Posted in svg
6:32 am, June 29, 2021

globe svg testing (broken)

nope seems not to be working, it seems you cant just copy the glyph path into a normal svg and hope for the best, oh well i tried. 


<svg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" fill="white" class="globe-icon" viewBox="0 0 32 32">
  <path d="M507.904 109.397l8.192-16.384-6.144 20.48-2.048-4.096zM512 960c-282.77 0-512-229.23-512-512s229.23-512 512-512c282.77 0 512 229.23 512 512-0.388 282.613-229.386 511.612-511.962 512zM845.824 618.667h-299.691v204.8c131.399-12.878 241.834-91.782 298.705-202.685zM887.467 448c-0.008-36.474-5.243-71.722-14.998-105.040l-326.335 2.64v204.8h326.997c9.093-30.678 14.328-65.926 14.336-102.396zM136.533 448c0.008 36.474 5.243 71.722 14.998 105.040l326.335-2.64v-204.8h-326.997c-9.093 30.678-14.328 65.926-14.336 102.396zM477.867 821.419v-204.8h-299.691c57.856 113.018 168.292 191.922 298.142 204.677zM178.176 275.285h299.691v-204.8c-131.776 13.307-242.32 93-298.706 204.697zM546.133 70.485v204.8h299.691c-58.814-111.363-169.040-188.696-298.216-200.594z" />

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This is my test area for webdev. I keep a collection of code snippits here, mostly for my reference. Also if i find a good site, i usually add it here.

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When I realized that, no individual step is hard in any process. Building this airport I'm standing in right now started with a guy writing the architectural plans on paper. That's not hard for him to do. Then laying the first beam isn't had. The whole thing is really hard. So, just take each step kind of piece by piece and when I was able to do that and stop trying to chase this prize and started putting in the work, things just started coming together.