bootstrap form basic
a nice simple bootstrap form layout example template
center image preview with lightbox and caption
I just wanted a thumbnail or preview of the image, where if clicked it would load into a lightbox, but the preview just shows the center of whatever image is added to it. Note: I just picked ra..
replace singular variable assignment with an array loop and variable variables
I found this useful when passing in an array to a function, rather than assigning all the variables in the function manually from the array just loop through each item in the array and asign them that..
fancybox image popout easy
just in case you want to easily apply a modal or pop out effect to your images when they cant be displayed full size on the page. related:
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor
This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..
test page for the custom css 12 grid used on this site
This is my testing page for the grid used on this site, it shows elements and other things for use on the grid and other general formatting.
Quick tool to convert time into decimal
I needed a quick tool that can convert say 20 minutes into decimal, as im doing this a lot these days. Here is what i come up with, well you can google it as well and that works, but this form is a bi..
extracting the useful bits of bootstrap
Back in the early instances of bootstrap they used to provide a build system for the individual components. It seems that these days its all or nothing, or use some kind of build tool to include the b..
table border collapse
I see this quite often when dealing with tables the border-collapse: collapse; used on a table as so: table { border-collapse: collapse; } So what is the point of doing this? It seems to help..