card.html template
a card template with title, content and a mb-3 for bottom margin for usage with the php template system.
making the search page nicer
Sometimes i dont even notice things like this, as i look at them all day and go, ah yeah thats a search box. I forget that all these things can be fixed. Anyway, even just adding this form to a..
bootstrap form basic
a nice simple bootstrap form layout example template
Create Strings using Template Literals
if you use the backtick to enclose your strings you no longer have to use \n for a new line. For example: `this is a multiline ...string!!` Console Example
Using CSS Grid instead of Float's for a 3 column simple list
I have been in the habit of just using float:left and then width 31% with margin 1% for list items, and it seems to work fine usually. But i thought i probably should update the defaults in by ..
Spam IP Database and delete button
The Background and Reason for the SPAM IP Database and Delete I actually wrote up half of this article and was still testing the function and lost the whole post, which will teach me for adding it st..
list all array json function list_all_array_json
I wrote this a while ago, and i always forget the complex functions i write so ill add it here. This loads all fields and then returns them as json.
sqlite fetchArray into another array
was having an issue when trying to return a multi array using sqlite over multiple rows. Stack Overflow Inspiration I tried a few of these but it was not incrementing key, and also it was only..
list_all_array an early stages of list all function that uses an array to pass in main variables
I think this is more neat than passing in individual variables into the list_all function, seems to work ok so far. Still in early stages of this listing function, more needs to be built into i..
replace singular variable assignment with an array loop and variable variables
I found this useful when passing in an array to a function, rather than assigning all the variables in the function manually from the array just loop through each item in the array and asign them that..
foundation base html template - foundation template
just a basic html template with foundation and the required javascripts, good for a starter html page using foundation framework.
timeline class and function
this is a class extend that generates a timeline based on structured data and order's the items by year decending. this code will not work out of the box as it has other requirements, but it is a goo..
bootstrap alert template
here is a templated bootstrap alert where you can switch the alert type with the @alert_type variable. Here are the different alerts: primary secondary success danger warning info light dar..
bootstrap list group card with footer
a list group within a card and also a footer on the card for additional links.
list group bootstrap template
this generates a bootstrap list group basic template layout, nice option for lists with links in them rather than using a ul li style list, this makes them into neater looking elements so rather than ..
list group card item template
this is a list group item for usage with the template list group or list group card template.
php html template class system
just a simple php templating system to extract your html files from within the php code into external files, makes things (or your code) a bit neater.
list group card template
list group card template for usage with the php template class
views list function for checking what views have been made on the current week
this is related to the views class that i added with monthly week number and yearly views, this is the function that i use to extract the top viewed pages for the week num, month num and year num. I ..
load array load all items from an array while in a sqlite load sql loop
i find this useful when loading a bunch of items in a class while looping through data, rather than assigning variables manually i just add the array of item names into the class to begin with and the..
twitter social sharing meta tags
I had done this one so many times on client sites I actually forgot that i had not applied it to my own site! Doh! Anyway this is the tag setup i use for adding the title, url, author and featured im..
get and show the featured image on a wordpress page template
this will extract the featured image on wordpress page if you are using custom page templates.
link to a custom style sheet in your theme directory wordpress
this is how you can include a manual link in your wordpress header file with a link to a stylesheet called theme.css then if you change theme names or something it will still link correctly, rather t..
wordpress show page content on template file
shows the page content on a wordpress template file
show post content on template wordpress
show the post content on a wordpress template
wordpress add a template file to your theme
this is the basic layout of adding a wordpress template php file to your wordpress theme. good for custom theme pages This is a really basic template with just the header, but once added wordpress w..
