Posted in rs3
4:51 am, July 25, 2021

RS3 Post 99 Leveling Log

I will be adding all future levels here from 99 up. 

102 Slayer

Half a billion XP

103 Dung

still going, i missed the screen shot!

i hope they close the beach event soon so i can go and do something else!

104 Dung

yep the event is still going, but im out of ice creams now.

100 Arch

I started leveling arch again for some reason, i think its benificial to get to 120 in this skill and its fairly easy and satisfying.

101 Arch

DXP and im not sure what to level at the moment

100 Farming

brutish dinos hey, hmm have not heared of them

105 Dung

I missed the level! but 105 dung done. 

105 Arch

pretty easy to level mostly afk and then restore some artifacts to level

At level 105, return to Everlight and begin excavating the stockpiled art pile. While excavating, you will get between one and ten mosaic pieces. Use 300 mosaic pieces and the restored Hallowed Be the Everlight painting on the elevator to finish the Hallowed Be... mystery. This does not consume the painting. Going up the elevator, use the four bucklers, found while excavating piles/caches on each island, on the statues to start a light puzzle. Complete the puzzle, use the elevator to go up again, and use a kantharos cup on the light to complete The Everlight mystery.

I found this video helped on how to open that section for 105 arch

106 Arch

i think this is my highest single skill now, pretty easy to level, just a bit grindy and expensive. 

Now what do i do?

Level 106
Total experience between these levels is 2,713,437. 

At level 106 return to the Orthen Dig Site and teleport to the Observation outpost. Enter the site, interact with the Dragonkin Pylon and complete the puzzle by changing the symbols on the Pylon as follows: 3-1-5, 4-1-4, 1-6-7. This results in obtaining a Strange device. Interact with the device and then walk to the Moksha ritual site. At the site, interact with the Dragonkin statue and enter the following chat options: Sha, Cra, Lith, Kab. Then, as before change the symbols as follows: 5-1-6, 4-1-8, 5-1-4. Now you can enter the site and activate the Orthen teleportation device after completing first Incomplete Portal Network II and having 20 unnoted Orthenglass in your inventory. Use of Signs of the Porter is useful at this location. Otherwise, banking can be done by using the Portal Network to teleport to Base Camp and back to the Moksha Ritual Site.

I did a quick video on how to solve this one. its a bit annoying.

107 Archeology

i get lazy when typing and dont bother to type in the whole skill... yep. But sometimes i do.. ;)

where too next at 107 i wonder. a have a massive tab in my bank now, filled with arch stuff its getting to be a worry actually, as moving up to the bank limit thanks to this tab! annoying tab!


Look at this arch tab, and its not even all the items showing! cant really clean it up until i max out arch either. very annoying. 

107 arch ancient magic munitions location

i have no idea where this actually is in karet et dig site. hmm.

The wiki mentions it is here, and only accessible if the pylons are active or powered or something whatever that means. 

Guess i just have to wait out side until the pylons are active or something. Or just get some pylon batteries and power these up to access it. 

I have not added an update here for a while now well it seems like it anyway. 

106 Dung

While fishing, yep thats how many exp lamps i have used, i usually add them to slayer or dung.

103 slayer

yep its a slow one, but i have 3mil bonus exp, but still slow.

108 Arch

nice and easy, afk archeology. just doing the yak track at the moment. I think this will be my 1st 120. 

110 Arch

and i missed it, oh well still have the text.

95+ Divination Training

I have to grind these things almost every day to get enough porters for Arch training. 

I was just sitting and converting memories at the Level 95 poison wastes when i saw a message asking about the nightmare muspah familiars which act as a divination pak yack pretty much so all the memories you grab from the rifts go into them making it a slightly less painful process to harvest, the pouches are about 38k each so pretty good investment and last for about 60+ minutes. 

I think its a worth wile pet to have while training, and also make sure you hop to world 79 as there is pretty much always a community there doing the 95 div training, and there is always a enriched spring which makes it nice. 

101 Farming

yes i actually bothered to check my farm

Tom Cruise

I didnt realise he played?... ;) I guess he has a lot of spare time now. 

111 Arch

That was a quick level!

Back to stormguard again, just have to see where exactly. 

2800 skill total!

I quit my current clan as there was never anyone online anyway and the citadel was always locked, oh well. 

104 slayer

doing fire giants, just doing some easy tasks

113 Arch

half way there apparently to max? or to 120 i guess. dam. 52 million exp in arch. that is a lot.

114 Arch

I have not updated this in ages! Kinda over leveling really... but still arch is a really easy and AFK skill to level, just have to spend the money on porters. I think if i was going to get max in a level it would be this one. 

Now off to the Praetorian Remains for another few million xp. 5.8mil to be exact. 

At level 114, return to Kharid-et and begin excavating the Praetorian remains.

115 Archeology 

Now what, another location for 6 mil exp. Few days worth probably. 

Where too next? It seems we are now off to to the Warforge (Crucible) and begin excavating the Bandos sanctum debris piles. Have to also check i have completed the You Have Chosen... mystery.

Eh, i have not done that one yet.. annoying. 

Here is some feed back: i click on that and nothing happens, so i have to look it up on the wiki, how annoying is that. Pff.. in game documentation would help here.

So i have to have these items (or get them):

And then go to the bandos throne in warforge and look at it.

Finally a use for my 100 (actually probably more) random bank artifacts. Looking forward to maxing arch just so i can clean out my bank tab!

I think its this thing

So i added that spear on the throne and i dont know what to do next??... Apparently there is a hidden switch. 

Ah yep there it is.

Now off to Zanik to give her the spear. Now where do i have to go? Ah im a noob, she is right out the front of warforge. 

Ok mystery solved, now back to grinding for another 10 hours, lol.

116 Arch

Now according to the wiki off to... the Tsutsaroth remains.

Use your archaeology cape boost to get to level 117 (yeah i prob wont do that) to finish up your Saradominist IV collection (Sir Atcha) for Inspire Effort relic. Return to the Infernal Source (Dagon Overlook) and begin excavating the Tsutsaroth remains.

Uncovering the brimstone at 116 

And now we sit here for 20 hours!... (10 Nov)

So for the 116 Artifacts it seems i need the aetherium alloy which has caches on stormguard, so i guess im off there for a while to farm that. 

So after doing that for a while i decided that it was not really worth the grind, and just went back to the warforge 115 site, i think ill just stay there until 117 as its closer and the artifacts are easier to restore. 

102 Farming

I was not expecting this one, so only just grabbed a small screen shot!

105 Slayer

So somehow i got 105 slayer while, fishing. Figures

107 Dung

I like how i can level these skills while not ever actually doing them, just using lamps and other stars and things. I actually cant remember the last dung floor that i actually did. I guess its good for the skills you dont like doing that you can just skip them. 

Sparky Pet

Not actually a level, but noticed this sparky pet in my inventory while grinding spectres. Sparky the ranged pet. 

117 Arch

that one took ages as i swapped skills to mining to make back a bit of cash. Plus my bank spaces are not looking good thanks to arch, when i hit 120 im just clearing it out after checking i have done all the logs. 

106 Slayer

from lamps and other things, i cant remember the last time i trained slayer.

118 Arch

119 Arch

Nearly there, 9.7 mil to get 120.

120 Arch

And its maxxed... yay?

Even though the skill is now maxed, well 120 still has exp to go, im not really that excited.

Back to mining. 

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