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A Collection of Code
show all methods or functions in a class (class function version)

add this to your class to show all its methods including this one... sorts the array ascending by values so should be sorted in a-z

4:32 am, May 13, 2021
show all methods (functions) in a class

this will show all available methods or functions within a class, once they are in a class they are called methods for some reason. print functions, show all functions, methods in a class, show met..

4:07 am, May 13, 2021
adding an item to an array with php

how to add items to an array in php here is a working sandbox version of this code: sandbox. 

3:10 am, May 13, 2021
check if a variable is undefined or NULL

this will check if the check1 variable is set if it undefined or NULL it will return

5:58 am, May 12, 2021
foundation accordion for version 6.x

yep the foundation does weird things to this sites css, but the demo still works if you want to use the built in foundation accordions. 

1:31 am, May 12, 2021
foundation responsive tables

in foundation you can make a table scroll when it hits its width limit by adding the class  <div class="table-scroll"></div> wrapping the table element

4:13 am, May 11, 2021
allow a title to be in the foreground while still having a before overlay for the background

i came across this issue recently, where a title was within an element and it needed to have a background overlay while still allowing the title to be on top of the overlay.  I found the fix was..

2:03 am, May 11, 2021
passing in arrays to your functions rather than using variables

this is probably an old technique, but i discovered it the other day when i was playing around, and i thought wow i should do this to all my functions, i cant see the downside, apart from having to re..

1:11 am, May 11, 2021
check server https or http value in php using $_SERVER

this will check the server method and if its https assign the value to $server_http_val so this will either be "https://" or "http://" good for generating full url's for your domain. 

12:29 am, May 11, 2021
fancybox image popout easy

just in case you want to easily apply a modal or pop out effect to your images when they cant be displayed full size on the page.  related:

4:12 am, May 10, 2021
css responsive max and min targets @media

showing how you can target elements within a max and min screen width demo:

1:39 am, May 7, 2021
check box highlight text area css

i just wanted to be able to highlight a text field if a certain check box was checked on a form in this demo below, if you click on the check1 checkbox it will give you an alert saying if the box is ..

5:12 am, May 5, 2021
Remove background image php with image magic

untested research on removing background and making it transparent with php

12:12 am, May 3, 2021
validate an email address from a form field - version 2

This javascript function will check if the email address in the text box has an @ and a . in it and return a message saying if its valid or not.  This is pretty basic as it only includes checkin..

6:46 am, April 30, 2021
check if a checkbox is checked with javascript

checks if the box is checked and returns true or false reusable function that can check if a checkbox is checked or not just pass it the id of the checkbox Javascript Usage check_my_box('check1');

6:06 am, April 30, 2021
form submit override with javascript

if you need to run some additional checks on a form before submitting it

5:48 am, April 30, 2021
submit a form with javascript onclick

submit a form with javascript, good if you want to submit a form with a button that is not within that form. the form will require an id

1:05 am, April 26, 2021
dropdown change input box on select

changes the value of an hidden input depending on the selection of the dropdown

6:20 am, April 23, 2021
get current url with php

this checks is $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is set and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to construct the current url

11:54 am, April 21, 2021
Slick Slider Carousel with Fade Transition

here is a working example of slick carousel with a fade transition between elements rather than a slide transition

5:01 am, April 21, 2021
list a functions variables or arguments

i think this has to be used within the function to get its arguments, i have not tested this one yet.

12:12 am, April 21, 2021
pre-line white space settings

this preserves line spacing but also wrapping as well

3:41 am, April 20, 2021
pre-wrap preserve line spacing but also wrap where needed

a class to pre-wrap your line text this preserves line spacing but also wraps the text if the line goes out of its limit

3:38 am, April 20, 2021
php list all the functions in a class

this should return in an array the methods or functions for a class

3:27 am, April 20, 2021
php print an array nicely

this works for variables and arrays

3:14 am, April 20, 2021
add a toast alert when logging in with half moon

example of adding a document dom ready wait and then the script that launches a new toast message just adapting a php cms using halfmoon as the ui, its quite nice.  a bit bright in non dark mod..

