List Code

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A Collection of Code
foundation base html template - foundation template

just a basic html template with foundation and the required javascripts, good for a starter html page using foundation framework.

4:17 am, October 12, 2021
What is a Stateless Functional Component in React

What is a Stateless Functional Component? A stateless component is one that can recive data and render it, but it does not manage the provided data or track changes to it.  This method creates ..

12:24 am, October 12, 2021
How do Self-Closing JSX Tags Work?

So in JSX all the tags must be closed, other wise it can break the element. for example: <div> must have a closing </div> and also for elements like <br> and <hr> must include..

12:10 am, October 12, 2021
How to Define a HTML Class in JSX in React

When writing JSX you cant add classes like you would in HTML so this code would not work: JSX <div class="my-class"></div> Instead we have to use className. JSX uses camel case for a l..

11:55 pm, October 11, 2021
How to Render HTML Elements to the DOM with React

Once you have a JSX element defined you can write it to the page with ReactDOM.render(componentToRender, targetNode),  In this example we are targeting the div with the id challenge-node. JSX ..

11:43 pm, October 11, 2021
How to Add Comments in JSX

To put comments inside JSX, you use the syntax {/* */} to wrap around the comment text. You do actually need the curley brackets, and have to add it under the other elements for this to wor..

11:33 pm, October 11, 2021
Create a Complex JSX Element

JSX must return a single element, so you must wrap your items in a div element you cant just return a bunch of p tags.  Define a new constant JSX that renders a div which con..

11:28 pm, October 11, 2021
Create a Simple JSX Element

The current code uses JSX to assign a div element to the constant JSX. Replace the div with an h1 element and add the text Hello JSX! inside it.

11:19 pm, October 11, 2021
adding react with JSX using babel

just wanted to see how JSX would work with react and babel, so this way you can write JSX and babel compiles it for use with react.  This is apparently not a good way to do things and can be qui..

9:18 am, October 11, 2021
adding react to a website in 3 steps

i was just researching how to add react to a website, and i thought i would need babel to translate or compile the JSX code, but apparently you do not need this...  So ill test this here and see..

8:49 am, October 11, 2021
using babel for react compiling in browser

this is currently just an idea, as i saw that codepen uses babel to run react i was wondering i can do the same thing here and then just write normal react script and have babel compile it.  so ..

8:41 am, October 11, 2021
react hello world with time and date updating

here is a react hello world with the date and time updating on setInterval 1000 miliseconds.  Again with react it has to be compiled from JSX for it to work, so i have included the original and ..

4:12 am, October 11, 2021
react hello world with variable name

i was just testing some of the hello world examples on the react site, and as they use JSX they cant be directly entered into your code, so you need to run a pre compiler (not sure of the exact term f..

4:00 am, October 11, 2021
react basic hello world

the most basic hello world using react js

11:29 pm, October 10, 2021
console table rather than console log for javascript objects and arrays

so i just saw on a tweet, that you can use console.table and i cant wait to try it out! good thing i already have a test object and array ready to go!  

8:36 am, October 8, 2021
timeline class and function

this is a class extend that generates a timeline based on structured data and order's the items by year decending. this code will not work out of the box as it has other requirements, but it is a goo..

5:02 am, October 8, 2021
bootstrap alert template

here is a templated bootstrap alert where you can switch the alert type with the @alert_type variable. Here are the different alerts: primary secondary success danger warning info light dar..

12:53 am, October 8, 2021
bootstrap list group card with footer

a list group within a card and also a footer on the card for additional links. 

12:13 am, October 8, 2021
list group bootstrap template

this generates a bootstrap list group basic template layout, nice option for lists with links in them rather than using a ul li style list, this makes them into neater looking elements so rather than ..

11:43 pm, October 7, 2021
list group card item template

this is a list group item for usage with the template list group or list group card template.

11:40 pm, October 7, 2021
php html template class system

just a simple php templating system to extract your html files from within the php code into external files, makes things (or your code) a bit neater.

11:31 pm, October 7, 2021
list group card template

list group card template for usage with the php template class

11:29 pm, October 7, 2021
views list function for checking what views have been made on the current week

this is related to the views class that i added with monthly week number and yearly views, this is the function that i use to extract the top viewed pages for the week num, month num and year num. I ..

8:54 am, October 7, 2021
load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loop

i find this useful when loading a bunch of items in a class while looping through data, rather than assigning variables manually i just add the array of item names into the class to begin with and the..

