content editable p tag with spell check enabled
im not sure how this is useful, but you can set a p element to content editable so you can change its contents and then also set the spellcheck to true so the browser knows that it should run its spel..
css font style italic
i had a request to make some font italic the other day, and for some reason i could not remember the css for it. It's font-style: italic; I should know that! I guess italic fonts annoy me a bi..
fixing the website footer and making it less ugly
Here i show you in a couple of steps how to make the footer on this site look nicer, while actually doing it. Here is what the footer currently looks like. Yep pretty average looking. Lets add a ..
set and check a cookie using js cookie
this library makes setting and checking cookies so easy its amazing! include this script <script type="text/javascript" src="