Posted in javascript
9:33 am, September 10, 2021

twitter json feed testing

just testing using the Twitter Post Fetcher script, seems to be working well.


<h2>Query 1: My latest tweet</h2>
    <div id="example1"></div>
    <h2>Query 2: Last 3 posts I like</h2>
    <div id="example2"></div>
    <h2>Query 3: Recent 3 posts from a custom list</h2>
    <div id="example3"></div>


*  #### Twitter Post Fetcher v18.0.4 ####
*  Coded by Jason Mayes 2015. A present to all the developers out there.
*  Please keep this disclaimer with my code if you use it. Thanks. :-)
*  Got feedback or questions, ask here:
*  Github:
*  Updates will be posted to this site.
!function(e,t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=t():t()}(0,function(){var e="",t=20,i=!0,n=[],a=!1,l=!0,s=!0,r=null,o=!0,c=!0,m=null,d=!0,p=!1,u=!1,g=!0,h=!0,w=!1,f=null;function b(e){return e.replace(/<b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/b>/gi,function(e,t){return t}).replace(/class="(?!(tco-hidden|tco-display|tco-ellipsis))+.*?"|data-query-source=".*?"|dir=".*?"|rel=".*?"/gi,"")}function v(e){for(var t=e.getElementsByTagName("a"),i=t.length-1;i>=0;i--)t[i].setAttribute("target","_blank"),t[i].setAttribute("rel","noopener")}function _(e,t){for(var i=[],n=new RegExp("(^| )"+t+"( |$)"),a=e.getElementsByTagName("*"),l=0,s=a.length;l<s;l++)n.test(a[l].className)&&i.push(a[l]);return i}function y(e){if(void 0!==e&&e.innerHTML.indexOf("data-image")>=0){for(var t=e.innerHTML.match(/data-image=\"([^"]+)\"/gi),i=0;i<t.length;i++)t[i]=t[i].match(/data-image=\"([^"]+)\"/i)[1],t[i]=decodeURIComponent(t[i])+".jpg";return t}}var T={fetch:function(o){if(void 0===o.maxTweets&&(o.maxTweets=20),void 0===o.enableLinks&&(o.enableLinks=!0),void 0===o.showUser&&(o.showUser=!0),void 0===o.showTime&&(o.showTime=!0),void 0===o.dateFunction&&(o.dateFunction="default"),void 0===o.showRetweet&&(o.showRetweet=!0),void 0===o.customCallback&&(o.customCallback=null),void 0===o.showInteraction&&(o.showInteraction=!0),void 0===o.showImages&&(o.showImages=!1),void 0===o.useEmoji&&(o.useEmoji=!1),void 0===o.linksInNewWindow&&(o.linksInNewWindow=!0),void 0===o.showPermalinks&&(o.showPermalinks=!0),void 0===o.dataOnly&&(o.dataOnly=!1),a)n.push(o);else{a=!0,e=o.domId,t=o.maxTweets,i=o.enableLinks,s=o.showUser,l=o.showTime,c=o.showRetweet,r=o.dateFunction,m=o.customCallback,d=o.showInteraction,p=o.showImages,u=o.useEmoji,g=o.linksInNewWindow,h=o.showPermalinks,w=o.dataOnly;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];null!==f&&b.removeChild(f),(f=document.createElement("script")).type="text/javascript",void 0!==o.list?f.src=""+o.list.listSlug+"&screen_name="+o.list.screenName+"&suppress_response_codes=true&lang="+(o.lang||"en")+"&rnd="+Math.random():void 0!==o.profile?f.src=""+o.profile.screenName+"&suppress_response_codes=true&lang="+(o.lang||"en")+"&rnd="+Math.random():void 0!==o.likes?f.src=""+o.likes.screenName+"&suppress_response_codes=true&lang="+(o.lang||"en")+"&rnd="+Math.random():void 0!==o.collection?f.src=""+o.collection.collectionId+"&suppress_response_codes=true&lang="+(o.lang||"en")+"&rnd="+Math.random():f.src="""?&lang="+(o.lang||"en")+"&callback=__twttrf.callback&suppress_response_codes=true&rnd="+Math.random(),b.appendChild(f)}},callback:function(f){if(void 0===f||void 0===f.body)return a=!1,void(n.length>0&&(T.fetch(n[0]),n.splice(0,1)));u||(f.body=f.body.replace(/(<img[^c]*class="Emoji[^>]*>)|(<img[^c]*class="u-block[^>]*>)/g,"")),p||(f.body=f.body.replace(/(<img[^c]*class="NaturalImage-image[^>]*>|(<img[^c]*class="CroppedImage-image[^>]*>))/g,"")),s||(f.body=f.body.replace(/(<img[^c]*class="Avatar"[^>]*>)/g,""));var k=document.createElement("div");function C(e){var t=e.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];if(t)t.src=t.getAttribute("data-src-2x");else{var i=e.