8:36 am, October 7, 2021
Idea: Google Font Dropdown Selector Code

just an idea at the moment, a dropdown list of google fonts and when selected it loads that selected font using the @import css tag.  Loading the fonts Gist : not tested

8:55 am, October 6, 2021
create a 200 character summary from a longer html string

this is a quick function that can create a 200 word plain text summary from a html string. Also added the option to specify the char length of the string.  Function function create_summary($htm..

11:16 pm, October 5, 2021
twitter social sharing meta tags

I had done this one so many times on client sites I actually forgot that i had not applied it to my own site! Doh! Anyway this is the tag setup i use for adding the title, url, author and featured im..

11:51 am, October 5, 2021
responsive three box section with tabular data or table data

here is a section in foundation with 3 hero boxes with images on top, and then a title and some tabular (is that the same as table?) data in each box, so could be good for some kinda products and then..

5:50 am, October 1, 2021
stackable bio or biography list with portrait image title and text

a nice easily stackable bio or biography list done in foundation, just duplicate the bio-item and switch out the content and you have a nice responsive bio layout.  As its in foundation here is ..

1:13 am, October 1, 2021
open sans @import embed font quick

just a quick and nasty css import for the Open Sans google font. 

1:05 am, October 1, 2021
using strlen to check the length of a string and do something about it

in the following code i use the php function strlen to check the length of a string and then add an if statement to check if the string is longer or shorter than the required length. 

4:18 am, September 30, 2021
using wp_nav_menu to show a custom menu in wordpress

found this quick code snippit here, its not working just for reference of what the array items do.  Here is how you would display the menu called "Projects" PHP         $..

4:28 am, September 29, 2021
get and show the featured image on a wordpress page template

this will extract the featured image on wordpress page if you are using custom page templates. 

4:07 am, September 29, 2021
document placeholder for a4 in portrait

a nice document placeholder image with dropshadow and transparency

2:19 am, September 29, 2021
landscape image document placeholder

A nice landscape image of a blank presentation format, in landscape mode with drop shadow.

2:10 am, September 29, 2021
easy section wrap in foundation - 3 boxes responsive

this is a 3 box section responsive wrap in foundation, you can change this to large-auto if you want to have multiple boxes

12:23 am, September 29, 2021
link to a custom style sheet in your theme directory wordpress

this is how you can include a manual link in your wordpress header file with a link to a stylesheet called theme.css then if you change theme names or something it will still link correctly, rather t..

2:35 am, September 28, 2021
wordpress show page content on template file

shows the page content on a wordpress template file

1:29 am, September 28, 2021
show post content on template wordpress

show the post content on a wordpress template

1:28 am, September 28, 2021
wordpress add a template file to your theme

this is the basic layout of adding a wordpress template php file to your wordpress theme. good for custom theme pages This is a really basic template with just the header, but once added wordpress w..

1:13 am, September 28, 2021
hidden scroll anchor for custom scroll position

just incase you need to link to a scroll anchor that is not in the place where you need it.

5:26 am, September 27, 2021
down chevron and styles

a down chevron and the class to style it, default this is 16x16px but you can zoom it in or out easily, just change the height and width of it target with the class bi-chevron-down

2:43 am, September 24, 2021
How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly charts

Building a better Simple Page View Counter Currently this site has a very basic view counter on it.  Here is how it currently works. Load the page, function checks if the page has a existing r..

2:01 am, September 23, 2021
load from fields array php class function

this class function loads from multiple fields from an array, much easier than passing in a bunch of variables into a function nice and clean, the only issue is you need to remember what fields to add..

12:28 pm, September 22, 2021
ken burns slow image zoom

No i had never heard of Ken Burns either, but hey i like the zoom effects.  Slow Zooom...

4:04 am, September 22, 2021
using a radial gradient for background overlay

usually i just use linear gradients for my background elements but i noticed this one the other day, a radial gradient. you can actually specify multiple colours and also opacity levels to overlay a ..

3:51 am, September 22, 2021
change selected color on input elements css

this can be useful if you are using darker form elements and they happen to have white on white text, so you can target the :focus on the input. here is the text input before the colour change, the c..

2:47 am, September 22, 2021
easy section wrap in foundation

i am always writing these wrap sections so i thought i would just add a basic one here, easy to copy and paste into a new section

4:33 am, September 20, 2021
test image url that always changes unsplash placeholder

good if you are doing a test site and need some changing images for test placeholders, and they are nice looking images as well. you can just use this image tag link and specify the size required.&nb..

3:05 am, September 20, 2021
video not auto playing issue in chrome and brave

i had this error the other day when i was adding an auto play video to a page. the error was: Javascript Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the ..

2:34 am, September 20, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


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