card.html template
a card template with title, content and a mb-3 for bottom margin for usage with the php template system.
Common and Uncommon Meta Tag's and Social Meta Tags
I am writing an api that checks for meta tags so i thought i would add a list here of some of the common meta tag names that i found. The ones prefixed with og: are facebook and linked in and s..
center align vertical 2 items in a container flex
i had this issue and i was pretty sure that flex center could fix it but it was causing the two items in the div to sit next to each other, which was annoying as it was a header and content, but i sti..
how to embed google fonts icons
For some reason when i go to embed a google font icon, they dont seems to have any obvious way to actually use it, i can find the icons ok here. But then when i go and use it it links to a how to embe..
youtube search api request function
This function requests a search from the youtube search api, and searches the text in the snippet for the seearch string. You can get your own API key for this from the google developers console. They..
load json data url or api with javascript
this loads a target json url or api using raw javascript so no jquery required with this one then logs the data returned to the console.
load json data url with jquery
loads a api or json url or endpoint using jquery and console logs the result Tested working on my test json file, check the console and it should be there.
php return json header and content
sets the header to json and returns a simple json formatted array.
php post data back to a url with a function
this function uses curl to post back data to a url, this acts like a _POST form request from within a function. Function usage: $url the url to post the data back to e.g: $url = "
add hero title to category listing page [not done]
add the hero title and background to the category listing page as a page title or category header. e.g:
foundation base html template - foundation template
just a basic html template with foundation and the required javascripts, good for a starter html page using foundation framework.
bootstrap list group card with footer
a list group within a card and also a footer on the card for additional links.
list group card template
list group card template for usage with the php template class
Idea: Google Font Dropdown Selector Code
just an idea at the moment, a dropdown list of google fonts and when selected it loads that selected font using the @import css tag. Loading the fonts Gist : not tested
responsive three box section with tabular data or table data
here is a section in foundation with 3 hero boxes with images on top, and then a title and some tabular (is that the same as table?) data in each box, so could be good for some kinda products and then..
link to a custom style sheet in your theme directory wordpress
this is how you can include a manual link in your wordpress header file with a link to a stylesheet called theme.css then if you change theme names or something it will still link correctly, rather t..
wordpress add a template file to your theme
this is the basic layout of adding a wordpress template php file to your wordpress theme. good for custom theme pages This is a really basic template with just the header, but once added wordpress w..
How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly charts
Building a better Simple Page View Counter Currently this site has a very basic view counter on it. Here is how it currently works. Load the page, function checks if the page has a existing r..
twitter json feed testing
just testing using the Twitter Post Fetcher script, seems to be working well.
make the view number zoom when mouse over or active
Lets make the view number in the header widget area a bit more exciting... Zoom on mouse over with css. Lets add this effect here: Using Transform Scale In Css To Zoom On Hover Over Simpl..
moving the hits widget into the post header and footer
I wanted to make a smaller deal of the views page widget, i was adding it as a full widget and it does not need to be that huge so moving from widget area to the top of the post. Move it down..
creating embedded php code from a database field
i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..
load random videos module using template
load 3 random items and extract the video url, and use the youtube function to create a thumbnail and link to that video page
jquery toggle menu testing
using jquery toggle to show and hide the sub menu's
ajax callback to delete with sweet alert confirmation to make it cool! 😎
I recently wanted to to an ajax call back on a list of items just to make it easier to move around the place, rather than it reloading the page every time. So i thought why not also use sweet alert on..
change this to a list group - other items
Other item format is a bit average, list group should fix this. This uses the template: core-list-item-simple.html So we can change this a bit to the list group format. Which i..
hero widget header - creates a nice looking hero item from a target uid and class
this creates a "nice" looking hero widget, just wanted to create something that looked decent and had an attached background image, surprizingly annoying to link items together. For some reason i kee..
json load from jquery and loop through the results
this is the same as this post but i have added the object to an external test file. so rather than already having the object data on the page we have to load it somehow Note: you can test that the o..
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line
Creating a chart about charts.css with charts.css from the command line: BASH ( echo "<table class='charts-css bar show-labels show-heading'>" echo "&l..
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣
I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..
top bar overflow issues [fixed]
So i was just browsing throught the site checking for random errors, which there are quite a lot. And noticed this one. Quite a large bug caused by overflow issues in the main header, i think this ..
test page for the custom css 12 grid used on this site
This is my testing page for the grid used on this site, it shows elements and other things for use on the grid and other general formatting.
How to add jquery to squarespace site
I dont use square space, but if i did and i wanted to use jquery in it. This is where i would add it... ;) Settings > Code Injection > Header Then add your script, like this one:
how to install js socials for social media share buttons and make them rounded
This should be a nice quick one on how to install js socials which add social media sharing buttons on your pages. Yeah i always just ignore these as well, but hey some people may use them?? H..
