get yesterdays date with javascript
This gets todays date and minuses one day from it to be ... yesterday. let yesterday = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate()-1));console.log(yesterday); This format is the full da..
show the difference between two dates in years, months, days, hours and seconds
i modified this code into a function that also detects if there is any values in each item before adding it to the text.
minutes to decimal calculator javascript version
trying to do a more simple version of this post. the php version requires post back to the server, so i think this c..
change file permissions to -rw-rw-r--
When adding a new php template file, it adds it under the www-data user with the file permissions set to -rw-r--r-- so its not remotely editable. Use chmod 664 to change it to -rw-rw-r-- chmod 664 ca..
calculate a percentage (dec) difference based on two numbers
I wrote this function a while ago, but im not actually sure what its suppost to do, so ill test it here and see what it returns. I think after running this function it returns the differents in perce..
js function to calculate golf scores
this function will return the score name depending on the par and strokes for golf
calculate a percentage (dec) difference based on two numbers
this function will show you the percentage difference between two numbers
How Many Days Since a Date and other Calculations
Here i calculate the number of days since a certain date in php and use the values for checking how much something costs per day. Start Date Lets add the date that the item was purchaced. In d..