List Articles

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A Collection of Articles on Various Topics
web development
add a live reloading server with one npm command

I work on a lot of html sites, and usually i go into the editor make a change, go back into the browser and hit reload or clear cache and reload, repeat process. I saw all of these NPM's and other th..

11:43 pm, January 13, 2022
Runescape RS3 Double Seren Spirits

Not really worth a whole post for this one but i just got, double Seren Spirit Proc, is this rare? Well i have not seen it before anyway. Still got average drops, ah well. Still cool. 

4:23 am, December 21, 2021
Tools and Utilities
tools i still want to create

This is my inspiration list, or when i have a tool idea, i should add it here so next time i have nothing better to do, create one of these tools. Once created i will move the tool link over to this c..

12:03 am, December 13, 2021
Tools and Utilities

Here is a collection of the tools i have created and also a list of the tools i still want to create.    SEO Tools SEO Keyword Research This tool allows you to type in a keyword and it w..

1:22 am, December 9, 2021
Mac Apps

Thought i would start a post here on what app's i have found as windows alternatives, and other free and handy mac app's. Screen Capture into GIF format You can capture the screen with command shift..

11:22 pm, December 5, 2021
The Quest for the Golden Party Hat in Runescape

So i logged in the other day and they had the new splash screen and all of that stuff and then i saw the Golden Party Hat hunt... Pff whatever another useless item to add to my bank or DJangos (not..

11:06 pm, November 23, 2021
Forster Cam Log's

I found that you can access the webcam for forster from here, its quite nice to watch this stream as I used to go for holidays up here, you can see if the tide is going in or out. Quite relaxing reall..

5:46 am, November 8, 2021
Mac Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts that i use for Mac OS Switch between windows of the same Application Command ⌘ + ` Change the window of the current app you are using, say if you have 2 wi..

11:09 pm, October 13, 2021
site update incoming before and after

dark mode saves state as well, but still flashes light a bit, so need to modify the light background so that the flash is not as blinding. still cant see the text on light mode new card theme ..

12:38 pm, October 13, 2021
Watching this video on the Tesla Model X just amazing

i know the content is lax but i was watching this review of the Model X, what an amazing car.  Pitty its so expensive! I think in AUD its about $162,000! Wait until that dropps a bit i think to ..

11:51 pm, October 5, 2021
Shark Attack Life saving technique

Here is a random bit of advice i found on the news feed, this is how you stop bleeding if bitten by a shark. Source:

9:57 am, September 24, 2021
creating a button creator in javascript

still working on this.  So i have been working on a button creator in javascript, so that i can create html/css buttons on the fly a bit easier and have the button html and css easily exportab..

7:01 am, September 17, 2021
RS3 Runescape Elder Tree teleport locations

A list of the fastest or closest to tele port locations when your sentenel outfit has no more charges. or you dont have that outfit for the teles.  RS Wiki for Tree Locations As each tree takes..

2:40 am, September 8, 2021
So my windows 11 task bar decided to disappear (and how to fix it)

I was just happily extracting a zip file when... Boom no more start menu. I thought ah yeah easy ill just restart and it will come back.  Nope.. it was gone for good. But i could run task manag..

5:59 am, September 3, 2021
Creating an NFT - bbyalienyodi

Ok here we go, i am trying a new NFT. what is this? Non Fungable Token, basically its a gif or image that is tradable. Here is my first design...  The name is  Alien Yodi Code name bbyal..

1:11 pm, August 28, 2021
does google still post back the search term with the link click

i remember a while back when you could actually see what search result words were being used to link back to your pages using the data sent back from the google click.  now when i test this i ca..

1:04 am, August 26, 2021
Turn on SMB file sharing in windows 10 to fix network share connectivity

Unable to connect to network shares from windows 10... One of the issues i had recently was being unable to browse shares on my local private network, my NAS is super old, and only supports a really ..

6:42 am, August 11, 2021
Move from Backup and Sync to Google Drive for Desktop

So i saw this update today for google backup and sync, and turns out that is is an awesome update! Now you can stream your files from Google Drive to your PC rather than having to choose which files ..

1:56 am, August 11, 2021
checking if your windows pc has a TPM

what the heck is a TPM? well now that windows 11 requires one, everyone needs to have one apparently.  want to check if you have a TPM, well it will depend on a few things, most of the chatter ..

5:22 am, August 2, 2021
what is a motorbus

random capture i did today, do they mean bus or motorbike. are there busses with no motors?

6:54 am, July 30, 2021
Laptop Thoughts and Options Jul 2021

So i was thinking of getting an upgrade for my current dell insperon 7000, its a decent little laptop has a couple of things that annoy me, but i guess all hardware does (does it not?). Current lapto..

9:28 am, July 25, 2021
RS3 Post 99 Leveling Log

I will be adding all future levels here from 99 up.  102 Slayer Half a billion XP 103 Dung still going, i missed the screen shot! i hope they close the beach event soon so i can go a..

4:51 am, July 25, 2021
new world
New World - Why to Join a Faction

I have not actually read this, just thought its probably important. here are some other random things i found in new world (well one at the moment but im hoping for more) im actually wonde..

4:09 am, July 24, 2021
RS3 Soul Cape and where to get it

Not sure how to get it yet, but i want one. Soul Cape Looks like this is the way, but not sure what this is... more research required. 

12:36 am, July 24, 2021
RS3 Herb Locations

I just added this here so you can check off your herb runs in rs3, until you memorise the locations. The full RS3 Dailies list is here.  RS3 Herb: Locations  Ardougne (Player Owned Farm)..