6:19 am, April 7, 2021
dont use md5 for password hashing using password_hash and password_verify

apparently md5 is not the best method for password hashing, you should use the php functions  password_hash(); and then  password_verify(); to verify the hash matches PHP password_hash..

5:09 am, April 7, 2021
change photoshop to show px rather than pt

if your photoshop is showing pt when you select font sizes, you can change this in the settings.  in the Edit menu go into Preferences and then Units and Rulers then you can change both uni..

2:11 am, April 7, 2021
clear a input field when it looses focus using onblur

this will cause the input field to clear when it is not in focus

10:56 pm, April 6, 2021
a page with two images

a page with two images for testing

7:03 am, April 4, 2021
python extract images into an array from a url

this should extract all images from a url into an array using python python from bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom urllib.request import urlopenurl = ""page = urlop..

6:56 am, April 4, 2021
python url to text with beautiful soup

python using beautiful soup to convert a url into text Python from bs4 import BeautifulSoupfrom urllib.request import urlopenurl = ""page = urlopen(url)html ="u..

2:08 am, April 4, 2021
python Install Beautiful Soup

this allows you to install the Beautiful Soup library for python which is used for html parsing BASH python3 -m pip install beautifulsoup4 python3 -m pip show beautifulsoup4 if you get an error say..

1:38 am, April 4, 2021
python extract title tag from url and html using regex

this will extract the title tag as text from the url and the title tag in the following python script Python import refrom urllib.request import urlopenurl = "

1:30 am, April 4, 2021
python import and print url

here is an example script that imports html from a url and prints it add it to a .py file and then run it with python3 Python from urllib.request import urlopenurl = "http://olympus.rea..

1:11 am, April 4, 2021
php basic page router

this php page router while pretty basic does the job for this site. it takes all the query string and splits it with the / into $p variables you will also need the following nginx or similar page rew..

12:29 am, April 4, 2021
git pull changes from a repository

use this to pull from an existing git repo into a new directory

1:27 am, April 3, 2021
commit and push changes to git repo

run this to add all files in current directory to repo and push the changes to git git add * git commit git push

1:26 am, April 3, 2021
start ssh and add key git

i usually add this to a .sh file and make it +x to run ssh agent and add the github key bash eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"ssh-add ~/.ssh/github

1:24 am, April 3, 2021
play youtube videos on firefox in ubuntu 18

sudo apt install libavcodec-extra also checked that firefox was able to pla drm video

5:06 am, April 2, 2021
css double page document preview with shadow

two div elements that look like blank documents with drop shadows

11:55 pm, March 30, 2021
adding a background image to the titles of the dark mode card on this page

Just wanted to see what it would look like if i added some kinda image to the background of the titles. Side Note: i wonder if its a bad idea to add images that are uploaded to imgur rather than to t..

6:00 am, March 26, 2021
blur the background image while keeping the foreground normal

this one uses the ::before element to add a background and apply the blur filter to it, while allowing the foreground content to still be non blurry

5:28 am, March 26, 2021
background image greyscale filter while foreground is still in colour

i had an issue the other day using a css filter which was causing all items within the element to also have that filter. using the ::before psudo class solves this issue

4:58 am, March 26, 2021
javascript page redirect

this one i cant add a working demo for, due to its nature, but it is working if you remove the comment. combine this with this:

3:18 am, March 26, 2021
page scroll indicator research

I was wondering the other day how they do those page scroll indicators, i saw one when viewing this site:

11:18 pm, March 24, 2021
zoom background of element when active

I just wanted to see if something like this zoom was possible but just using the background image and leaving the foreground content in the element with no zoom.

4:53 am, March 19, 2021
rounded click me button with icon

just a rounded button with a font awesome icon

3:28 am, March 19, 2021
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line

Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line: BASH (      echo "<table class='charts-css bar show-labels show-heading'>"      echo "&l..

8:33 am, March 18, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, or a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
Alfred D. Souza