Posted in site bugs
2:43 am, January 1, 2021

badge placement is offset in list pages [fixed]

Another bug caused by the badge changes

I think this can be added to a grid as well, and have the category on the left and the date on the right. Then need to align the category badge nicer. 

Bug Status:

Demo Link: 

Looks like the format here is broken as well and needs to be added to a grid.

For this one i had to reset the absolute position and then re-align it as you can see in the following css. 


<!-- Original Format -->
        <div class='d-flex w-100 justify-content-between'>
          <div class='nice-date'><small class="text-muted">2:43 am, January 1, 2021 </small></div>
          <div class='category'><a href='/search/[@class_name]/[@category_urlenc]/' class="badge badge-secondary">[@category]</a></div>

<!-- New Grid Format -->
        <div class='row list-item-meta'>
          <div class='col-lg-6'>
            <div class='nice-date'><small class="text-muted">2:43 am, January 1, 2021 </small></div>
          <div class='col-lg-6'>
            <div class='category'><a href='/search/[@class_name]/[@category_urlenc]/' class="badge badge-secondary">[@category]</a></div>


.list-item-meta .category .badge {
  top: 0;
.list-item-meta .category {
  position: relative;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  text-align: right;
2:43 am, January 1, 2021
2:43 am, January 1, 2021

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