center image preview with lightbox and caption
I just wanted a thumbnail or preview of the image, where if clicked it would load into a lightbox, but the preview just shows the center of whatever image is added to it. Note: I just picked ra..
Use destructuring assignment within the argument to the function half to send only max and min inside the function.
this seems like a tricky one, can be resolved with removing the stats array reference. Im not sure how it still knows to access the stats array. I dont know how that is correct as the console just lo..
Slick Slider Carousel with Custom Next and Prev Buttons
I had a slider the other day where i needed to attach some detached buttons, so added the following click events to control the next and previous events on the slider. Note the class names: sli..
pi400 how to take a screen shot
This is actually built in, well if you have scrot installed anyway. Which it already was for me. Press Print Screen button and it saves it into your home folder.
load json data url or api with javascript
this loads a target json url or api using raw javascript so no jquery required with this one then logs the data returned to the console.
log the console log output to a div
I do a lot of console logging so i thought it would be nice to be able to see this on my test pages. Apparently you can grab this quite easily with the following code. I had to modify this a b..
set a cookie on click and then check if the cookie is set and dont show that message again
this script shows a message, and if the message is closed it will set a cookie to not show that message again for 1 day. The cookie in this example is set to expire in a day, so then if you com..
Changing the default hero image based on the category name [not yet done]
This is more of a todo item, at the moment the hero image uses the same image for every post unless a hero is specified for each, i would also like to set the default image per category so if the post..
foundation base html template - foundation template
just a basic html template with foundation and the required javascripts, good for a starter html page using foundation framework.
console table rather than console log for javascript objects and arrays
so i just saw on a tweet, that you can use console.table and i cant wait to try it out! good thing i already have a test object and array ready to go!
Idea: Google Font Dropdown Selector Code
just an idea at the moment, a dropdown list of google fonts and when selected it loads that selected font using the @import css tag. Loading the fonts Gist : not tested
How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly charts
Building a better Simple Page View Counter Currently this site has a very basic view counter on it. Here is how it currently works. Load the page, function checks if the page has a existing r..
video not auto playing issue in chrome and brave
i had this error the other day when i was adding an auto play video to a page. the error was: Javascript Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the ..
twitter json feed testing
just testing using the Twitter Post Fetcher script, seems to be working well.
creating embedded php code from a database field
i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..
create directory with php create folder with php
i thought i had already done this somewhere but i guess i didnt. Anyway here is how you can create a directory with PHP. PHP mkdir("directory_name") yep its that easy just make sure you are in the..
simulate a click on an element with jquery
you can actually use jquery to simulate a click event using the following .click() so as soon as the document is ready and you have jquery loaded it will run the click event for you, and should pop ..
center mode slick zoom testing
update : this is a tricky one to get working! I have done a lot of testing on this one, and got a demo working from a combination of the following links. the demo is still not 100% styled, but its..
gallery carousel center mode
i found this one here, looks cool. see if i can get it working like the demo. currently getting this error on running the script i wonder if this is caused by a document ready issue? what is..
still more comment spam
this is getting annoying now. so much spam. i already have the google recapture, but spam is still getting through. who runs this stuff, bots i guess. annoying. update: 10 August 2021 Still..
add some foundation tabs working example
they show the tabs here on the example page, but there is no full working code... for some reason. So i thought i would add one here. Hmm foundation makes this site look weird, and very bright! :P ..
white space break word css
controlling the white space of an element with break word, this can be handy if you need to fit something into a fix but the item has no spaces, otherwise usually by default this will overflow out of ..
append a #link to the end of all href urls on a target
good for if you need to append target links with a # link
verify the google recapture server php
i was still getting quite a bit of spam even after using google recapture v2 and i think this is just as i was using the javascript only version, which disables the submit button if the capture is not..
scroll down the page using a button click
scrolling down 600px from where you currently are on the screen demo vid
using clamp js to clamp lines of text
there is a css version of this as well but this version works in a greater range of browsers (i think) this one is not working for me... i think the overflow elipsis is still a better option than thi..
