Runescape RS3 Double Seren Spirits
Not really worth a whole post for this one but i just got, double Seren Spirit Proc, is this rare? Well i have not seen it before anyway. Still got average drops, ah well. Still cool.
The Quest for the Golden Party Hat in Runescape
So i logged in the other day and they had the new splash screen and all of that stuff and then i saw the Golden Party Hat hunt... Pff whatever another useless item to add to my bank or DJangos (not..
RS3 Runescape Elder Tree teleport locations
A list of the fastest or closest to tele port locations when your sentenel outfit has no more charges. or you dont have that outfit for the teles. RS Wiki for Tree Locations As each tree takes..
RS3 Post 99 Leveling Log
I will be adding all future levels here from 99 up. 102 Slayer Half a billion XP 103 Dung still going, i missed the screen shot! i hope they close the beach event soon so i can go a..
RS3 Soul Cape and where to get it
Not sure how to get it yet, but i want one. Soul Cape Looks like this is the way, but not sure what this is... more research required.
Runescape Questing Notes and Log
To keep me inspired on doing quests in runescape. No log yet, just to remind me. Well this is embarrassing, im max level and doing novice quests still. Yep i neglected the quests, i gues..
the next steps after maxing in runescape
So now im 99 in all skills what do i do now? Quit? Well that is an option, but i still like playing, and while grinding to 99's i have skipped a few (lot of ) things Now i am maxed i feel less pr..
getting the max cape and going to max guild - runescape rs3 video
finding max and getting the max cape and going to the max guild for the 1st time.
Clean Windows Setup
So i was watching a video today where they went through setting up and cleaning a windows installation, and man i thought i really want to do this. My PC and Laptop just get so cluttered with a..
RS3 Thieving Log - Safe Cracking
So thieving is one of those annoying non afk rs3 skills, but only until you get to the workers in prif at level 92. Currently im 86 so safe cracking runs until 92, then it will be a bit more af..
RS3 Hunter Leveling Logs and Notes
I just watched this video on using protien traps seems quite good, as i was actually just using them all on chinchompas before that! Argh... Oh well move on..
rs3 runespan experience rates
Experience rates Free players Members Lvl Node type XP/minute XP/hour Lvl Node type XP/minute XP/hour 1 Cyclone 960 57,600 54 Jumper 1,500 90,000 1 Mind sto..
Level 3 to All Capes - Ultimate Runescape Guide
I will be updating this as i go, with additional information and links. File originaly comes from this google sheet. Which i have found to be a bit out of date with certain items. Goal U..
Archaeology/Level up table
New Location Unlocks + Levels Level 5 - Dig Site: Kharid-et Level 20 - Dig Site: Infernal Source Lodge bar storage Goldrune Orthenglass Level 42 - Dig Site: Everlight P..
RS3 Dailies Lists
Update: 10 Dec 2020 This RS3 Dailies List is Huge Now so ill split it up into a smaller quick dailies (incase you dont want to spend your whole day doing dailies) The top list is the one I usually do,..
RS3 Combat Bars
The most efficent bar layouts
RS3 Herb Run Notes
Just some random notes i found on RS3 Herb Runs. Quick Herb Run Can do this one in 5 - 10 mins easy, if all the herbs survive makes good prof, even if they dont still overall makes good money. ..
RS3 Best AFK training all skills
Skill AFK method Requirements Xp/hr (Base) Agility Silverhawks +AFK skill or Serenity posts daily 99 Agility, Silverhawks, Barbarian assault bxp and Nimble outfit 160,480 (68,800) [..
RS3 Summoning Quick Oblesque
Spirit Kyatt Teleport Walk North and Climb Down Trapdoor, just go north to the trapdoor Infuse Pouches Dual Arena to Castle Wars Bank Bank (Right next to teleport, free teleport) Repeat
RS3 Divination locations 1-99
Divination locations. Level Location Type 1-10 West of Lumbridge Crater Pale 10-20 North of Falador Flickering 20-30 Between Varrock and the Digsite Bright 30-40 So..
RS3 Runescape Archaeology 1-99 Mattock Guide
At what level should you go to the mat tock shop and get a new mattock. Level 1-9: Bronze Mattock Level 10-19: Iron mattock Level 20-29: Steel mattock Level 30-39: Mithril mattock Level 40-49: Ad..
RS3 Runescape Archaeology 1-99 Leveling Guide List (of where to dig)
1-99 Archaeology Quick Guide. This is a rough list of where to go at what Archaeology Level you are for maximum exp. Level 1-5: Varrock Digsite Tutorial Level 5-12: Venator Remains (Kharid-et) Lev..
Mining 1-99
Levels 1-32 Completing Doric's Quest and The Digsite grants the player a total of 16600 Mining experience Levels 1-15 – Copper ore/Tin ore Levels 15-75 – I..
Crafting - 1 - 99 guide
Levels Details Amount XP Items Needed Material Cost Each End Product Price Each Pr..
Graceful outfit
Graceful clothing comprises weight-reducing gear that can be bought from Grace found in the Rogues' Den beneath the Toad and Chicken in Burthorpe. The pieces are bought with marks of grace, which are ..
Metal Dragons
Metal dragons are dragons whose armour are metallic. They generally have a high Defence against Melee and Ranged attacks though they are relatively weak against Magic attacks. Metal dragons drop metal..
What are the best ways of slaying Metal Dragons?
Depending on your level here are some gear options for Slaying Metal Dragons. Tips Killing Metal Dragons in Brimhaven is faster than the ones in Kourend as the ones in Brimhaven have lower d..
1-99 Agility (Without Kandarin Hard Diaries)
Here are the courses that you should do per level 1-10 Gnome Stronghold Agility Course 10-20 Draynor Village Rooftop Course 20-30 Al-Kharid Rooftop Course 30-40 Varrock Rooftop Course 40-60 Can..
Oldschool Runescape Ironman guide By OzirisRS
Oldschool RunescapeIronman guideBy OzirisRSRe-formatting + images + details added by KruXoR Contents Introduction Pre-Text Starting Out Early quests, wintertodt and ardy cloak 1 (71) Lumbrid..
OSRS Optimal Quest Guide
Old School Runescape Quest Guide Quest/Action QG New levels after finishing quest Quest points Total QP Additional info The Restless Ghost QG 9 Prayer 1 1 Run fr..
OSRS Members Fishing Guide
Here is the method that i used to level fishing. In members OSRS. This is fairly AFK using this method so you can dual login, or do something else while fishing and just listen out for the inventory f..
OSRS Notes
15 April 2019 Grinding Trolls, still leveling slayer very slowly. I found the best place to farm the trolls is just east of the crabs there is a tunnel there kind of a passage that has some level 6..