RS3 Most Efficient Skilling Methods for Crafting




Skilling Supplies section on RS forums to buy/sell

Most Efficient Leveling Method

Cutting Dragonstones (Sell the Cut on Forums)


55 Crafting, Portable Crafters, Artisan outfit, Crystal Chisel, Ava, Raf.

Cost with Boosts

Experience per hour

955,000 (685,000) [5,000 gems/hr]


Video Source

5:49 am, August 18, 2020

id: 7
uid: 7n865
insdate: 2020-08-18 05:49:53
title: Crafting
skill: Crafting
most_efficient: Cutting Dragonstones (Sell the Cut on Forums)
reqs: 55 Crafting, Portable Crafters, Artisan outfit, Crystal Chisel, Ava, Raf.
xp_hr: 955,000 (685,000) [5,000 gems/hr]
notes: Skilling Supplies section on RS forums to buy/sell

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