How to record your own page views with PHP, and make them into weekly monthly and yearly charts
Building a better Simple Page View Counter Currently this site has a very basic view counter on it. Here is how it currently works. Load the page, function checks if the page has a existing r..
load from fields array php class function
this class function loads from multiple fields from an array, much easier than passing in a bunch of variables into a function nice and clean, the only issue is you need to remember what fields to add..
moving the hits widget into the post header and footer
I wanted to make a smaller deal of the views page widget, i was adding it as a full widget and it does not need to be that huge so moving from widget area to the top of the post. Move it down..
creating embedded php code from a database field
i actually dont know why i didnt think of doing this earlier, i already have the php code field in these code articles. I thought why not embed this code into an actual file and then run it as a test..
load random videos module using template
load 3 random items and extract the video url, and use the youtube function to create a thumbnail and link to that video page
404 Error Page Codepen
found this in my links the other day, still looks cool...
weird search results being recorded
i noticed some weird search results being recorded like this: the search function should only be recording a result if it finds a result, so this should not be added unless it can actually find thi..
Comments Listing should be a custom list rather than using search
For some reason when i listed the comments under posts on this site, i used the search function and then searched for the related uid, which maybe was easier at the time than adding an additional cate..
change this to a list group - other items
Other item format is a bit average, list group should fix this. This uses the template: core-list-item-simple.html So we can change this a bit to the list group format. Which i..
hero widget header - creates a nice looking hero item from a target uid and class
this creates a "nice" looking hero widget, just wanted to create something that looked decent and had an attached background image, surprizingly annoying to link items together. For some reason i kee..
dropdown section
What generates the dropdown widget items? generated by the function generate_section_button() per class template file section-dropdown-bootstrap.html
Latest from Code Widget
What generates the Latest from Code Widget? Code PHP $widget_latest_list = $class->list_all( $start = 0, $max = 10, &n..
show the difference between two dates in years, months, days, hours and seconds
i modified this code into a function that also detects if there is any values in each item before adding it to the text.
passing in arrays to your functions rather than using variables
this is probably an old technique, but i discovered it the other day when i was playing around, and i thought wow i should do this to all my functions, i cant see the downside, apart from having to re..
change file permissions to -rw-rw-r--
When adding a new php template file, it adds it under the www-data user with the file permissions set to -rw-r--r-- so its not remotely editable. Use chmod 664 to change it to -rw-rw-r-- chmod 664 ca..
Adding HTML Templates into TinyMCE Editor
This can be very useful if you are using the tinymce editor on your site and want to be able to add simple or complex html templates. Here is how to do it: Add this to your tinymce init Javascrip..
fix view page for search links [reported]
its still showing raw data on these view pages e.g Looks like that example is already out of date, here is a new one: https://kruxor..
linking search results to view pages [finished] 🤣
I was thinking it might be useful to link the search term to the page, so that it can be found more easily using that search. For example, Link this search text (somehow) to the post page and display..
include tinymce only if a user is logged into the site
For google page speed i had an issue when every page was loading tinymce, which is quite a large script. I only actually use this script when editing pages, so this is the change i made to only inser..
add paging to wp list query
this is a raw template with list query for specific category names and also includes paging, if the post number is greater than 8 posts in the included categories.
Quick tool to convert time into decimal
I needed a quick tool that can convert say 20 minutes into decimal, as im doing this a lot these days. Here is what i come up with, well you can google it as well and that works, but this form is a bi..
match a category id in wordpress and then add styles just for that id
this is in template-parts/content.php which may be different based on your theme or version of wordpress. you can locate the category id in wordpress by going into categories and then clicking ..
php countries array to dropdown form element
here we generate a form dropdown from a php countries array using the country code as the name of the form option
get the current post id from content.php
this should assign the current wordpress post id to $post_id, from template-parts/content.php if you want to show it, just echo the $post_id
What is Core?
17 Aug 20 core is php content management system where the content is editable from the front end of the site, so there is no real back end to this system. i designed it to be easily extended so every..
scroll to top html css and js
add a button to your website that allows scrolling to the top of the page css add scroll behavior smooth to your html, to allow the page to scroll nicely rather than just jumping to the top, in supp..
wordpress adding post custom field meta and displaying it on you template
if you want to be able to add custom post fields into your pages in wordpress and display them in your template this is how you can do it, no plugin is required for this as post meta is available by d..
wordpress get page content to display on template page
gets the page content and displays it on a template, this must use the post loop as shown in the code.
template for testing and live reloading html files
this is a template that i use while testing flat html files, if you add it to a server it will live reload. this does seem to cause issues depending on the site that is is used on, like reloading all ..
using a css grid area template
here we can specify areas for the grid. using grid-template-areas. once the areas are defined we can add the items into each area with grid-area: header in each element Use grid-area Without Creatin..
grid column and row spacing
here we add some additional spacing to our grid, we can get certain cells to take up 2 parts of the grid using grid-column: 1 / 3; to get box number 5 to take up 2 cols we can add grid-column: 2 / 4..
