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404 Error Page Codepen

found this in my links the other day, still looks cool...

1:16 am, July 16, 2021
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);

just testing this filter

11:34 pm, May 25, 2021
clear a input field when it looses focus using onblur

this will cause the input field to clear when it is not in focus

10:56 pm, April 6, 2021
blur the background image while keeping the foreground normal

this one uses the ::before element to add a background and apply the blur filter to it, while allowing the foreground content to still be non blurry

5:28 am, March 26, 2021
adding background blur to an image using css fill screen

I had noticed this cool looking effect used on places like google, and other sites that display portrait images, i think i saw it on the google home as well or maybe google photos.  Its basicall..

5:23 am, February 19, 2021
box shadow example(s) - drop shadow

I realised just now, that i dont have a box shadow example! How does that happen, its one of those css elements that i just use so much that i guess i forgot about it.  Related Pages: https:/..

2:27 am, January 22, 2021
Making Images Retina Display Friendly

Have you ever noticed images look a bit blurry on your high res screen? Sometimes this is referred to as a "Retina" display... Its probably because the image used is exactly the pixels made for a regu..

12:14 am, July 2, 2019
video embed full screen all screen sizes

this will make a video cover the full screen of the browser no matter what size it is. It will do some cropping to make it fit. <style> body, html { margin:0; padding:0; } .video-cont..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
video embed tag

to embed a video in a web page example Video not suported, download it here. code <video width="100%" height="340" preload="none" poster="myImage.jpg" autoplay loop controls&g..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018
video embed no controls

embed a video, for use as a background or a slide element, or wherever you need a large video. I found that there was a bug in chrome (which is probably fixed now) that was ignoring the autoplay tag ..

6:20 am, August 31, 2018

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote

'Dawnie' used to say, "It's really quite simple: Be kind, and the rest takes care of itself. Never do anything that's not kind".

Dawn Atherton