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getAttribute("href").split("")[1],n=document.createElement("img");n.setAttribute("src",""+i+"/profile_image?size=bigger"),e.prepend(n)}return e}k.innerHTML=f.body,void 0===k.getElementsByClassName&&(o=!1);var E=[],x=[],N=[],A=[],B=[],I=[],M=[],L=0;if(o)for(var j=k.getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet");L<j.length;)j[L].getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet-retweetCredit").length>0?B.push(!0):B.push(!1),(!B[L]||B[L]&&c)&&(E.push(j[L].getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet-text")[0]),I.push(j[L].getAttribute("data-tweet-id")),s&&x.push(C(j[L].getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet-author")[0])),N.push(j[L].getElementsByClassName("dt-updated")[0]),M.push(j[L].getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet-timestamp")[0]),void 0!==j[L].getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet-media")[0]?A.push(j[L].getElementsByClassName("timeline-Tweet-media")[0]):A.push(void 0)),L++;else for(j=_(k,"timeline-Tweet");L<j.length;)_(j[L],"timeline-Tweet-retweetCredit").length>0?B.push(!0):B.push(!1),(!B[L]||B[L]&&c)&&(E.push(_(j[L],"timeline-Tweet-text")[0]),I.push(j[L].getAttribute("data-tweet-id")),s&&x.push(C(_(j[L],"timeline-Tweet-author")[0])),N.push(_(j[L],"dt-updated")[0]),M.push(_(j[L],"timeline-Tweet-timestamp")[0]),void 0!==_(j[L],"timeline-Tweet-media")[0]?A.push(_(j[L],"timeline-Tweet-media")[0]):A.push(void 0)),L++;E.length>t&&(E.splice(t,E.length-t),x.splice(t,x.length-t),N.splice(t,N.length-t),B.splice(t,B.length-t),A.splice(t,A.length-t),M.splice(t,M.length-t));var H=[],P=(L=E.length,0);if(w)for(;P<L;)H.push({tweet:E[P].innerHTML,tweetText:E[P].textContent,author:x[P]?x[P].innerHTML:"Unknown Author",author_data:{profile_url:x[P]?x[P].querySelector('[data-scribe="element:user_link"]').href:null,profile_image:x[P]?""+x[P].querySelector('[data-scribe="element:screen_name"]').title.split("@")[1]+"/profile_image?size=bigger":null,profile_image_2x:x[P]?""+x[P].querySelector('[data-scribe="element:screen_name"]').title.split("@")[1]+"/profile_image?size=original":null,screen_name:x[P]?x[P].querySelector('[data-scribe="element:screen_name"]').title:null,name:x[P]?x[P].querySelector('[data-scribe="element:name"]').title:null},time:N[P].textContent,timestamp:N[P].getAttribute("datetime").replace("+0000","Z").replace(/([\+\-])(\d\d)(\d\d)/,"$1$2:$3"),image:y(A[P])?y(A[P])[0]:void 0,images:y(A[P]),rt:B[P],tid:I[P],permalinkURL:void 0===M[P]?"":M[P].href}),P++;else for(;P<L;){if("string"!=typeof r){var R=N[P].getAttribute("datetime"),F=new Date(N[P].getAttribute("datetime").replace(/-/g,"/").replace("T"," ").split("+")[0]),S=r(F,R);if(N[P].setAttribute("aria-label",S),E[P].textContent)if(o)N[P].textContent=S;else{var q=document.createElement("p"),O=document.createTextNode(S);q.appendChild(O),q.setAttribute("aria-label",S),N[P]=q}else N[P].textContent=S}var U="";if(i?(g&&(v(E[P]),s&&v(x[P])),s&&(U+='<div class="user">'+b(x[P].innerHTML)+"</div>"),U+='<p class="tweet">'+b(E[P].innerHTML)+"</p>",l&&(U+=h?'<p class="timePosted"><a href="'+M[P]+'">'+N[P].getAttribute("aria-label")+"</a></p>":'<p class="timePosted">'+N[P].getAttribute("aria-label")+"</p>")):(E[P].textContent,s&&(U+='<p class="user">'+x[P].textContent+"</p>"),U+='<p class="tweet">'+E[P].textContent+"</p>",l&&(U+='<p class="timePosted">'+N[P].textContent+"</p>")),d&&(U+='<p class="interact"><a href="'+I[P]+'" class="twitter_reply_icon"'+(g?' target="_blank" rel="noopener">':">")+'Reply</a><a href="'+I[P]+'" class="twitter_retweet_icon"'+(g?' target="_blank" rel="noopener">':">")+'Retweet</a><a href="'+I[P]+'" class="twitter_fav_icon"'+(g?' target="_blank" rel="noopener">':">")+"Favorite</a></p>"),p&&void 0!==A[P]&&void 0!==y(A[P]))for(var D=y(A[P]),$=0;$<D.length;$++)U+='<div class="media"><img src="'+D[$]+'" alt="Image from tweet" /></div>';p?H.push(U):!p&&E[P].textContent.length&&H.push(U),P++}!function(t){if(null===m){for(var i=t.length,n=0,a=document.getElementById(e),l="<ul>";n<i;)l+="<li>"+t[n]+"</li>",n++;l+="</ul>",a.innerHTML=l}else m(t)}(H),a=!1,n.length>0&&(T.fetch(n[0]),n.splice(0,1))}};return window.__twttrf=T,window.twitterFetcher=T,T}),[Element.prototype,Document.prototype,DocumentFragment.prototype].forEach(function(e){e.hasOwnProperty("prepend")||Object.defineProperty(e,"prepend",{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,writable:!0,value:function(){var,t=document.createDocumentFragment();e.forEach(function(e){var i=e instanceof Node;t.appendChild(i?e:document.createTextNode(String(e)))}),this.insertBefore(t,this.firstChild)}})});

