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twitter json feed testing

just testing using the Twitter Post Fetcher script, seems to be working well.

9:33 am, September 10, 2021
load json with vanilla javascript no jquery

this basically does the same thing that a jquery .getJSON does but without the need for jquery.

9:57 am, May 25, 2021
python extract title tag from url and html using regex

this will extract the title tag as text from the url and the title tag in the following python script Python import refrom urllib.request import urlopenurl = "

1:30 am, April 4, 2021
python import and print url

here is an example script that imports html from a url and prints it add it to a .py file and then run it with python3 Python from urllib.request import urlopenurl = "http://olympus.rea..

1:11 am, April 4, 2021
FCC - Basic: Profile Lookup

my solution to the FCC Basic js Profile Lookup, with added results area and button to run the function. json, array

5:38 am, August 26, 2019

This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


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