ken burns slow image zoom
No i had never heard of Ken Burns either, but hey i like the zoom effects. Slow Zooom...
check server https or http value in php using $_SERVER
this will check the server method and if its https assign the value to $server_http_val so this will either be "https://" or "http://" good for generating full url's for your domain.
get the value of an input form element (input value)
add how to get the value of an input form element with javascript for some reason i can get this working with: Javascript console.log(document.getElementById("my_input").value); but when trying to..
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor
This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..
How to set a cookie and expire it in 30 days
Here is some basic usage for the js cookie library. Include the following script. Or you can grab the latest version at the cdnjs website. HTML <script src="
Fix Hover Over color on list group dark mode in bootstrap
How to fix the problem when switching to dark mode, the list group item text disappears when active. Here is what it currently looks like. To fix this we need to target the element and force the..
wordpress show the parent page title with fallback to title
in wordpress either show the parent page title, or if it does not have a parent then show the page title.
flems embed in url is a single-file, embeddable Web sandbox. It keeps all its state in the URL, so just make your changes, copy the URL from the address bar, and send it wherever you please. Most popular link s..
testing chartjs
Update: 30 June 2020 I checked this code, and it was broken all fixed now. The issue with the demo included on the main site is that it was trying to run the chart js before the chart library was load..