Posted in php functions
12:12 am, January 10, 2022

make a nice readable date using a timestamp string function make_nice_date

handy if you have a timestamp like this:

2022-01-10 00:12:42

and want it to look a bit nicer. like this...

12:19 am, January 10, 2022


// makes a nice readable date from a mysql timestamp
	function make_nice_date($timestamp_string) {
		$nice_date = date("g:i a, F j, Y ", strtotime($timestamp_string));

// example with existing timestamp string
$timestamp_string = "2022-01-10 00:12:42";
$nice_date_out = make_nice_date($timestamp_string);
echo "<h3>make_nice_date example one</h3>";
echo $nice_date_out . "<br>";

// example with current timestamp string
$current_timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$nice_date_out = make_nice_date($current_timestamp);
echo "<h3>make_nice_date current timestamp</h3>";
echo $nice_date_out . "<br>";

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