Posted in js
6:20 am, August 31, 2018

scrollbar replacement simplebar

a nice and simple scroll bar replacement


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>	

.scroller-no-pad {

<div class='scroller-no-pad' data-simplebar>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum sapien non ornare sagittis. Fusce quis dignissim felis. Pellentesque iaculis nisl et est ultricies, id mollis lorem volutpat. Praesent nec nunc vel quam facilisis scelerisque a ut orci. Sed sed enim vestibulum ex commodo venenatis vitae in mi. In eu velit sed nunc euismod tempor ac at odio. Mauris sit amet mi ac turpis rutrum congue sit amet id nunc.

Cras vel ligula a elit pretium convallis. Nunc ac nisl nisi. Vestibulum ut ullamcorper nibh. Phasellus dictum nisi quis ullamcorper finibus. Phasellus fringilla purus ut augue varius vulputate. Nullam nec nisl dignissim, varius sem pretium, commodo orci. Cras tortor nisl, pharetra sodales lobortis a, vestibulum ut libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque rutrum urna elit, sed cursus felis placerat efficitur. Curabitur tempor velit magna, mollis malesuada risus lacinia sed. Mauris tristique id mi et cursus. Quisque consectetur velit in lacus euismod scelerisque. Vestibulum ac malesuada libero, eget auctor turpis. Integer pellentesque a ipsum non faucibus. Quisque ultricies sapien ut tellus bibendum aliquam.

Nunc mattis a justo id bibendum. Cras sit amet nisl ac augue dictum finibus at at odio. Mauris massa elit, fermentum sit amet eros ut, aliquet fermentum orci. Vestibulum eleifend sapien quis lorem gravida scelerisque. Pellentesque lobortis velit metus, nec semper eros dapibus quis. Nunc lacinia iaculis tristique. Praesent aliquet dignissim eros vitae semper. Sed suscipit ultricies dignissim.</div>

add css and js to wordpress theme functions

wp_enqueue_style( 'simplebar-style', '' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'simplebar', '', array(), '20151215', true );


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum sapien non ornare sagittis. Fusce quis dignissim felis. Pellentesque iaculis nisl et est ultricies, id mollis lorem volutpat. Praesent nec nunc vel quam facilisis scelerisque a ut orci. Sed sed enim vestibulum ex commodo venenatis vitae in mi. In eu velit sed nunc euismod tempor ac at odio. Mauris sit amet mi ac turpis rutrum congue sit amet id nunc. Cras vel ligula a elit pretium convallis. Nunc ac nisl nisi. Vestibulum ut ullamcorper nibh. Phasellus dictum nisi quis ullamcorper finibus. Phasellus fringilla purus ut augue varius vulputate. Nullam nec nisl dignissim, varius sem pretium, commodo orci. Cras tortor nisl, pharetra sodales lobortis a, vestibulum ut libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque rutrum urna elit, sed cursus felis placerat efficitur. Curabitur tempor velit magna, mollis malesuada risus lacinia sed. Mauris tristique id mi et cursus. Quisque consectetur velit in lacus euismod scelerisque. Vestibulum ac malesuada libero, eget auctor turpis. Integer pellentesque a ipsum non faucibus. Quisque ultricies sapien ut tellus bibendum aliquam. Nunc mattis a justo id bibendum. Cras sit amet nisl ac augue dictum finibus at at odio. Mauris massa elit, fermentum sit amet eros ut, aliquet fermentum orci. Vestibulum eleifend sapien quis lorem gravida scelerisque. Pellentesque lobortis velit metus, nec semper eros dapibus quis. Nunc lacinia iaculis tristique. Praesent aliquet dignissim eros vitae semper. Sed suscipit ultricies dignissim.


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Random Quote

"Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything. 'Are you feeling all right?' I asked her. 'I feel all sleepy,' she said. In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead. The measles had turned into a terrible thing called measles encephalitis and there was nothing the doctors could do to save her. That 1962, but even now, if a child with measles happens to develop the same deadly reaction from measles as Olivia did, there would still be nothing the doctors could do to help her. On the other hand, there is today something that parents can do to make sure that this sort of tragedy does not happen to a child of theirs. They can insist that their child is immunised against measles. ...I dedicated two of my books to Olivia, the first was ‘James and the Giant Peach’. That was when she was still alive. The second was ‘The BFG’, dedicated to her memory after she had died from measles. You will see her name at the beginning of each of these books. And I know how happy she would be if only she could know that her death had helped to save a good deal of illness and death among other children."

I just checked google books for BFG, and the dedication is there. 

Roald Dahl, 1986