Secret ValleySep 26, 1:15 am
143Nellie The ElephantSep 26, 1:15 am
144Ghost WriterSep 26, 1:15 am
145Puddle LaneSep 26, 1:15 am
146Sesame StreetSep 26, 1:15 am
147Orson And OliviaSep 26, 1:15 am
148ArthurSep 26, 1:15 am
149Watt On EarthSep 26, 1:15 am
150WoofSep 26, 1:15 am
151Joshua JonesSep 26, 1:15 am
152Fireman SamSep 26, 1:15 am
153Lift OffSep 26, 1:15 am
154Degrassi HighSep 26, 1:15 am
155Rocco's Modern LifeSep 26, 1:15 am
156Bananas In PyjamasSep 26, 1:15 am
157Victor & HugoSep 26, 1:15 am
158AnimorphsSep 26, 1:15 am
159MadelineSep 26, 1:15 am
160Mr SquiggleSep 26, 1:15 am
161Magic School BusSep 26, 1:15 am
162The Genie From Down UnderSep 26, 1:15 am
163The RugratsSep 26, 1:15 am
164Where's WallySep 26, 1:15 am
165Tin TinSep 26, 1:15 am
166Postman PatSep 26, 1:15 am
167PinguSep 26, 1:15 am
168NoddySep 26, 1:15 am
169BrumSep 26, 1:15 am
170Blinky BillSep 26, 1:15 am
171BabarSep 26, 1:15 am
172Round The TwistSep 26, 1:15 am
173DariaSep 26, 1:15 am
174Captain PlanetSep 26, 1:15 am
175TrapdoorSep 26, 1:15 am
176Raggy DollsSep 26, 1:15 am
177The Secret Life Of Alex MacSep 26, 1:15 am
178The FeralsSep 26, 1:15 am
179Feral TVSep 26, 1:15 am
180Hey Arnold!Sep 26, 1:15 am
181RupertSep 26, 1:15 am
182The ChipmunksSep 26, 1:15 am
183Johnson & FriendsSep 26, 1:15 am
184WidgetSep 26, 1:15 am
185VoltronSep 26, 1:15 am
186Roger RamjetSep 26, 1:15 am
187You Can't Do That on TelevisionSep 26, 1:15 am
188Inspector GadgetSep 26, 1:15 am
189AstroboySep 26, 1:15 am
190Kimba The White LionSep 26, 1:15 am
191Basil BrushSep 26, 1:15 am
192Banana SplitsSep 26, 1:15 am
193Tales From Fat Tulip's GardenSep 26, 1:15 am
194Count DuckulaSep 26, 1:15 am
195Danger MouseSep 26, 1:15 am
196SupertedSep 26, 1:15 am
197GumbySep 26, 1:15 am
198Monkey MagicSep 26, 1:15 am
199CatweazleSep 26, 1:15 am
200Metal MickeySep 26, 1:15 am
201The GoodiesSep 26, 1:15 am

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
The mind must be given relaxation; it will arise better and keener after resting. As rich fields must not be forced-for their productiveness, the have no rest, will quickly exhaust them constantlabor will break the vigor of the mind, but if it is released and relaxed a little while, it will recover its powers