check if a ul contains a ul li
i could not find a way to do this with just raw css so i had to use jquery /sad
jquery check if a sub element exists
this can be done with .length
prevent default click event on link
This will prevent the default event on a link url, so for example if you have a <a href="">link</a> link this code will prevent it from loading the href link when clicked and you can do so..
write string contents to a file with php
this will create a file called my_file_name.txt in the current php working directory usually this is the same one that the script is running in and write the text yay! into that file if the file al..
loop through a complex object json javascript
just a note to say that a complex object is an object with more than one nested object in it for example just kinda playing around with this one to get the handle on objects and how to access them C..
load json with vanilla javascript no jquery
this basically does the same thing that a jquery .getJSON does but without the need for jquery.
json load from jquery and loop through the results
this is the same as this post but i have added the object to an external test file. so rather than already having the object data on the page we have to load it somehow Note: you can test that the o..
foundation accordion for version 6.x
yep the foundation does weird things to this sites css, but the demo still works if you want to use the built in foundation accordions.
fancybox image popout easy
just in case you want to easily apply a modal or pop out effect to your images when they cant be displayed full size on the page. related:
Slick Slider Carousel with Fade Transition
here is a working example of slick carousel with a fade transition between elements rather than a slide transition
add a toast alert when logging in with half moon
example of adding a document dom ready wait and then the script that launches a new toast message just adapting a php cms using halfmoon as the ui, its quite nice. a bit bright in non dark mod..
add years as options to select dropdown
add the years as dropdown items between a range of years with javascript document ready js only version
add click event to multiple link items and load the link content into a target div ajax
this will get a group of links with existing href targets and load them dynamically with an ajax callback you will need to also include the full jquery script as the slim one does not include the aja..
add click event to multiple link items
this allows you to get every a element in a-div class and stop the link from loading, so you can do other things with it like run a function or something else Functions used: Javascript Wait for th..
get the value of an input form element (input value)
add how to get the value of an input form element with javascript for some reason i can get this working with: Javascript console.log(document.getElementById("my_input").value); but when trying to..
check if a certain query string is set then apply it to all url's on the page
this script will check if a query string is already set, and if it matches it will append the same query string to all url's on the page Here is the test link with the field, and all url's on this pa..
append a query string to all url's on a page
this should append the query string test=1 to all url's on this page. if it works... make sure its added to document ready.
installing exfat and ntfs drivers to enable reading of these filesystems
this will install the ntfs package on your linux system, allowing you to read and mount ntfs partitions on drives. NTFS 3G BASH sudo apt updatesudo apt install ntfs-3g This should give you the fol..
slick carousel jump to a slide on element hover
jumps to a specific slider on hover over on an element this is working now, here is the example, mouse over the buttons to see the slide change. trying to add this: Javascript $( selector ).mous..
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor
This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..
enable dark mode in tinymce
Here we have a darkmode verion of tinymce, ahh my eyes feel much better. The change to version 5 seems quite easy as well, as it uses the same init script as 4 still. You need to also includ..
darkmode toggle switch with local storage to remember the last selection
Here is a darkmode toggle switch, that swaps out the body class so you can target dark-mode or light-mode on all your elements! It saves to local storage the last selection so if you come back to the..
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]
I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..
animate and zoom six elements on a timer [addClass, removeClass, setTimeout]
set of six elements that i wanted to highlight using a simple setTimeout and the addClass and removeClass this also involves some css changes to get this working i would also like in the fut..
fix view page for search links [reported]
its still showing raw data on these view pages e.g Looks like that example is already out of date, here is a new one: https://kruxor..