 * Go to and sign in as normal, go to your settings page.
 * Go to "Widgets" on the left hand side.
 * Create a new widget for what you need eg "user time line" or "search" etc.
 * Feel free to check "exclude replies" if you don't want replies in results.
 * Now go back to settings page, and then go back to widgets page and
 * you should see the widget you just created. Click edit.
 * Look at the URL in your web browser, you will see a long number like this:
 * 345735908357048478
 * Use this as your ID below instead!

 * How to use TwitterFetcher's fetch function:
 * @function fetch(object) Fetches the Twitter content according to
 *     the parameters specified in object.
 * @param object {Object} An object containing case sensitive key-value pairs
 *     of properties below.
 * You may specify at minimum the following two required properties:
 * @param {string} The ID of the Twitter widget you wish
 *     to grab data from (see above for how to generate this number).
 * @param object.domId {string} The ID of the DOM element you want
 *     to write results to.
 * You may also specify one or more of the following optional properties
 *     if you desire:
 * @param object.maxTweets [int] The maximum number of tweets you want
 *     to return. Must be a number between 1 and 20. Default value is 20.
 * @param object.enableLinks [boolean] Set false if you don't want
 *     urls and hashtags to be hyperlinked.
 * @param object.showUser [boolean] Set false if you don't want user
 *     photo / name for tweet to show.
 * @param object.showTime [boolean] Set false if you don't want time of tweet
 *     to show.
 * @param object.dateFunction [function] A function you can specify
 *     to format date/time of tweet however you like. This function takes
 *     a JavaScript date as a parameter and returns a String representation
 *     of that date.
 * @param object.showRetweet [boolean] Set false if you don't want retweets
 *     to show.
 * @param object.customCallback [function] A function you can specify
 *     to call when data are ready. It also passes data to this function
 *     to manipulate them yourself before outputting. If you specify
 *     this parameter you must output data yourself!
 * @param object.showInteraction [boolean] Set false if you don't want links
 *     for reply, retweet and favourite to show.
 * @param object.showImages [boolean] Set true if you want images from tweet
 *     to show.
 * @param object.lang [string] The abbreviation of the language you want to use
 *     for Twitter phrases like "posted on" or "time ago". Default value
 *     is "en" (English).

var configProfile = {
  "profile": {"screenName": 'kruxor'},
  "domId": 'example1',
  "maxTweets": 1,
  "enableLinks": true, 
  "showUser": true,
  "showTime": true,
  "showImages": true,
  "lang": 'en'

var configLikes = {
  "likes": {"screenName": 'kruxor'},
  "domId": 'example2',
  "maxTweets": 3,
  "enableLinks": true, 
  "showUser": true,
  "showTime": true,
  "showImages": true,
  "lang": 'en'

var configList = {
  "list": {"listSlug": 'inspiration', "screenName": 'kruxor'},
  "domId": 'example3',
  "maxTweets": 3,
  "enableLinks": true, 
  "showUser": true,
  "showTime": true,
  "showImages": true,
  "lang": 'en'

Query 1: My latest tweet

Query 2: Last 3 posts I like

Query 3: Recent 3 posts from a custom list

External Link for twitter json feed testing

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This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

Join me on Substack if you want me to send you a collection of the things i have done or found or read for the week. Or follow me on twitter if you prefer, i dont post much but i probably should!


Random Quote

"Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything. 'Are you feeling all right?' I asked her. 'I feel all sleepy,' she said. In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead. The measles had turned into a terrible thing called measles encephalitis and there was nothing the doctors could do to save her. That 1962, but even now, if a child with measles happens to develop the same deadly reaction from measles as Olivia did, there would still be nothing the doctors could do to help her. On the other hand, there is today something that parents can do to make sure that this sort of tragedy does not happen to a child of theirs. They can insist that their child is immunised against measles. ...I dedicated two of my books to Olivia, the first was ‘James and the Giant Peach’. That was when she was still alive. The second was ‘The BFG’, dedicated to her memory after she had died from measles. You will see her name at the beginning of each of these books. And I know how happy she would be if only she could know that her death had helped to save a good deal of illness and death among other children."

I just checked google books for BFG, and the dedication is there. 

Roald Dahl, 1986