change the background color of an element with javascript
gets the element by its id and changes the background color style css value the following example: gets the element by its id "my_bg" changes the style.backgroundColor to #123456
logo tickers marquee slow scrolling
logo tickers with a slide animation
How to set a cookie and expire it in 30 days
Here is some basic usage for the js cookie library. Include the following script. Or you can grab the latest version at the cdnjs website. HTML <script src="
top bar overflow issues [fixed]
So i was just browsing throught the site checking for random errors, which there are quite a lot. And noticed this one. Quite a large bug caused by overflow issues in the main header, i think this ..
human_filesize php
function via here
change the water colour in google maps for an already initialised map
good if you are using google maps and cant change the original map init code to change the styles. var mapOptions = { styles: [ { featureType: "water", stylers: [ { v..