Posted in php
6:20 am, August 31, 2018

file get contents reads entire file into a string

you can use the file_get_contents function to read a file or a web address


get a url content

$homepage = file_get_contents('');
echo $homepage;

get a file content

$file = file_get_contents('./sometext.txt');

read a part of the file. Start at the 11th character and read 20 characters

$file = file_get_contents('./sometext.txt', NULL, NULL, 10, 20);


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In this case my anchor this week becomes driving almost 2hrs outside of Atlanta to one of my favorite hard core gyms in the world.. MetroFlex aka The Dungeon. The gym owners turn the heat way up so it becomes a fun sweat box and the gym members just watch from afar and leave me alone. I happily drive myself long distances to find MY ANCHOR. Our anchor allows us to have balance, focus and be as productive as possible. And if you're in the middle of a heavy set and your headphones start to fall off your head, like mine did here.. well.. f*ck the headphones. Let em break and fall. You can always get a new pair, but the iron ain't ever gonna lift itself.