Quick tool to convert time into decimal
I needed a quick tool that can convert say 20 minutes into decimal, as im doing this a lot these days. Here is what i come up with, well you can google it as well and that works, but this form is a bi..
match a category id in wordpress and then add styles just for that id
this is in template-parts/content.php which may be different based on your theme or version of wordpress. you can locate the category id in wordpress by going into categories and then clicking ..
extracting the useful bits of bootstrap
Back in the early instances of bootstrap they used to provide a build system for the individual components. It seems that these days its all or nothing, or use some kind of build tool to include the b..
Bootstrap Darkmode Switch
I have tried this before without success but i googled "Bootstrap Darkmode Switch" and found this repo at the top of the list. So i thought i would give it a try on here and see how it looks. Demo pag..
add a class or remove it based on window scroll location
if you inspect the header div you will see a class added to it when scrolled down, i have added additional margins to it so you can still see it even when scrolled. then you add a fixed property to m..
add a tag to wordpress header from a plugin
when i googled this it just showed me plugins to add and remove things from the wordpress header. here is how you actually add your own tags to the wordpress header. This function will add the tag hi..
Bootstrap Card Formatting HTML and CSS - Header and Footer
just a bootstrap card format with header and footer elements, makes a piece of content neat easily
Move any element with css offsets
Make any element moveable without moving other items around by making it position: relative;
using a css grid area template
here we can specify areas for the grid. using grid-template-areas. once the areas are defined we can add the items into each area with grid-area: header in each element Use grid-area Without Creatin..
meta keywords tag
used in the page header keywords are seperated by comma's. e.g: key word,keyword,etc
meta description tag
used in the page header
read and sort directory contents in php
if you need to read in the contents of a directory in php and sort it by date header('Content-Type: application/json'); $dir = "./html/"; $file_type = ".html"; $out = ""; $files_array[] = ""; ..
show response headers from file get contents
this will show the http_response_header when using file get contents, can be useful for seeing what the server is doing. $contents = @file_get_contents($url); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($http_re..
wordpress enqueue slicknav and slick slider
add this to your theme scripts functions file here is the full one from HTML5 Blank // Load HTML5 Blank scripts (header.php) function html5blank_header_scripts() { if ($GLOBALS['pagenow'] != ..
header type json
Changes the header to show json type content when the server requests it. header('Content-Type: application/json');
extract meta tags from url and return as json array
this will download the url and extract its meta tags returning a json encoded string, with json headers. If the url is accessable. <?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); if(!isset($..
wordpress check home and not home for banners and things
this quick function will check if the page is home or not good if you want something on the other pages and something just on the home page in the header or that kind of thing. i have tested this i..
using custom request headers array with curl
this function passes in an array with custom request headers to curl, good if you need to pass in some headers to request an api url and give it an auth key or something like that. Also added to the a..
wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnail
this is surprisingly hard to find code that lists all blog posts in a template with the feature image that does not use an additional plugin. you shouldnt need a plugin to do this as its already built..
search within files in a directory
During my quest to create a semi-static site that is searchable and fast to load. I thought while loading all of this content in with ajax and such that it would be interesting if i could do a text ..
google map with overlay data
Ever wanted to add a really slightly complex google map to your site? Working Example /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that con..
flems embed in url is a single-file, embeddable Web sandbox. It keeps all its state in the URL, so just make your changes, copy the URL from the address bar, and send it wherever you please. Most popular link s..
change favicon with jquery
Updated: This seems to not work on this page, as it has multiple link icon elements to deal with different sizes. I just changed it to a function and it runs ok, but the browser seems to choose a diff..
jquery accordion
here is an easy drop in if you need a quick and dirty accordion sometimes you just need something quick, here is mine for the jquery accordion also changed the default selected tab to green rather t..
meta refresh reload page
this can use a meta tag to get the browser to reload the current page. the following code will reload the page every 30 seconds. usually you have to add meta tags into the header of your page, not ..
make all links target new window
I was actually searching for a js way to do this, but i found this instead. Here is a really easy way to make all links target a _blank window. Just add this to your <head>. <base targ..
emoji data
Emoji Data version 1.0 This is a better emoji list that you can search by title ctrl + f emoji-data.txt # Emoji Data for UTR #51 # # File: emoji-data.txt # Version: 1.0 # Date: ..
css grid for layouts and how to use it
Note: Added version 2 of this with no rows for the grid css grid for layouts with no rows so there is this thing called the CSS Grid Layout, and apparently we dont need a framework for grids anymore...
more complex responsive tables css
i did a simple version of this before here but now im going to make it a bit more complicated and functional. table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } tr:nth-of-type(odd) { ..
material design icons google font
you can just link to this like a font in your header how do we use the icons? <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> this one should ..
set transparent menu over background image
this is probably obvious, but i found it useful for those themes that look nice with a semi-transparent header sitting over the top of an image. I think ill do this as an external example, as its e..
design nice block header
I saw this the other day and thought the color scheme looked quite nice. Ill see if i can replicate it here. @import url(''); .mid-header { ..