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣
I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..
add a jquery date picker to your text box
This JQuery UI Date picker is good if you want to add a nice dropdown date selector to your input box, rather than having to type in the date manually. Requires: JQuery JQuery UI Documen..
replicating the bootstrap dropdown toggle in jquery
here is a code that can toggle a sub element using the same format as bootstrap. Update: also added another line that closes all the open menu's when one is clicked, so that you dont have a bunch of ..
using jquery appear for checking if an element is visible on screen
Yes.. sometimes i like using jquery as well, as it can make things so easy! :) Here is a quick demo using the JQuery Appear plugin so make an element change if it on or off screen. Plugin Link..
how to install js socials for social media share buttons and make them rounded
This should be a nice quick one on how to install js socials which add social media sharing buttons on your pages. Yeah i always just ignore these as well, but hey some people may use them?? H..
bootstrap collapse or toggle a div visibility
if you have bootstrap and want to toggle an element or show and hide a div its already built in, just use the following code to toggle something.
list items matching a category title
this is just raw at the moment, not tested or working. this is matching a category number at the moment so would need an additional way to link that number to the category name, or know what the categ..
inline fancybox modal testing
just testing to see if i can get a fancybox popup loading using an inline script rather than a document ready one, might be easier to implement. similar to this one, but without the need for documen..
fancybox modal popup example
an example showing fancybox text modal window attached to a button to open it
jquery document ready with foundation init as well
here is a jquery document ready that also loads the foundation js library. im not sure if the document foundation needs to be loaded in the document ready, but this way seems to work.
php mysql table exists function
this checks if a mysql table already exists in the selected database and returns true or false
using let rather than var
Using let rather than var and use strict can avoid some overwriting of variables i will write a function here that shows how let throws an error. This function now gives an error in the console. Uncau..
document ready javascript standalone version no jquery
this is a version of a dom ready or document ready that does not require jquery
add a class to a div with an id javascript
a one liner to add a class name to an element with a specific id, for this to run it seems to need a document ready.
jquery click function
Bind something to a click event on an element using jquery. Needs to be combined with a document ready.
Change link target with JQuery
this will change the link href target to # on document load rather than its original link
wordpress enqueue slicknav and slick slider
add this to your theme scripts functions file here is the full one from HTML5 Blank // Load HTML5 Blank scripts (header.php) function html5blank_header_scripts() { if ($GLOBALS['pagenow'] != ..
wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnail
this is surprisingly hard to find code that lists all blog posts in a template with the feature image that does not use an additional plugin. you shouldnt need a plugin to do this as its already built..
Slick Slider Carousel
Edit: Sorry this page was broken for a bit, its fixed now with working examples! 😛 Nice and simple slider / carousel
load google sheet data into json string with jquery
Just discovered this the other day, you can actually export google sheets data into json format and load it directly into your site, how good is that. A free mini basic database! Initially i was lo..
change the water colour in google maps for an already initialised map
good if you are using google maps and cant change the original map init code to change the styles. var mapOptions = { styles: [ { featureType: "water", stylers: [ { v..
document ready wordpress jquery
Wordpress uses JQuery rather than $ to initialize so here is a workaround that allows you to still use the $ to access JQuery functions. Just incase your normal document ready is not working.
testing chartjs
Update: 30 June 2020 I checked this code, and it was broken all fixed now. The issue with the demo included on the main site is that it was trying to run the chart js before the chart library was load..
digital clock with jquery
Just a simple digital jquery clock that updates every second. Also added the dropshadow animation, not sure why... ;) .digital-clock { font-size:80px; } .transition { transition..
fancybox youtube showing video links in a lightbox
do people still use lightboxes, it seems yes in some cases. ;) if you feel the urge to use lightboxes and need to link to some youtube videos this is how you can do it. you will need jquery and fan..
make clickable element with clickable class
makes an element with a link into a clickable element
jquery document ready
The most used script in jquery, loads things after the document is ready. $(document).ready(function(){ // do some stuff });
video embed no controls
embed a video, for use as a background or a slide element, or wherever you need a large video. I found that there was a bug in chrome (which is probably fixed now) that was ignoring the autoplay tag ..
Form elements New Zealand region list
A list of the Regions of New Zealand converted into a form element select option dropdown. Sorted in alphabetical order. Ready to paste into your own form.