CSS Grid - Basic Columns
Here is a basic demo showing the usage for css grid columns. You just need to add the display:grid property and then add the grid-template-columns: adding the size of each column, adding a value for e..
using the disk free space function in php
here is a built in php function that will show the amount of free space available on your server.
create a mysql or sqlite current timestamp with php
just in case you need to create a CURRENT_TIMESTAMP using php, this formats the current date into the following.
function to create a uid from html
this function converts a html string into a uid or unique id type string, its not actually unique, but its a string that can be used to make the title of something that contains html into a usable str..
calculate a percentage (dec) difference based on two numbers
this function will show you the percentage difference between two numbers
How Many Days Since a Date and other Calculations
Here i calculate the number of days since a certain date in php and use the values for checking how much something costs per day. Start Date Lets add the date that the item was purchaced. In d..
Core - File Structure
Core works on the following directory structure: //class//class/extends//css//db//images//import//inc//lib//pages//templates/ all of the core structure is fairly self explanitory core.class.php can..
wordpress show the page content for use in a template
if you are using page templates in wordpress and need to show content from wordpress this is the easiest method. This only works for wordpress "pages" not blog "posts". For showing blog posts you will..
wordpress enqueue slicknav and slick slider
add this to your theme scripts functions file here is the full one from HTML5 Blank // Load HTML5 Blank scripts (header.php) function html5blank_header_scripts() { if ($GLOBALS['pagenow'] != ..
wordpress use a shortcode in php gravity forms
good for using shortcodes in your wordpress templates
wordpress advanced custom fields replace shortcode for site url with blog url
Using advanced custom fields, if you know what the shortcode is and what you want to replace it with you can do so with the following. $site_url = get_site_url(); $field = get_field('template_ht..
wordpress get site url
good for using in templates in case the site is moved <?php echo get_site_url(); ?> Usage Example (css) using inline styles in a template file <style> .class { background:url("<?p..
wordpress show posts loop with feature image thumbnail
this is surprisingly hard to find code that lists all blog posts in a template with the feature image that does not use an additional plugin. you shouldnt need a plugin to do this as its already built..
wordpress show the post content for use in a template
if you are looking to show the page content in a template you can find that here. This will show all posts in the selected category Modified source from here
wordpress register enqueue javascript require jquery
This usually goes in the theme functions file. This will load it after jquery if it requires it. wp_register_script('scriptname', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/scripts.js', array('jquery'), ..
flexbox layout template
thought i would see what a full page example layout would be like using flexbox rather than floats Using this for flexbox reference flexbox layout Note: tested working in ie11.. yay.
css grid sidebar main content fluid layout with fallback
this is a continuation from the original post with added fallback for older browsers that do no support the grid elements yet. I have tested this fallback in IE11 and it seems to work well, if you wa..
css grid sidebar main content fluid layout
I was playing around with css grid the other day and i found a nice (and easy) way to do a standard left sidebar and fluid main content area. this is rather than floating the sidebar and then setting ..
css grid for layouts with no rows
I had a look at this recently, but my previous example still used rows for a grid, which apparently is not the correct way of using css grids. I think the issue (I had) with css grid is it seems co..
css grid for layouts and how to use it
Note: Added version 2 of this with no rows for the grid css grid for layouts with no rows so there is this thing called the CSS Grid Layout, and apparently we dont need a framework for grids anymore...
wordpress get template directory
Get the current theme directory, good for use in wordpress templates. <?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> Usage Example To link to an image located in the theme directory <..