RS3 Most Efficient Skilling Methods for Fishing
You can force a fishing contract for wobbegong every single time by going to Hubbub on Whales Maw. Reroll for large contracts for less time spent not fishing. Claim 2x Fishing Spot Islands for daily benefit. Chronicle Absorbtion prayer can be used to auto claim sliske endgame fragments
Most Efficient Leveling Method
Arc Fishing with Contracts
96 Fish, Crystal Skillchompas, Perked up Crystal Rod, Fishing Outfit, Fury Shark, Legendary Call of the Seas Aura, Perfect Plus Potion, Decorated Fishing Urns, Urn Enhancer, Granite Lobster, Sliske Endgame, Fishing Accumulator, Whales Maw Teleports, Ava, Raf. [Whopper Bait Scrimshaw optional]
Cost with Boosts
Experience per hour
500,000 (475,000)
id: 14
uid: TsaHg
insdate: 2020-08-18 05:49:53
title: Fishing
skill: Fishing
most_efficient: Arc Fishing with Contracts
reqs: 96 Fish, Crystal Skillchompas, Perked up Crystal Rod, Fishing Outfit, Fury Shark, Legendary Call of the Seas Aura, Perfect Plus Potion, Decorated Fishing Urns, Urn Enhancer, Granite Lobster, Sliske Endgame, Fishing Accumulator, Whales Maw Teleports, Ava, Raf. [Whopper Bait Scrimshaw optional]
cost_with_boosts: -
xp_hr: 500,000 (475,000)
notes: You can force a fishing contract for wobbegong every single time by going to Hubbub on Whales Maw. Reroll for large contracts for less time spent not fishing.
Claim 2x Fishing Spot Islands for daily benefit. Chronicle Absorbtion prayer can be used to auto claim sliske endgame fragments