Testing Playwrite on for Node
I came across this library on y news, and thought id give it a bit of a test. I managed to get it working but not really sure what tests it can do. I set it to take a screen shot of a we..
how to view a web page in its printer format
if you have to check a website in its print or @media print format this is how you can emulate it in browser if you are using chrome or edge. Open the Dev Tools (usually F12) Click the menu ..
how to check linux kernel version on rasberry pi rasberian
You can check which linux kernel version on rasberry pi a couple of ways, the easiest is using the uname command BASH uname -r which should give you something like this (but probably not exactly th..
how to find what version pi you are using
So i was wondering the other day how to show what raberry pi i had, rather than opening it up. you can install lshw and it can list all your hardware Install it with BASH uname -r which should gi..
darkmode toggle switch with local storage to remember the last selection
Here is a darkmode toggle switch, that swaps out the body class so you can target dark-mode or light-mode on all your elements! It saves to local storage the last selection so if you come back to the..
add a youtube video preloader function, lazy load youtube [fixed]
I noticed that this list page: Loads about 29 (well exactly 29) youtube video embeds and was wondering if there was an easy way to replace these iframes w..
compare equality function
this will check if two values are exactly equal
Making Images Retina Display Friendly
Have you ever noticed images look a bit blurry on your high res screen? Sometimes this is referred to as a "Retina" display... Its probably because the image used is exactly the pixels made for a regu..