Posted in jquery
6:48 am, May 25, 2021

json load from jquery and loop through the results

this is the same as this post but i have added the object to an external test file.

so rather than already having the object data on the page we have to load it somehow

Note: you can test that the object is clean using this: 

Ok so i have moved the object into the file /js/test_object.json which now looks like this:

Test File: 


    "my_object_1": "value1",
    "my_object_2": "value2",
    "my_object_3": "value3"

How do we load this file?

We can use the getJSON from jquery to load it, and then dump it into the console

ok so i added all this and i get a bunch of codes returned. 


  my_json = $.getJSON("", function(json) {
      console.log(my_json); // this will show the info it in firebug console
/* ok so now we have my_json as a variable -- loop through it */
  for (var key in my_json) {
      if (my_json.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          console.log(key + " -> " + my_json[key]);

Which returns... 


readyState -> 1
(index):271 getResponseHeader -> function(e){var t;if(h){if(!n){n={};while(t=qt.exec(p))n[t[1].toLowerCase()+" "]=(n[t[1].toLowerCase()+" "]||[]).concat(t[2])}t=n[e.toLowerCase()+" "]}return null==t?null:t.join(", ")}
(index):271 getAllResponseHeaders -> function(){return h?p:null}
(index):271 setRequestHeader -> function(e,t){return null==h&&(e=s[e.toLowerCase()]=s[e.toLowerCase()]||e,a[e]=t),this}
(index):271 overrideMimeType -> function(e){return null==h&&(v.mimeType=e),this}
(index):271 statusCode -> function(e){var t;if(e)if(h)T.always(e[T.status]);else for(t in e)w[t]=[w[t],e[t]];return this}
(index):271 abort -> function(e){var t=e||u;return c&&c.abort(t),l(0,t),this}
(index):271 state -> function(){return i}
(index):271 always -> function(){return s.done(arguments).fail(arguments),this}
(index):271 catch -> function(e){return a.then(null,e)}
(index):271 pipe -> function(){var i=arguments;return S.Deferred(function(r){S.each(o,function(e,t){var n=m(i[t[4]])&&i[t[4]];s[t[1]](function(){var e=n&&n.apply(this,arguments);e&&m(e.promise)?e.promise().progress(r.notify).done(r.resolve).fail(r.reject):r[t[0]+"With"](this,n?[e]:arguments)})}),i=null}).promise()}
(index):271 then -> function(t,n,r){var u=0;function l(i,o,a,s){return function(){var n=this,r=arguments,e=function(){var e,t;if(!(i<u)){if((e=a.apply(n,r))===o.promise())throw new TypeError("Thenable self-resolution");t=e&&("object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e)&&e.then,m(t)?s?,l(u,o,R,s),l(u,o,M,s)):(u++,,l(u,o,R,s),l(u,o,M,s),l(u,o,R,o.notifyWith))):(a!==R&&(n=void 0,r=[e]),(s||o.resolveWith)(n,r))}},t=s?e:function(){try{e()}catch(e){S.Deferred.exceptionHook&&S.Deferred.exceptionHook(e,t.stackTrace),u<=i+1&&(a!==M&&(n=void 0,r=[e]),o.rejectWith(n,r))}};i?t():(S.Deferred.getStackHook&&(t.stackTrace=S.Deferred.getStackHook()),C.setTimeout(t))}}return S.Deferred(function(e){o[0][3].add(l(0,e,m(r)?r:R,e.notifyWith)),o[1][3].add(l(0,e,m(t)?t:R)),o[2][3].add(l(0,e,m(n)?n:M))}).promise()}
(index):271 promise -> function(e){return null!=e?S.extend(e,a):a}
(index):271 progress -> function(){return s&&(t&&!i&&(l=s.length-1,u.push(t)),function n(e){S.each(e,function(e,t){m(t)?r.unique&&f.has(t)||s.push(t):t&&t.length&&"string"!==w(t)&&n(t)})}(arguments),t&&!i&&c()),this}
(index):271 done -> function(){return s&&(t&&!i&&(l=s.length-1,u.push(t)),function n(e){S.each(e,function(e,t){m(t)?r.unique&&f.has(t)||s.push(t):t&&t.length&&"string"!==w(t)&&n(t)})}(arguments),t&&!i&&c()),this}
(index):271 fail -> function(){return s&&(t&&!i&&(l=s.length-1,u.push(t)),function n(e){S.each(e,function(e,t){m(t)?r.unique&&f.has(t)||s.push(t):t&&t.length&&"string"!==w(t)&&n(t)})}(arguments),t&&!i&&c()),this}

So thats progress as we are loading the data ok, but where is my actual object gone?

What we are seeing here is all the details that the json is returning, but not the actual data...

So what we want to get access to is the responseJSON object

How do we get access to the responseJSON object?

This bit! ^^^ how do i get access to you?,.. 

Ok after a bit of testing this seems to work: (need to add in a document ready)


/* lets try this one using each */
console.log("-----[ trying the $.each function ]-----");
$.getJSON("", function(result) {
   $.each(result, function(key, value) {

Yay its working!

Next i will do a demo looping through nested objects which is more annoying i think..


** the old object kept here for reference
var my_object = {
    "my_object_1": "value1",
    "my_object_2": "value2",
    "my_object_3": "value3"
  my_json = $.getJSON("", function(json) {
      console.log(my_json); // this will show the info it in firebug console
  // ok so now we have my_json as a variable -- loop through it
  for (var key in my_json) {
      if (my_json.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          console.log(key + " -> " + my_json[key]);

for (var key in my_object) {
    if (my_object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        console.log(key + " -> " + my_object[key]);

/* lets try this one using each */
console.log("-----[ trying the $.each function ]-----");
$.getJSON("", function(result) {
   $.each(result, function(key, value) {

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