4:00 am, July 22, 2021
Laptop Research - m1 mac pro vs hp omen 17

Comparing the M1 Mac Pro to a Intel HP Omen Actually comparing Mac M1's to Gaming PC's in general. I just picked a specced hp omen for this as its around the same price as a mac.  Hardware is b..

1:23 am, July 22, 2021
Steps to install mac os on windows virtual machine

just some quick notes on this Getting the mac os vm is the tricky part. This downloads..

11:17 pm, July 20, 2021
Runescape Questing Notes and Log

To keep me inspired on doing quests in runescape.  No log yet, just to remind me.  Well this is embarrassing, im max level and doing novice quests still. Yep i neglected the quests, i gues..

6:18 am, July 20, 2021
the next steps after maxing in runescape

So now im 99 in all skills what do i do now? Quit? Well that is an option, but i still like playing, and while grinding to 99's i have skipped a few (lot of ) things Now i am maxed i feel less pr..

3:38 am, July 18, 2021
getting the max cape and going to max guild - runescape rs3 video

finding max and getting the max cape and going to the max guild for the 1st time.

4:09 am, July 17, 2021
Music that you can play while streaming or recording to upload videos, non copyright.

Yeah so i keep getting copyright flags on youtube if i just use whatever is streaming in the background, which is annoying, so while gaming if you want to have some music you can play while streaming ..

4:05 am, July 17, 2021
Quick Links

Just a couple of quick links for things i usually google, will be updating this slowly as i remember things.  Font Awesome Icons Remove Background - Make Image Transparent Quick Foundation Gri..

12:47 am, July 12, 2021
im noticing a definite colour scheme in the landing page department

just having a search for this "landing page designs figma" as i thought figma designs are pretty nice looking and its all shades of blue and purple it seems, must be popular.. this didnt actually ..

6:12 am, July 6, 2021
so i was browsing through games on steam when...

elder scrolls online reviews. 15,000 hours???? wow... should i get this game for like 15$? How many days is that.  625 days played? is there really that much to do in this game? almost 2 ye..

12:29 pm, June 30, 2021
RS3 Dungeoneering Leveling Log

One of my final 99 Logs. Only two to go, Invention and Dungeoneering. I use some acronyms here so here they are: ED3 = Elite Dungeon 3 Dung = Dungeoneering (as i cant spell) Trash = All the non ..

2:51 am, June 30, 2021
RS3 how to quickly deposit all fish and then return to fishing in the when swarm fishing

this is probably common knowledge but i thought maybe its a handy trick to quickly deposit all your fish and then go back to fishing, the only issue is you have to wait for about 5 seconds while it de..

3:22 am, June 18, 2021
Clean Windows Setup

So i was watching a video today where they went through setting up and cleaning a windows installation, and man i thought i really want to do this.  My PC and Laptop just get so cluttered with a..

6:27 am, June 12, 2021
RS3 Thieving Log - Safe Cracking

So thieving is one of those annoying non afk rs3 skills, but only until you get to the workers in prif at level 92.  Currently im 86 so safe cracking runs until 92, then it will be a bit more af..

5:38 am, June 12, 2021
how to switch chrome to dark and light mode in windows 10

So i was playing around in the settings of chrome, and I could not locate the dark and light mode switch. Well apparently chrome looks at your windows theme and gets its settings from there. I added..

12:58 pm, June 9, 2021
Site Development
goodbye old grid theme

Yep i have gone back to bootstrap 5 with a dark mode theme.  I think its neater, and i liked my old theme, but it had some issues, and no doubt this bootstrap one will also have issues. But yeah..

12:44 pm, June 9, 2021
RS3 Leveling Progress - Maxed!

Just so i know what the plan is for leveling... This is where i am currently at in the grind to 99 all skills max cape. Seven 99's to go Currently working on construction.  Just did Hunter a..

4:36 am, June 5, 2021
RS3 Construction Log

91 91 - 99 Construction using portable workbench Ok just a few calcs for this one: Doing Flatpacks on skilling portables world. Gives me about 18 seconds between banking. Which is really annoying..

1:46 pm, June 4, 2021
windows 10 snipping experience

i was thinking just this morning, wouldnt it be nice to have a simple way to capture part of the screen and write notes on it, so i googled a similar phraise. Apparently its already built into window..

12:13 am, June 1, 2021
my old hunter in wow

i think she was max level but i have no idea how the levels work now... Actually i think i have a few old chars I cant remember which one was my main now

1:35 pm, May 20, 2021
RS3 Hunter Leveling Logs and Notes

I just watched this video on using protien traps seems quite good, as i was actually just using them all on chinchompas before that! Argh... Oh well move on..

2:28 am, May 12, 2021
Barrier Is the new Free and Open Source Synergy - desktop sharing, mouse sharing

I had been looking for a way to share my keyboard and mouse to a laptop and was recently using mouse without borders, which is good, but sometimes decides not to connect and it only works for windows ..

11:22 pm, May 9, 2021
RS3 Divination Leveling Log

Ok here we go with leveling divination. Im currently at 86. Im doing the Brilliant wisps as i dont have access to the dragon tooth island. So will stick with these for a little while.  I guess..

3:35 am, May 5, 2021
chia mining research notes

So i had the great idea yesterday after reading an article on mining chia and how it will be easy and non GPU intensive, to start mining it. I thought oh i have a few spare TB sitting around on ext..

2:21 am, May 5, 2021
check how fast your usb drive connections are windows

i have several ports on my pc and need to know which are the fast ones and which are the older and slower ports.  this utility seems to be the easiest way to check the speed.  then find ..

5:47 am, May 4, 2021

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas A. Edison