Using props with Stateless Functional Components in React
Here is an example of a Stateless Functional Component but i cant get the PropTypes working correctly in my demo, not sure what im doing wrong here, but the code seems to work in the compiler just not..
How to Access Props Using this.props in React
If you would like to access a class component prop within its self you can do this using the this keyword.
How to Use PropTypes to Define Props in React
React allows you to define the types of props given to your components to make sure that invalid data is not sent as the prop to the element. To do this you can define propTypes. You can defin..
How to Override Default Props in React
The following code explains how you can override the default props in react. In this example the default of quantity is set to 0, so we can pass in quantity in the items to override its default..
How to Pass an Array as Props in React
If you need to pass larger amounts of information to a component you can pass in an array rather than just a single variable. More information on the join method on the array can be found here. Here..
How to Pass Props to a Stateless Functional Component in React
Props are like properties that you can pass into a component in react. A prop would be something like this in your component. JSX <div> <MyProp id="1234" /></div> The..
How to Write a React Component from Scratch
Just testing my react component writing skills...
How to Render a React Class Component to the DOM
This shows how you can get react to render a component into the page or DOM. So actually getting and showing the code that you have been writing in react.
How to Compose React Components in React
In this code we nest the components NonCitrus and Citrus into the Fruits Component. Then nest the Fruits within the TypesOfFood component. Also added the additional components, Vegetables, Non..
How to Use React to Render Nested Components
It can be useful to take components and render them inside other components while still making them into seperate items. This shows how you can take each component and nest it within another one and ..
How to Create a Component with Composition in React
This shows how you can compose multiple React components together. In this example we return the parent component which has within it the child component, you can add as many child components as requ..
How to Create a React Component using the ES6 class method
One way to add a react component is to use the Stateless Functional Component method, and another way is to use the ES6 extends syntax. This method seems more complex than the 1st for some reason mayb..
adding react to a website in 3 steps
i was just researching how to add react to a website, and i thought i would need babel to translate or compile the JSX code, but apparently you do not need this... So ill test this here and see..
this is a weird one table underline appearing and dissapearing on mouse over
very strange that also reminds me that i have to get rid of these random searches idea: i was thinking of adding a more detailed hit system where it can record the month and also the year of the..
counting the occurrence of words in a multidimensional array
array sorting example The array Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Some [1] => great-looking [2] => special [3] => editio..
css grid for layouts and how to use it
Note: Added version 2 of this with no rows for the grid css grid for layouts with no rows so there is this thing called the CSS Grid Layout, and apparently we dont need a framework for grids anymore...